Butterfly of Heat.


The dancer just stared at the tall rapper with his eyebrow raised. He doesn’t believe what the man has said to him. The idea was absurd, crazy and something that only would be in either fanfictions or some sci-fi movies in the far future.


“You’re kidding not?” he muttered, but the guy just shook his head.


“I’m really sure that it can be,” Minho replied but still the maknae didn’t believe one bit of what he has been saying.


It has been more then a week again and every morning Kibum would be in bathroom, puking everything he had eaten out again. It was seriously starting to worry the other members. Until today nobody could find a solution for the situation, until Minho said he might be pregnant. At first they had laughed it away, but the tall man was serious about what he has been saying.


The guy turned around without replying the guy again. He wanted to check on the other guy that was lying on the couch with his head on Jonghyun’s lap who was watching a drama on the TV. He sat down on the other side of the shorter guy, who looked up at him.


“What was that in the kitchen?”


“Minho said that Kibum might be pregnant. Come on he’s a guy.”


“You never know Taemin. I’m not saying anything,” the elder replied back and luckily for him the look he gave Taemin went unnoticed by the latter, “so when are you going to be together again?”


The dancer looked at him with a nervous expression, which came out of nowhere. His hands were clammy so…


“I-I d-don’t know. Can’t we discuss this later? He might hear us talking and you know how he gets when he’s woken up from his sleep like that,” the younger said while looking away again.


“Are you scared? Come on! Tell me. Do you want him back to be your lover?”




“And to be yours again?”




“And do you still love him?”


“Even more…”


“Why aren’t you taking the step then?” Jonghyun ended his questions.


Taemin thought about the words, while looking down at the floor. Jonghyun may be right, damn right actually. But he just couldn’t. No. He can’t not after all that had happened. He’s a monster and who knows what can happen later in their relationship when he is like this?


“I… I can’t I will hurt him again!”


“No you won’t…”




“Because I personally kill you when you act like that again. He wants you back, you want him back. Just try again. You’re supposed to be dating now, but all you guys do is sitting next to each other like nothing has happened. You two are going out and you will ask him that,” Jonghyun said sternly, pointing at the dancer who was gulping down the lump in his throat.


The young male wanted to retort to that burst, but didn’t have the chance. A loud moan from Kibum stopped him. Slowly the blonde woke up, stretching his legs and back, until his foot bumped against Taemin’s leg. He turned around again, staring at the boy who wore the most stupid smile on his face.


“I need to go somewhere,” the main vocalist suddenly announced, letting go of the rapper and standing up again.


There fell an awkward silence between them. The only noise that filled the room at that moment was the TV playing, but pans that fell onto the ground in the kitchen interrupted that again. Typical when you leave Jinki alone.


“I…I need to ask you something.”


Kibum turned his gaze to the boy, waiting for what will come next. The dancer was gulping down another lump, while staring into those dark brown orbs that made him flutter. His hands became sweaty but he needed to ask it. Jonghyun was right.


“D-Do… Do y-you want to g-go on a date?” the maknae stuttered, looking away from the burning gaze.


He missed the fact that the blonde suddenly wore the biggest smile on his face. Even though he had been reluctant earlier when he had kissed him, this was another chance to get closer and he was happy with that. He suddenly wondered if the shorter guy had something to do with it.


“Y-Yeah! I really want to!”


“What do you think of tomorrow? I decide where…” the dancer mumbled, a smile growing on his lips.


A nod was what he got as an answer. Something inside Taemin said he had to do something now. He leaned closer to the blonde man, kissing him on his cheek, smiling when he felt them heat up. After that he stood up and went back to his room, but not before doing a small victory dance when he was out of sight of everybody. 





A/N: Sorry for being a stupid writer that doesn't even update that much anymore. I've a good reason not to do so. This  takes all my time lately. My attempt on writing a passionate TaeKey that is realistic enough. (Nope.) Oh and if someone can help me with a title... I want a special one. I it's almost 5000 words not even finished yet! I'm hungry for more... and well I'm really hungry right now and I ate already a lot today. And subscribe (comment & upvote)

But hey ho... Don't dare to run here! I see you guys (I'm the eye of SAURON). No I've some big plans for this story so ... stay also here. 

Over and out. 

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From 71 subs suddenly down to 67. Was that change so bad?


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Ilonahaku #1
Chapter 44: May I have a quesiton? Did you delete the sequel that had a few chapters?
I remember that I definitely read a few more chapters of this story. T___T
Omg let me cry
dewdew90 #3
Chapter 4: whos that???
dewdew90 #4
Chapter 3: omo!!! cute..... key pregnant or no??
Chapter 44: And I wonder...where's Myunghee?...since like 5 or so chapters I didn't read her in it...xD
Chapter 39: I feel so sorry for Myunghee more than anyone else; all that stress going on around her can't be good for her mental development.
Chapter 43: Aw. Fluffy ending is always the best. Puts a smile on me!! Thanks for completing it! Have been a long way :D
Ilonahaku #8
Chapter 43: Nice wrap up! ;)
I was really nervous what would happen in this chapter, I was scared that papparazi would take picture of them on a date or that something bad would happen.
I love their winter/snow date, it was so cute - especially the park part.

It is kinda sad to see that Taemin tortures himself for the thing which he did to Kibum. It is good that he realized his mistake, tries to make up for that, but if he stays so "broken" for a long time, it wont be ok, either. Yeah, he can´t forget his past, but he has to accept it and move on.

Looking forward to the Reality of Dreams. ;)
Ilonahaku #9
Chapter 42: Congratulations on receiving Photoshop CS6! \^o^/
You must be so happy that you can use this new program!
(It reminds me myself, when I got my first Photoshop - Photoshop 8. It was great time and enjoyed working with that program a lot and I still do. ^^) I am sure you will create a lot of amazing stuff with the new Photoshop. ;)

Wow, your poster is amazing!!!! *___* Dont apologize that you still have to work on some details! I really like it a lot, it looks so professional and neat!
I also love the title for the sequel, it fits perfectly and it sounds beautiful. ;)

Wow, I am thrilled that there will be sequel to Butterfly of Heat, I am looking forward to it a lot! <3 Yay! Yay! ^o^
I didnt know at all that you were going to write a sequel. XD But it is such a nice surprise! Good luck with writing and enjoy it!

Have a nice day! ;)
P.S. I would be interested in getting to know your tumblr. ;)
Ilonahaku #10
Chapter 41: I really like the direction which this fanfic is taking now. :)
I am really excited about the mistery of Key´s sickness and I am happy that Taemin proposed to go on a date. Key is so happy because of that offer. And I believe the date will help them to move on. :)
I am looking forward to the next chapter a lot. :D

P.S. Good luck with your other fanfic. ;)