Butterfly of Heat.

Everybody was nervous. Their manager was about to bite his nails while he was looking at every nurse or doctor or assistant that passed by. Secretly he was hoping that their blonde member was healthy because otherwise he had to explain a lot to the company. The father of the child, Taemin, was walking up and down the hall, losing his calm with every second that was passing by. He wanted to go inside and keep his hand, but he was immediately kicked out. Their argument was because this was something rare and the baby was coming too early.


The leader of the group looked up at the nervous boy. He could sense that the dancer was now more nervous then the 25th of May in 2008, the day they debuted as a group in front of cameras. But he couldn’t say a thing himself because he was dying on the inside too. The closest friend of the blonde wasn’t looking. He didn’t dare to look up at someone passing them because he was too scared that someone would stop and tell them his friend died. Minho had the back of his head resting against the wall, sighing deeply because his heart was racing like crazy. They may not be the friends that could do everything – like Minho described it himself they are ‘evil friends’ – but he doesn’t want to lose him.


“Taemin please calm down…” their manager said, getting even more nervous from the behaviour of the youngest.


He came to halt while looking over at the eldest man in their middle. His eyes were big and filled with a mix between anger and nervousness. The last bit of self-control just left his body.


“Oh you don’t know what is happening in here, manager-hyung. You ing don’t know. I’m may be losing the guy I love the most. I’m scared something will go wrong! I don’t want to lose two people in there!” by the end the young man was yelling in the face of their manager.


The man was sitting there with his eyes wide. Normally he would punish the maknae for such behaviour or threat him with losing his contract, but he was too much absorbed by the whole situation that he couldn’t care. He couldn’t scold the young boy because of his liking for the others also Kibum. There was no news coming, even after already half an hour there was no news.


“Taemin… please,” Jonghyun finally spoke up and let his hands fall down next to his body.


He stood up and before the younger could throw a fit at him, he had his arms wrapped from behind around the boy. Finally he felt go of his emotions and turned around in the elder’s embrace, softly crying. This huge amount of emotions was making him sick. All he wanted to know was if he was alive yes or no. They stood there in the middle of the hall and it seemed like hours. People pushed past them, bringing other emergency patients in but they kept in that embrace until the dancer broke away. Finally he could sit down next to the tallest and the shortest member. But the nerves got the best of him, tapping his foot hard on the ground, making everybody even more nervous.


“Taemin-ah!” they all said and the two nudged his ribs from both sides.


Still not a single doctor appeared, bringing them some news. Suddenly nurses were running through the doors towards the operation room and back. This time it was their manager who grasped someone, asking what was happening. The four boys that were left all looked up to him, seeing how he looked defeated while letting go of the woman’s arm. He was stumbling back to his seat and their leader was the first one to ask.


“Hyung? W-What’s wrong?” he questioned but had to gulp down the lump in his throat because he had a feeling something was going wrong.


“I-I…H-He…” he stammered not finding the right words while he was sitting there.


“What?” Taemin jumped up and yelled at him, but immediately the tallest one pulled him on his seat again.


“T-They…hadtoreanimatehim,” he rambled the words but still all were confused about the situation.


“Hyung…say it again. Slowly this time,” Jinki said, placing his hand on his arm and waited for him to repeat the words.


“They had to reanimate him,” the manager whispered but all had heard it.


It was like time and space suddenly didn’t exist for the youngest. It was like he suddenly fell in a deep, black hole were no one could pull him out. But he still did. He stood up and was about to go through the doors that brought him to the operation rooms, but was held back by the tall rapper. He felt how tears escaped his eyes and how he fell down on his knees, with Minho trying to help him. The brunette was too stubborn and shrugged the elder off him, leaving him alone. He knew something had to go wrong. This isn’t even a normal pregnancy to start with.


The doors opened again and he looked up, recognizing the doctor as the one that did those check-ups on his friend. He smiled while reaching his hand out to help him back on his feet. Also the other guys had gathered around him, shooting questions at the poor man but he just tried to calm them down.


“Guys… Let me speak to the father first. Because the child is perfectly healthy,” he started, making them already a bit calmer, but then again there was the question about Kibum.


“And? What about Kibum? What happened in there?” Jonghyun shot questions but the leader had to hold him back.


“Well… it almost went wrong. We almost lost him when the child was already removed. But I can tell you…he’s still alive, only he is unconscious and we don’t know when he will wake up. It’s not a coma, so don’t worry,” he assured them while smiling and patted the youngest his shoulder before leaving them alone in the hall.


Somehow… they couldn’t control themselves and started to hug their maknae to death. Or well... almost.


A/N: I've to keep my promise right? Right? So I would say head over to my blog (http://www.asianfanfics.com/blog/view/479586) and read the sneak peak of 21 there.

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From 71 subs suddenly down to 67. Was that change so bad?


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Ilonahaku #1
Chapter 44: May I have a quesiton? Did you delete the sequel that had a few chapters?
I remember that I definitely read a few more chapters of this story. T___T
Omg let me cry
dewdew90 #3
Chapter 4: whos that???
dewdew90 #4
Chapter 3: omo!!! cute..... key pregnant or no??
Chapter 44: And I wonder...where's Myunghee?...since like 5 or so chapters I didn't read her in it...xD
Chapter 39: I feel so sorry for Myunghee more than anyone else; all that stress going on around her can't be good for her mental development.
Chapter 43: Aw. Fluffy ending is always the best. Puts a smile on me!! Thanks for completing it! Have been a long way :D
Ilonahaku #8
Chapter 43: Nice wrap up! ;)
I was really nervous what would happen in this chapter, I was scared that papparazi would take picture of them on a date or that something bad would happen.
I love their winter/snow date, it was so cute - especially the park part.

It is kinda sad to see that Taemin tortures himself for the thing which he did to Kibum. It is good that he realized his mistake, tries to make up for that, but if he stays so "broken" for a long time, it wont be ok, either. Yeah, he can´t forget his past, but he has to accept it and move on.

Looking forward to the Reality of Dreams. ;)
Ilonahaku #9
Chapter 42: Congratulations on receiving Photoshop CS6! \^o^/
You must be so happy that you can use this new program!
(It reminds me myself, when I got my first Photoshop - Photoshop 8. It was great time and enjoyed working with that program a lot and I still do. ^^) I am sure you will create a lot of amazing stuff with the new Photoshop. ;)

Wow, your poster is amazing!!!! *___* Dont apologize that you still have to work on some details! I really like it a lot, it looks so professional and neat!
I also love the title for the sequel, it fits perfectly and it sounds beautiful. ;)

Wow, I am thrilled that there will be sequel to Butterfly of Heat, I am looking forward to it a lot! <3 Yay! Yay! ^o^
I didnt know at all that you were going to write a sequel. XD But it is such a nice surprise! Good luck with writing and enjoy it!

Have a nice day! ;)
P.S. I would be interested in getting to know your tumblr. ;)
Ilonahaku #10
Chapter 41: I really like the direction which this fanfic is taking now. :)
I am really excited about the mistery of Key´s sickness and I am happy that Taemin proposed to go on a date. Key is so happy because of that offer. And I believe the date will help them to move on. :)
I am looking forward to the next chapter a lot. :D

P.S. Good luck with your other fanfic. ;)