" Little secret. "

The awkward word " LOVE ". [Editing]

“ What? “ Sohyun asked again as if she didn’t hear what L’joe just said.

L’joe whines. “ Come on, You heard it. “
“ Heard what? “ Sohyun raised one of her eye brows. She eventually knew what L’joe said and now she’s trying to .

“ Hamster, I said it clearly and loud enough for you to hear. “ L’joe said frowning.

Sohyun tilts her head. “ Said what? “

“ Never mind. “ L’joe said as he covers himself with a blanket.

Sohyun giggles. “ I love you too. “

L’joe immediately sat up after hearing it. “ Jinja!?!? “ He felt like he just won the lottery. He felt like the world was his.

“ Ani. “

“ Aish. Sohyun!! “ L’joe whines again.

Sohyun throws a pillow at him. “ Pabo, You heard me. “

L’joe hugs Sohyun tighly and kisses her cheek. “ Kwon Sohyun, Starting today… You’re officially mine. “ He smiles at her.

Sohyun turns red like a tomato. “ You better not hurt me. “

L’joe chuckles. “ I won’t and I will never hurt you. “ He hugs her again.

Sohyun doesn’t know how to describe how happy she is. “ I know you’ll never hurt me Byunghun. “


Night came and Leo was getting ready for sleep after they had they’re dinner.

“ Mommy… “ Leo yawns as he rubs his eyes.

“ Yep? Better go to sleep Leo. And by the way, Mommy and Daddy needs to go to school tomorrow. Okay? “ Sohyun tells Leo as she smiles at him.

Leo could only nod because he was too sleepy.

“ Aigoo. “ Sohyun said as she lies Leo down on the bed. “ Goodnight Leo. “ She kisses Leo’s  forehead.

“ Night Mommy. “ Leo said before he drifted to dreamland.

Sohyun fixes Leo’s blanket and went to the door to head out but surprisingly she meets L’joe.

“ Oh, L’joe. Leo’s sleeping already. And I’m going to bed as well. “ Sohyun smiles as she was about to go out when L’joe blocks her.

“ Not so fast. Where’s my goodnight kiss? “ L’joe said smirking at her.

Sohyun sighs and kisses his cheek. “ Can I go now? “

L’joe shakes his head. “ Not without this.. “ He pecks her lips.

Sohyun slaps his arm. “ Goodnight. “ She smiles at him one last time and heads out of L’joe’s room.

L’joe rubs his arm and heads to his bed and lies beside Leo.

Finally, You’re mine. “ L’joe smiled as he recalls their first meeting.

Nothing will come between us…

That’s what L’joe thinks.. for now.


The next day, Sohyun and L'joe finally went to school. They decided not to tell their friends about their realtionship yet. 

“ Sohyun! Oh my god we missed you! How are you? “ Hyuna said as she hugs Sohyun.

“ I’m fine. “ Sohyun giggles.

“ Wait, What’s with all that smiley face? “ Gayoon asks suspecting something.

“ Nothing. “ Sohyun gives them a smile and sits on her chair.


“ Well, Gotta go!! “ Jiyoon said as she and Gayoon drift off to their class.

“ Hey, Miss. “ Sohyun heard someone whispering to her. She turns around to see L’joe sitting on his seat.

“ What do you want mister? “ Sohyun asks as she glares at him.

“ Nothing, I just wanna look at you all day long. “ L’joe answers as he stares at Sohyun.

Sohyun sticks her tongue  out at L’joe and faces front.

L’joe just smiled at her actions. “ I’ll protect you like how my dad protected my mom. “

“ I smell something fishy. “ Changjo said as he leans closer to L’joe looking at his smiling face.

“ What?? Nothing’s fishy. “ L’joe said seriously.

Changjo nods and leans back on his chair.

“ So, What happened while we were not here? “ L’joe asks.

“ The dance performance is canceled!!! “ Changjo jokes making Hyuna slap his arm.

“ Yah! You’re making up! “ Hyuna said glaring at Changjo.

“ I was just joking! Why so serious?? “ Changjo shot back at Hyuna.

“ Whatever, GIANT! “ Hyuna said loudly emphasizing on the word ‘giant’.

“ What did you say?? Yah, I’m not!! I’m naturally tall. Not like you! “ Changjo said.

“ Yes, You are a giant!! And whatever!“ Hyuna said almost shouting at Changjo.

“ No! “

“Yes! “

“ No! Damn it! “

“ Yes, Capital Y - E - S. “

Sohyun and L’joe looks at each other and nodded.

“ Yes!!! Giant!! “

“ No!! You dwarf!! “

Hyuna and Changjo continued to argue until the teacher came.

“ Ms. Kim and Mr. Choi! What’s going on? “ Ms. Hwang, They’re English teacher said.

“ Nothing. “ Hyuna said as she looks at the front.

Sohyun looks at Hyuna as she tries to hide her laughter.

“ I hate you. “ Hyuna mouths at Sohyun.

“ Sorry. “ Sohyun said quietly and makes a ‘peace’ sign with her hands.

The class started and L’joe would help Sohyun if she gets confused since he knows English.

“ Aish. My minds gonna blow up! “ Sohyun whines as she reads the notes written on the white board.

“ Hey, Be quiet. “ L’joe said poking Sohyun’s shoulder.

Sohyun glares at him and continues to copy the notes on the board.

An hour later recess came.


Sohyun sighs as she stands up and packs her stuff.

“ You okay? “ L’joe asks.

Sohyun nodded. “ Let’s go? “

L’joe stands up and grabs her hand.

“ Not here. “ Sohyun said letting go of his hand.

L’joe looks at her and smiles. “ Okay. “

As usual, 4minute and Teen Top went to the cafeteria together.

“ Half day today. Mr. Park announced yesterday. “ Gayoon said.

“ What? Why? “ Sohyun asks.

“ Everybody’s gonna prepare for the sports fair tomorrow. “ Gayoon answers.

“ Jinja? “ Sohyun said.

Gayoon nodded. “ Yup, And we’ll be practicing the whole afternoon. “

“ Dance practice? “ Sohyun asks again.

“ Yesh. “ Gayoon said munching on her bread.

“ Yah!! What the hell is wrong with you!!! “ Hyuna said as she looks at Changjo who was beside her.

“ What? “ Changjo looks at her innocently.

“ Why do you keep on messing my hair?? “ Hyuna said.

“ I was not!!” Changjo complained.

“ You did!!! “ Hyuna said pushing Changjo.

“ Yah, Can we eat out meals quietly? “ CAP said making the two stop.

Hyuna and Changjo glares at each other and just continued eating.

“ I can feel something. “ Sohyun said smiling as she looks at everyone.

Everyone looks at Sohyun in confusion except for L’joe who got it.

Sohyun giggled as she glances at Hyuna and Changjo.

“ Ooohhhh…. “ Everybody nods excluding Changjo and Hyuna.

“ What? “ Hyuna asks.

“ No, Nothing. “ Jiyoon said smiling at her weirdly.

“ Come on people!!! “ Changjo whines.

Chunji pats Changjo’s back hardly. “ It’s nothing maknae. “

Hyuna and Changjo just continued to eat their meal since they knew no one would tell them.

“ Guys,  I’m just going to the rest room. If you want you can go ahead at the classroom. “ Sohyun said as she stands up.

“ Arasso Sohyunnie! “ Hyuna said as she waves cutely at Sohyun. 

" Ugh. Trying to be cute. " Changjo said roling his eyes. 

" Yah!! " Hyuna slaps Changjo's arm.

" Argh. " Changjo groaned it pain. 

Sohyun giggled and fixed her skirt and started to walk when 
L’joe grabs her arm.

“ I’ll be there. I won’t cut classes. “ Sohyun give him a assuring smile.

L’joe let’s go and nods. “ Okay. “

Sohyun left leaving everyone suspicious.

“ Are you two together? YOU FINALLY ASKED HER?? “ Niel said as his eyes went big.

“ No!!! “ L’joe said denying it.

“ As he said.. ‘best friend’. “ Jihyun said looking at everyone.

L’joe nods.


Sohyun was at the rest room. She looks around and saw no one. “ No one’s here. “ She said as she looks at the mirror.  

“ Well.. well…. Hi there Sohyun. “

Sohyun widen her eyes as she saw Lizzy and her friends at her back through the mirror. She immediately looks back.

“ You freakin girl. “ Lizzy said looking at Sohyun madly.

“ Lizzy, Please… I’m not in a mood to fight with you. “ Sohyun said as she walks passing by Lizzy.

“ Not so fast shorty. “ One of Lizzy’s friends pulls Sohyun making her hit on the wall.

Ahh. It hurts. “ Sohyun thoughts she rubs her back.

“ Does is hurt? Awww. I’m sorry little baby. “ Lizzy said as she slaps Sohyun by the cheek.

“ Lizzy, Please stop. “ Sohyun said almost crying.

Lizzy laughs at Sohyun. “ Oh, Please. You’re just like your family. Acting good and nice so you could steal money from others!!!! “ Lizzy shouts at Sohyun.

“ That’s not true!! “ Sohyun said as tears flow down her face.

Lizzy punched her stomach making Sohyun scream in pain. " Ahhhh~ " 

“ That’s for seducing L’joe!! And this is for your father!! “ Lizzy punched Sohyun’s stomach again.

Sohyun cried in pain as she sat down on the floor.
“ You think I won’t know what your parents did?!?!  You think I won’t know about you’re little secret?? You’re dad’s a stealer!!! And so you are here trying to seduce L’joe to take his money away!! L’joe does not deserve you!! Stay away you little brat!! “ Lizzy said as she bent down to Sohyun’s level and slapped her on the cheek.

Sohyun closed her eyes. She thought not to talk anymore so that Lizzy would stop but she guessed wrong.

“ Speak up brat!! “ Lizzy pulled Sohyun’s hair.

“ Ahhh! Please stop!! “ Sohyun said crying.

“ Awww. “ Lizzy let’s go of Sohyun’s hair and stands up. “ Finish her. “

Lizzy’s friends nodded as they tortured Sohyun. They pulled her hair, slapped her and punch her stomach. They did everything just to bring Sohyun in pain.


“ Enough. It’s time. “ Lizzy said making her friends stop.

They left the rest room leaving Sohyun crying in pain.

Someone… Just someone…. “ Sohyun said as she felt like she was dying.

She tries to stand up but she failed. It just hurts so bad. She just sat on the floor hoping someone would come in and help her.

Minutes past but no one came. Sohyun suddenly lies on the floor, unconscious.

I know...... Its .... ;-; And sorry for making Lizzy the bad person here. I totally love her! ;3; 

I just think she suits the role..... ( / , \ )

I should probably stop making this story already. OMG NO! -_____________- 

Who do you think will save Sohyun?? L'joe?? Check it out on the next chapter. xD 


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haneulsong #1
Author-nim, please update very soon...can't wait for the next chapter...btw, good luck....
Joehyun*-*; chu....
Chapter 32: Update. Update. Please. Im dying to know ><
norah_4nia #3
omg!!!!! i think i just fall in love with joehyun couple !!!!! but still .. i ship sohyun & illhoon <3
vis_qiao #4
Chapter 32: How about the next one? Plssssssss..........
Author-nim, please update... It has been a few months since your latest update....
Chapter 19: Why did L.Joe's "Mom" die?
this is sooo freaking awesome!! pls update soon and let sohyun be with l.joe and vice versaaaaa!~~ kyaaaaa ><
Chapter 32: Please let be l.joe with sohyun .. .
Chapter 32: kyaaa sohyun was waiting for him DD:
hope lizzy will change soon!
update soon ><
Chapter 32: i hope there gonna be a change in Lizzy's personality ^^