Chapter 2

Who Should I choose?


Hi, I'm Sparrow. Weird name but its unique. I’m 17, Junior College (JC) year 1.

I'm a wallflower as mentioned before. I blend in like a chameleon.  To make myself feel better, I’m going to say that chameleons' are cool creatures with awesome talents.

As you know, I have just gotten my heart broken. To think that that jock, L.Joe would love me... I was dreaming. Haha... someone like him with me... Why didn't I see that it was a joke? Now the entire school knows. Why did he have to dump me in front of everyone? Why? Couldn't he have done it somewhere else? Some where away from the eyes of the eagle-like crowd. Some where quiet... Now I don't know if I can show my face to the school again... I couldn't drop out. I couldn't change schools... My father will be against it from the very start I ask about it. If I told him I got my heart broken, I would also get ignored…Why did mother have to be the one earning more money, travelling on business trips to clinch deals? I missed her dearly. She's coming back soon but for now, I would have to live with my father who only cared about Mother's feelings. My brother wouldn’t be of any help either.

 Okay, I strayed a bit from what I was saying.

L.Joe dumped me after our two months together. This shows how naive I can be when it comes to love. You might be thinking I was stupid, I agree but I couldn't help it. HE'S L.JOE! The damn school's popular guy. Any girl would want him for keeps. 

Even ‘better’, L.Joe’s my first love.  I want to him to be mine.



Continuing where I left myself at the open plain…


I turned around and wanted to walk off when I saw this guy, looking at me with a puzzled look on his face. Oh no, I should have checked! He smirked as he saw me freeze up when I saw him. He started to walk to me. My cheeks were flaring up…this is not good. “Loud shout you got there, huh?” He asked. His voice was so velvety; it was the first I’ve ever heard of in this town. Maybe he’s a newcomer, I thought. “Yeah… I guess,” I replied still embarrassed. He chuckled, “Hi, I’m JR. My friends call me that.  I’m new here, just moved in this morning. I found this place not too long ago. Let me guess, this is your quiet place?” he gestured with the inverted commas at ‘your quiet place’. I nodded, “ I guess you can phrase it that way. I’m Sparrow. Welcome to Lavender Aisle?” He smiled at my ‘welcome’. His smile was gorgeous! I looked at him from top to bottom. His hair was a beautiful light brown; his eyes, a marvelous brown that complemented his tanned skin. He was about 1.75 meters tall, good build and long legs; I bet alot of girls would… Wait a minute, why am I thinking about these things?

“Hey, hey, are you okay? You’re zoning out for a bit,” he pulled me back to reality and patted a spot on the grass next to him, “sit down, keep me company, what do you say? Got some time to spare?” He asked again. “Oh, sorry… sure, why not?” I sat myself down and the conversation just flowed like a never-ending stream that lead out to the deep blue sea. We talked about everything and anything. From the South pole to the North.

I found out he was 18 and he was going to my school, JC year 1 student. He was going to drop down on level to be on par, he came from Korea. We talked about L.Joe. When I told him the entire story, he immediately shifted closer and put an arm around me. “Cry if you want, I’m here, my shoulders are your to cry on now,” He offered. Touched, yet there was no tears. I got over him already. It’s fast but I don’t dwell on things of the past.

I had this fuzzy feeling in me, it felt good yet had a foreboding to it. It couldn’t have been love right? I mean, its too fast. I just got dumped by L.Joe a few hours back. There’s the aftertaste you see.

We exchanged phone numbers and got up to walk home. It was already dinner time, I had to get back. He walked me home and before he left, he whispered, “Night pretty, dream of me and I will dream of you.” I froze at ‘pretty’ and ‘dream of me’ and ‘dream of you’. His breath against my ear, was really ticklish. I tried hard not to squirm. He stepped back and winked. He left and as I was about to step into the house, he shouted, “CALL ME! Nights!” I just blinked at him as I saw him smirk and walk away for real. Is he for real? Why is he like that? I’m really confused, is he showing interest in me? Or was it because he was trying to make me feel better after today’s events?

“You coming in or not? Don’t let the flies in!” My father said out loud from the sofa. “Oh sorry, papa. Thinking about something. How’s your day?” I said as I closed the door. I was still thinking about JR’s words. 



Chloe's note:

This story is based on a essay i was supposed to write for a work shop with no topic. Free writing. Then I came up with this. 

Well, second chapter's up. I hope there will be more people reading. I have to shamelessly go and promote:( 

Thanks for reading. 


Frances' note:

Hello guys!!! I'm the co-author of this story!!! Make sure to read, comment and subscribe!!! 

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BAP is coming to our country!!! I really want to go!


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Chapter 30: Oh my, I'm crying ;__; I'm glad there's nobody sitting near me since I'm sitting on the bus :D
Funny though I kinda liked this ending too, a lot, even though I'm usually not that fond of sadness. (hmm.. Lately it seem to have changed o_o)
Thank you for updating and thank you for this story~!! >_< I enjoyed reading it and sorry for being a silent reader for so long. *bows*
Chapter 29: Omo. This ending was lovely! >_<
I loved the way everything was cleared up. Just oh my gosh, my feels!<3 And it wasn't rushed or anything. :33
I'd like to read the other ending too~
Chapter 28: You just made her less hateful for me. o_o I mean, I feel sorry for her turning to someone like that. Gosh, feels really odd to think that maybe she's not that bad... BUT A CLIFFHANGER!?!? Omo, how can I deal with this now? Have to calm down. Ok. I'll wait. *repeats the word 'patience' for herself*
And I really wouldn't say that about the chapter. It kinda got me feeling that I saw a bit deeper into her character.
Chapter 27: Oh, I have been really busy for a long while and hadn't have time to read this story. I just want to say that I really like the story even though I'm one of the silent ones. And omo, wae JR?? That's so evil o_o
Oh and I love the fact that you want to keep writing , because I love reading. >_<
I'll try keeping some noice as a reader from now on. Pinky swear!! (I don't know if this comment makes any sense cause I'm so tired. I should be sleeping already)
Chapter 26: 1Q84... and wow i did not think JR would do something like that. I mean I know he loves her but do you really do that to somebody you love. Oh. Np with the whole subscribing thing I love your story can't wait till the next update :)
Chapter 8: ummm... tHat is soo sweet L.Joe still loves her but it is still bad what he did to her ... I am a big L.Joe fan (L.Joe Oppa FTW) but I hope she goes for JR he is soo sweet to sticking up for her
Chapter 14: Sorry if I'd filled up your comment too many. I just can't hold this feeling inside me...k k k :p what I wanted to say is...I'm starting to hate Sparrow/myself!!! don't blame me...the way you describe JR's feeling is making my heart ache badly. :'( I love JR...I don't want him to be hurt, but...I hope L.Joe will love Sparrow truly too...What should I do???? I love you Chloe and Franny XD <3
*sorry, I was too excited and dramatic
Chapter 13: I really love these updates...thank you for updating :D <3
I got confused somehow...Because I biased both of them..L.joe is FREAKIN' enchanting, and JR?? He's more than INCREDIBLE XD