Just Once

“It’s feeding time, baby!” Dara leaned over to pick up the three-week infant and then cuddle him on her arms. 

She starts feeding him with her own milk.
At her back, on the door, Jiyong is about to enter the room but stopped in his mid step as he saw Dara slowly dancing with the baby while singing to him.
“Dara…” he uttered softly while looking at her from her back.
After almost a year of struggling to be with his family, Jiyong has successfully and happily starts a life with them again and now with the new-born Baby Jiyong around.
Coming home---to her, is the wisest decision he ever had in his life and the only thing he is sure he would never regret at all. And seeing her carrying their son in her arms made his eyes misted because of an unexplainable happiness emerging from his heart.
He stood there---staring at her--- for a moment until she perhaps sensed that there’s someone watching her that she turned around and made her eyes went to the door.
Her soft calling of his name instantly creates a smile on his face.
“Sweetheart…” He moves to his feet towards her.
“Ready for work?” she asked looking at him with her both beaming eyes.

He leaned and kissed her. “Yes, sweetheart. How’s our baby?” he asked as his eyes went to his little boy.
“He’s growing like a good boy. And much to my joy that he’s not growing up like his father.” Her giggling comes after that.
“I’m already a good boy, Mrs. Kwon and will remain good boy for my son and daughter and for my beautiful wife.”
They both laugh at that remark.
“Can I carry him?” he asked as his eyes fondly lay on the very small and angel-looking baby boy.
“No, no you can’t. I’m feeding him, can’t you see.”
“Okey, I’ll just carry the mom with the baby then.”
With that, Jiyong carried her wife and son in her arms.
“Ji, put me down. I’m heavier now. I haven’t loose a pound.”
“Hahahha! Even if you gain a hundred more, I can always carry you, sweetheart.”
“But you’re on your suit already! And you’re going to be late…”
Jiyong sits down and puts Dara on his lap.
His both arms embraced around her.
“Thank you so much.” He told her sincerely on her eyes.
She smiled to him. “For What?”
“For everything…”
Her brows twisted up. “For everything?”
“Yes.” He whispered on her ear. “For showing and giving me all the wonderful things in my life, Baby.”
“Are you really happy with all these things, Ji?” She asked, meeting his eyes.
“Yes. Very much.” He answered kissing her.
She had closed her eyes and felt those kisses.
“I love you so much, Dara…” he told her and slowly let go of her lips.
She opened her eyes. “I am the happier that you chose to come back to us, Ji. You just don’t know how I prayed all these years that this day will come for our family.”
“Well, thank you so much for those prayers. They saved me.” He replied smiling and his eyes went to his son. “I love you too Baby Jiyong. You and Sandy.”
Her eyes also flew to her son. “He’s really such an angel, Ji.”
“Yes, because his mother is the beautiful mother angel.”
Her sweet laughter fills the whole room.
And for another more minutes Jiyong spends time smiling and laughing with both the mother and child.
“Bye! Bye, Papa…” Sandy shouted as he walked to his car and Sandy with Dara and Baby Jiyong on her arms sent him outside.
“Bye! Bye! Sandy!” He replied waving his hand.
“Bye! Bye Papa!” Dara said in a child voice, making the small Baby Jiyong face him.
Jiyong laughs and waves his hand at Dara and Baby Jiyong too.
“Papa, are you coming for lunch?”
He widely smiled. “Yes, of course young lady.”

“Uhuh…don’t make a promise you can’t do, Mr. Kwon. You have an out of town lunch meeting today with your father, if I may remind you.” Dara said, making face at her husband.
“Oh!” Jiyong left hand went to scratch his head. “How forgetful I am now to not remember that…had I really aged because I have children already?”
“Well I’m only twenty five and I know I am thinking right for this age and even look like younger for twenty five. I don’t know with you Baby Boy why you think like you’re already in your 60”s.”
Sandy and Dara both laugh at the same time.
Jiyong faces them with his both hands placed on his hips. “So you two are making fun of me huh!” he jokingly said. 
“Of course we’re not!” They chorused then laugh heartily again.
Jiyong Jr. maybe because of their loud laughter gets frightened and begins to cry.
Dara easily sways and lulls the baby. “Ssshh.. stop crying baby.. Mama’s here…shhhh.”
“What happened?” Jiyong who walked back to them asked as he also held the baby’s little body.
“Papa, maybe Baby Ji doesn’t want you to leave.” Sandy butts in.
“Uh? B-but…yeah I can just cancel-”
“No, Ji you leave now and start your work. I can manage with these two.” Dara said with her full attention still on the baby.
“You sure, sweetheart?” Jiyong asked worriedly.
Dara lifts her eyes to him, “Yes, Mr.Kwon. Go now. You’ll going to be late.” 
“If I can still make it I will get back earlier, okey.”
Baby Jiyong crying begin to stop. “It’s up to you, Ji. But please don’t worry much about us. I can handle this, sweetheart. Look Baby Jiyong already stopped from his crying.”
Jiyong lips smiled. “Okey. Just call me then when things went out of your control.” 
“Okey, as you said so, Mr. Business Man.”
He leaned to kiss Baby Jiyong and crumpled Sandy’s hair. “Sandy while I’m away, you should take care of your brother and your mother, okey?’
“Of course, Papa I will!” Sandy happily replied then tip toed to give his father his kiss. ”Drive safely, Papa!”
“Thank you, young lady.” He turned again to Dara and kissed her. “I’ll call you as soon as I arrive at the office.”
She nods at him, smiling. “Try to concentrate on your work, Ji. I can handle these things. You don’t need to think too much about us while you are in your office.”
“How easy for you to say that? You know how much I wanted to just spend the whole day with you and our children and forget about those works.”
She laughs. “Well if you do that, if you stop working, what would be the future of our children be like, huh?”
He nods his head smiling. “Yes, I know. I should be working hard for both of them.” 
“So? What else are doing here, Mr. Business Man?”
He giggles. ”Yeah, yeah I should be going now.” 
Jiyong moves to step back to his car.
“Bye! Bye! Papa!” 
“Bye! Sandy! 
“Bye, Ji! Good Luck!”
He again smiles at them. “Bye! Bye, Baby Jiyong!” And then gets in to his car.
Sandy is already sent to her school. Baby Jiyong has fallen asleep. Dara is roaming around their room thinking of something that could kill her time. Just when she is about to sit in front her computer, her CP rings.
‘Hello?” she asked over the other line as she grabbed the phone.
“Dara, Bom here!”A loud and sharp greeting from the other line.
“Bommie-ah! How are you? When did you arrive from your family trip?” she excitedly asked her best friend. 
Bom and Youngbae and the rest of their family went for a one year trip abroad.
“Only now, we just landed actually. Guess why I have phoned you?”
She softly laughs. “You missed me so much?” she replied jokingly.
“Oh, well yeah but…there’s something you need to know.”
“Huh? What's that?” she inquired curiously.
“She’s here again. My eyes are at her at this very moment.”
“Bom what are you talking about? Who’s she?” 
“The slxt who else!”
She laughs aloud. “Bom? Who is that you’re talking about huh?”
“Ahn Sohee!”
“Yes! And what the hell is she doing here! If she wanted to do some scandals again and used Jiyong to make a career here, well I wouldn’t care doing a scene here dragging her out of this country!”
“Bom will you calm down…” 
“HA! Aren’t you going to do something about her! Tell me, do you want me to slap her face, to kick her, to-“
“Bom wait!”
“Can you do me a favor?” she asked in a soft voice.
“Of course! You’re Dara. You are my best friend! You slow head!”
She chuckles. “Hey, Bom! Yes, I am Dara please don’t talk to me like I’m Youngbae.”
“Oh, sorry sorry my dear. I just had an irritating conversation with that pig head!” Bom explained.” That idiot still doesn’t want to get back here! And was really furious at him until now!” 
“Well, you are not Bom and Youngbae if you two don’t get in a fight like that.”
“Well yes! Grrrrrrrrr!’ Bom exclaimed and they laughed in chorus.
“I’m glad that you’re back Bom just in time for Baby Ji's christening.”
“Really? Oh, yeah I almost forgot about that newborn little Jiyong of yours. I’ll see you later. I’ll be going there after we put our things back to the mansion.”
“Okey, well see you then!”
‘Hey! Wait! Didn’t you mention that you want me to do you a favor? Come on what is it? Do you want me to make this bxtch earned her own dosage of medicine for what she’d done to you?”
“I’m already happy in my life now Bom. I don’t think that there is still a need for me, for us to do such things.”
“I don’t want to think of what happened in the past. I have learned to let go of all the pains I had because of her. I am very secure now of our family. I know that nobody can take Jiyong away from us anymore. No one can ruin our life now. And I really don’t care of whatever reasons she has in her mind for coming back here. Only she could affect us if I allowed it but in my state of mind right now, I don’t think I could permit her to do it again. I love Jiyong so much. And I love this family a lot that I will do everything to have this complete.”
Dara heard a sniffing from the other line.
“Bommie-ah are you okey?” she asked in sudden panic.
“Oh, Dara you made me cry for that…”
She laughs again. “I’m sorry best friend…”
“I’m so proud of you woman. I really want to see you now.”
“You’ll be here later right? I’ll wait for you. I’ll cook something for us.” She excitedly told Bom
“Oh thank you…” Bom gladly uttered.
“See you later, Bom. I have to hang up now I heard Baby Jiyong's cries.”
“Okey! See you later, Dara! BYE!”

“Ji!” Dara rose up and went down the bed to walk towards Jiyong who has just entered the room.
“Sweetheart…”He quickly opened his arms and welcomed Dara’s body as she kiss and embrace to him. “ How are you, sweetheart?”
“I’m fine of course, how about you Mr. Business Man?” her both arms went around his neck. And her eyes lovingly laid on his.
“I had closed two merging today.” He answered in a wide smile.
“Oh, that’s good to hear. Still want to hold on with your title huh?”
“Hahahha! I guess I have to…for you my beautiful wife and for our wonderful children?” He kissed the tip of her nose. “By the way, how are the kids?”
“I told you I can handle them. They both enjoyed hanging with each other. Baby Jiyong is really like Sandy when she was still a baby. They don’t give me such a hard time.”
”Really? So it is only me who always been a burden for you.”
“Hehehe! Sort of!” she giggled.
He pouted. “I’m sorry…”
She moved her face closer to him and brushed her lips against his. “It’s okey. You’re longed forgiven….”
He eyes wandered on her face. “You’re so beautiful, Baby.” His hands rose up from her hips to her face and cupped it. He pressed his lips on . “I love you so much.” He told her softly as his tongue begins to seek for an entry.
“Ji…” she uttered then welcomed his kiss.
As his kiss deepens, He hands slowly lift her petite body and lay her back to their bed.
“I love you, sweetheart…” he told him as he let go of her lips.
Mesmerized of the good looking face leaning on hers, she can’t help but gave him her sweetest smile.
His hands caressed her soft skinned pretty face.
And teasing him, she did the same.
That brought him into laughter.
That she also joined in.
“I have something to tell you, Baby.” The excitement on his voice paralleled with the glowing of his eyes.
“Oh? And what’s that huh?” She asked tracing the contour of his face with her finger.
“I’m sure you’ll love hearing this, sweetheart.” 
“Then tell it to me, now Mr. Business Man.” Her finger plays on his lips.
He gives her a quick kiss. 
She laughs again. “You’re making me excited to hear that, Mr.Playboy”
He laughs like her. “Really? So how about giving me something wonderful in return after I told you this, huh?”
“Hey! You’ll give me something and you obliged me to also give something in return, how rude are you?” She jokingly hit him.
“Am I? Hahaha! Okey, okey I’ll just wait for what will you be rendering after you hear this. I am sure that you’ll be glad to hear this and for that you will give me something in return, I knew it!”
“Wow some kind of confidence you have!” she exclaimed unbelievably.
“Okey, listen to this sweetheart.” He moves his body so as not to put all his weight on her as she was pinned down with him on top of hers. “I talked to Mrs. Wee…I had also closed a project with her.’
Her eyes instantly glittered. “Mrs. Wee? You mean my recording manager?”
“Come on tell me…what project had you closed with their company?” 
“I told her to work on another album for you. And if I have to sponsor it, I would do.”
“What!” her arms quickly encircled around his neck. “You will do it,? Are you really serious about this?”
“Why would I kid around about this if this is one thing that could make my wife happier, huh?”
“Oh, sweetheart…” she rained him kisses on his face.
“I told you you’ll love hearing this thing.” He smilingly told her. Staring at her very happy expression.
“Then I guess I also have to tell you something too.”
With that, Dara switch place with Jiyong, making him under her, and her on top of his body.
“Really?” He loudly laughs. “You also have something to tell me, sweetheart.”
She slowly nods. ”Uhuh…”
“And what is it then?” he asked now playfully grinning.
“Did I tell you already that I love you?”
“Uhm? Of course you did a hundred times already. Why?”
“Do you want me to prove that?” 
“Huh? Baby what-“
His questioning stop on his mouth as he saw Dara ily stared at him and her hands went to his shirts.
His eyes glowed widely.
“Hey! I thought-------you just give birth, sweetheart!”
“Stop it MR.KWON! Don’t act as if you don’t anticipate this!” she yelled out.
Jiyong laughs hardly.
And it didn’t take long before that room is filled again with whispers and silent sounds coming from the union of two bodies sharing one soul…

                                                                            THE END.

yay! It's already finished. thank you guys for reading and subscribing in this stoy I owe you alot.

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Unixai21 #1
Chapter 24: Nive story.. Thanks authornim
prettyunnie #2
Chapter 5: Oooohhhh!!!! That was sooooo sweeeet ^^
misx06 #3
Chapter 24: read it again.. i really like this story.. thanks author-nim
mrschoi09 #4
Chapter 24: Ohmygad!i really enjoyed dis thank u so much..bless u :-)
mrschoi09 #5
Chapter 15: Ririn couple son is cute haha!aigoo im imagining their kids n the future lol
mrschoi09 #6
Chapter 5: Ohmygadd!my daragon heart..i cant contain my giddiness keke!!
mrschoi09 #7
Chapter 5: Ohmygadd!my daragon heart..i cant contain my giddiness keke
yey i finished it already, but i kinda sad coz i'll miss this story :( but hey, i can read it again in future hahahaha silly me.

for u who read comments before read ff, i recommend this story to u. lil spoiler for u, this is happy ending story :)
DGlover #9
awwww.:"> that's so sweet. :""""""""""""""""""">
ItssCheska #10
Kyaaah! Great fic! ^^