Chapter 11: First things first

Just Once

Chapter 11



The ringing of the bell rushed her to door leaving the washing of dirty dishes she’s currently doing.

“Hi! Sweetie!”The sunny smile that comes from the man who pops ups in front of her after she opened her door is very much engaging that made her to smile back to him.

“What are you doing here?” she happily greets back, opening the door widely to have him inside.

“Checking on you what else?” he says cheerfully, eyes fixed on her

.“And why is there a need to check on me, Mr. Gorgeous?” She asked putting her two hands on her hips then she softly chuckles. They are exchanging with their familiar lines again. 

“Well,” Jaejoong crosses his arms in front his chest and grins widely like he used to do to fully annoy her,

“a small bird whispered to me that there’s a--” She hits him. “Heh! Quit it, Jae! You’re saying things again!”Jaejoong lets out a hearty laugh then follows her as she steps back to kitchen.

“What are you really doing here? I thought you are busy preparing for your next movie.” She asks, opening her fridge to find something to serve him.Jaejoong picks a chair first and sits his self before he answers her. “Yes, I am but I thought of dropping by here first to check on you. You’re really drunk when I sent you here and Mr. Kwon's eyes were burning like he would bury me alive when he saw me coming with you. I just want to find out if he confronted you about it…I can- I can talk to him and explain that us…you and I ….that there’s really nothing going on between us.”

“Ow?” she smiles teasingly and walks to him placing a large bow of salad in front of him.

“I thought you have a crush on me, Jae? And lately I’ve been wondering if our friendship may go into something special?”


Jaejoong meets her eyes and mischievously smiles back at her. “In asmuch as I adore your angelic face, shapely body and easy to please personality Dara Park, I also love my one and only life, sweetie! I rather kept my hands off from you than feels Mr. Kwon hands on my handsome face.”She lets out a hard laugh.

“I didn’t know that you are that scared with Ji?” She hands him a plate and a fork then a glass of juice.

“I’m not scared of him for your information, sweetie. I just know how to respect other man’s properties. You belong to him and I really don’t have plans of getting what does not belong to me.” Jaejoong answered straightly, scooping now some food to his plate. 

“I already don’t belong to him, for your information too.” She says, pouting as she leans on the sink counter.Jaejoong raised his eyes back to her after he made his first chew.

“Yes, you are not physically with him and may not be legally belongs to him any time now but you know in your heart--- emotionally, that you will be forever attach to him because you are so in love with that man, Dara. And I know you will not learn to give that love to any man again than him.”She remains quiet for a moment…that hits her. Jaejoong eyes watch her carefully.

“I hate you Jae. You upset me.” She told him in disgust. 

“Whoa! I’m not doing anything wrong here, I just stated a fact. Why didn’t just forget that divorce thing and accept him with open arms. The man I guess is serious now on having you back, sweetie.”She glares at him.

“It’s easy for you to say because you are not in my shoe, Jae. You just don’t know what I’ve been through from of what had happen between us.”

“Oh, I knew what you’ve gone through, sweetie. That’s why I’m encouraging you to give him a second chance and stop living an empty life.”

“I’m okey with my life now, Jae. I am happy with what I have.”

“Tell that to the marines, Dara.” Jaejoong drinks his juice.She bit her lips.

“I already learned to move on and live a life without him. I think I can still continue living the rest of my life without him.”


“Then what about Sandy, huh? Will the child be forever happy with her life having a family like this? ” She looks down.

“Give these things a chance, sweetie. Fight for it this time.”

“But I-I don’t have plans of competing with that woman of him just to have him back in my life.”

“Ah, so you’re just jealous of this woman, huh.” Jaejoong resumes to his eating.

“Of course I’m not!” She sharply replied. “Who do you think she is?”

“Ha? Well the woman is any man’s type of ideal girl, sweetie.” Jaejoong said trying to annoy her again.

“I too, I also prefer that beauty, model-like and elegant looking woman like her. That type of her is really hard to resists, you should know that.” He gives her a sarcastic smile and continues with his bite.With annoying face, she takes her steps,

“So you both men are just the same! You and Jiyong can both go to hell!” she shouted then walked out of Jaejoong sight leaving a crazy like laughing man in her kitchen.




Sohee gracefully walks to her door after she heard a bell ring coming from it.“Ji!” In an instant her face shows a very y smile and flings to him then gives a kiss on his lips.

“What brought here, hun?” She holds his face with her both hands and locks his eyes with hers.

“I need to talk to you,” Jiyong said seriously then gently pulls his self from her and looks at his back.

“I come here with Youngbae.”Jiyong knows that Sohee already recognized his brother’s presence when she flung her self to him but then Sohee shows a surprise reaction when Youngbae greeted her with a small “hi”.Sohee let them inside after she too greeted Youngbae back.Youngbae has uttered some slang bad words when they were face with two men and a woman with cameras and video cams roaming around her room and had stopped discussing when they saw them.


“Oh! Don’t mind them. They are not from media, Youngbae.” Sohee says looking at Youngbae’s disgusted face.

“They are my close friends.”Youngbae just shakes his head and says nothing then slumps his self on the couch.Sohee takes her eyes from him and looks again to Jiyong who remains standing.

“So what do you want us to talk to, Ji?” She asks, looking innocently at Jiyong’s face.Jiyong just gives her a blank expression.

“Oh, I forgot my manners,” Sohee walks towards her kitchen, “I’ll just get you some drinks.”


“Sohee, there’s no need of that.” He says stopping her in her arm.Sohee looks at his hand on her arm, “Okey,” she looks up, “maybe we can talk in the veranda.”Jiyong stares at her, studying her.Sohee smiles, “You would want everyone here to hear our conversation, won’t you?”

“I won’t mind.”

“Well,” she pressed her self to his body and whispered, “I mind.”She pulls him outside to the adjacent veranda.Sohee stands in front of him and watches his face. “You seem to be so serious, hun.?” she raises her both hands and clings them around his neck. Is something wrong?” She tries to kiss him again but Jiyong moves off from her.“Stop these scenes of you, Sohee. These are all non-sense.” He said in straight face.

“Oh! What’s going on you, Ji?” she asks massaging her temple.

“My migraine is acting up again.”

“I know we already settled these things in ourselves, Sohee. And I have clearly told you that I’m coming back to my family. Please, spare us of those scenes of yours. You have used me enough to maintain your status. Don’t push me to do things that will make you lose all those.”



Sohee frowns. “Why do you have to talk to me like that, Ji? You’re hurting me…you spoke to me as if I am the worst person you ever met in your life. We are good at each other, Ji have you forgotten those times already?”

“I-I’m sorry..I really don’t want to be rude but-”Sohee envelops him in a tight embrace and begins sobbing; she has cuts him off on what he is saying.

“How can you think that breaking from you would be that easy for me, Ji? For two long years I have learn to live my life around you. I’ve been obedient on what ever you want me to do. I have served you well and I know I have made you very happy. I have erased all those sorrows in your eyes and all those longing in your heart--- I have taken you from your miserable life, Ji…how could we end just like this?” she holds on to him tighter.

“ I love you, Ji. I have learned to love you!”Jiyong breaks away from her and holds her on her shoulders, looking at her intently.

“You will never learn to love me, Sohee. Don’t fool me.”

“Ji?” she asks puzzled.He let go of her.

“You’re not in love with me, Sohee. You’re just using me…you and your manager, Lyn.”

“W-what are you talking about, Ji? How can you not believe me here?” 

“You know from the very start that I never insist my self to you….it is your own will that you stayed with me.” He stops for a while, “And you know why you chose to be with me and make the whole world believe that we are in a relationship…it’s is for your own good.”

“Jiyong…”Sohee begins shaking her head, “I can’t understand you. If there’s only one reason why I have never left you is because I truly love you. If you can’t-”

“Stop fooling around.” He hissed, rising his hand in front her, motioning her to stop.

“I know that your friendship with your manager---with Lyn, is not simply as what everybody sees it.” He saw Sohee’s color faded.He looks at her with conviction.

“I know that you are in a relationship with her Sohee and not wanting the whole world to know about this for it would mean the end of your career, you stick your self to me because being with me will be a good cover up for this. Now, let’s have a good deal with this, Sohee.” He walks around her.


“Leave this country and stop hurting my family then your secret will be safe with me.”Sohee’s shoulder rises up and down.

“You can’t do this to me, Ji…”He gives her a stare, warning her.

“You know I can, Sohee. You should know that I can do everything if I want to.”She cries.Seeing her so helpless, Jiyong hardly closes his eyes.

“I don’t want us either to end up like this Sohee but you failed to listen to me. I know this is so unfair of me to do this to you…but this the only way I know now to stop you.” He glances back again to her,

“I’m taking my second chance with my family. I’m begging you to let me do it, Sohee.”She doesn’t utter a word. She just keeps her head down and goes with her crying.

“I’m sorry,Sohee. I ‘m sorry…”With that Jiyong takes his step and leaves her.




I'm getting excited for the future updates myself..


more daragon moments right? *wink**wink*

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Unixai21 #1
Chapter 24: Nive story.. Thanks authornim
prettyunnie #2
Chapter 5: Oooohhhh!!!! That was sooooo sweeeet ^^
misx06 #3
Chapter 24: read it again.. i really like this story.. thanks author-nim
mrschoi09 #4
Chapter 24: Ohmygad!i really enjoyed dis thank u so much..bless u :-)
mrschoi09 #5
Chapter 15: Ririn couple son is cute haha!aigoo im imagining their kids n the future lol
mrschoi09 #6
Chapter 5: Ohmygadd!my daragon heart..i cant contain my giddiness keke!!
mrschoi09 #7
Chapter 5: Ohmygadd!my daragon heart..i cant contain my giddiness keke
yey i finished it already, but i kinda sad coz i'll miss this story :( but hey, i can read it again in future hahahaha silly me.

for u who read comments before read ff, i recommend this story to u. lil spoiler for u, this is happy ending story :)
DGlover #9
awwww.:"> that's so sweet. :""""""""""""""""""">
ItssCheska #10
Kyaaah! Great fic! ^^