Chapter Nine : Run

Kidnapping Plan


-Daehyun POV-


So, don’t you go to school?”

It was already 4 P.M, they were sitting comfortably in the couch –which seems to be their favorite spot— the remaining of their breakfast-slash-lunch scattered on the table.

“Of course I went to school...”

Youngjae pouted cutely, a habit which Daehyun developed to like. They were still apart by a meter but at least they weren’t in the opposite side of the couch just like earlier.

“So why aren’t you in school now?” Daehyun raised an eyebrow, “Dedicating your life to your side job as a kidnapper?”

“It’s Sunday, you pabo!” Youngjae stucked out his tounge, mocking Daehyun unawareness of time.

“Aiishh, this kid jinjja!” He throw a pillow to him, and Youngjae just laughed. The ankward air had been lifted and they were a lot more comfortable which each other now. Youngjae will start to smart-insult him occasionally, but still remained as the shy-and-clumsy Youngjae most of the time. They could’ve been friend if it was in a different situation. When Youngjae wasn’t the kidnapper, and Daehyun wasn’t the kidnapped. 

“So you’ll go to school tomorrow and come in the afternoon?” Daehyun asked, genuinely curious. It must be ultra boring without Youngjae around. “Or you’ll release me tomorrow?”

“No, not yet...” Youngjae answered while shaking his head lightly.

“The money?”

“Yup, money...”

Okay, the because-of-money talk had became boring and Daehyun hate the fact that it always dampen the situation.

“But still you won’t be here all day tomorrow?” Daehyun didn’t give a damn on how he sounded like a protective and desperate boyfriend right now.

“No...I have school, and actually I should be back soon....I have homework to do.”

Daehyun stifled a laugh. What had gotten into this kid’s head? Is he even sane? Here he was conducting a huge kidnapping plan involving one of Korea’s biggest rising star and he was worried about what? Homework?

“You don’t have any idea how much I hate Chemistry...”

Daehyun couldn’t take it anymore and bursted out laughing. This kid is really something.

“Yah! What are you laughing at!”

Youngjae bombarded him with playfull kicks and punchs, Daehyun laughed even louder. Feeling ticklish from the touch. He defended himself and grabbed both Youngjae’s wrist. Suddenly staring at him with serious face.

“I’ll miss my kidnapper a lot.”

Youngjae’s face burned red and he leave with a loud, “I’m leaving!”, ignoring Daehyun who busily laughing his heart content. Something that he observed frequently happens when Youngjae’s around.



-Himchan POV-


Ummaaaa~ I get boreeed”

Himchan sighed when the little maknae whined for only-God-knows how many times today. He also understand that sitting in front of your laptop, sorting out something as absurb as fanboy’s photos, is deathly boring. But still, he didn’t even get a better job himself.

Usually, he would be more than glad to surf through fancafe. Reading Babyz comments about how he’s such an ulzzang and how funny he was. But scrolling down Daehyun’s thread searching for ‘a possesive comment or something that seems out of place and strange’ –that how the leader described it for him— was another case.

Umma is not enjoying this either Junhong-ah...believe me...”

Appa is such a headcase, huh?”

Himchan smiled a knowing smile at Junhong, he’s still a kid after all. “Just keep it in mind that this is for your Hyung, will you? Don’t think about your stupid Appa, just for your poor Hyung...”


Junhong reluctantly resumed his work with a pout. Well, at least they have something else to do beside mourning for their friend’s dissapearance. They have something to distract themselves from crying and cussing and breaking things in their dorm. They even have the mood to invent this joke about Yongguk who actually had a crush on one of his fanboy he met at the fansign, and made them do this to get his number. Like, if that even possible. I hope not though.

So, where was The Majestic Bbang at the moment? Well, after receiving the cold shoulder from his bestfriend, death glares from the loyal maknae, and goofy smiles from Jongup –that kid, seriously— he have the conciousness to actually excused himseld to buy them foods. Not before receiving a lot of orders, including cakes, chocolates, candies, and things which is far from being dinner though.

And for him, after reading Babyz comments in the fancafe now he had the urge to actually made some TV appearances. No, this is not about him missing the camera and spotlight. But reading Babyz thought and how worried they were, Himchan felt the responsibility to share their thought with them. To give them some ease, and their decision if things come to the worst. Something that had been bugging his mind in a while, and only Yongguk knows about.

“Hyuungiiiee~ play with meeee~”

He sighed as he look at his watch, Yongguk better be back soon before he actually flipped a table to his face later.




-Youngjae POV-


Youngjae had come to the conclusion that staying with Daehyun will slowly corrupted his health. It’s definitely bad how Daehyun always made his heart beat in such an inhuman rate. How his head went fuzzy and light whenever he was around. He always surprised him with his sudden action. Constantly sending butterflies to his stomatch. He’s like a drug that dangerous but so tempting at the same time. And Youngjae knew it well that he had to restrain himself from coming too close to the beautiful addiction.

Right when he conducted his plan, he perfectly know where he’d stand. And it’s not even close from being Jung Daehyun’s friend.

However, he was too stubborn to actualy listened to his brain. And he know that he had crossed the invisible line somehow. That there’s no way back for him –or Daehyun— without getting hurt.

“What should I do, huh?”

He breathed to the cold air. Adjusting his coat as he left the hotel lobby. He bowed to some of the employees who’d already familiar with him with his constant visits here for these past years. Being the sole heir of this hotel chain surely help his plan a lot.

“Would you like a ride, young master?”

He politely refused the offer. He’s in the mood for a walk and he really need some fresh air. He also remembered that he should to stop by a certain chocolate shop for Daehyun. Wow, It’s scary how he actually enjoyed living like a satelit in the orbit of a big planet named Jung Daehyun.

He quicken his pace as the wind started to send shivers down his spine. He had chemistry homework to do and he completely refused to die from hypothermia. Not yet, not until he accomplished his mission.

The sight of the shop lightened his mood and he soon found himself wrapped in the thick layer of chocolate’s warm scent. The effect was calming and pleasing. No wonder, people –including the Food Monster Jung Daehyun— loved this. “I want that one, that one...and that.” He pointed to some delicious-looking chocolateS and waited for the shopkeeper to wrap his order. The shop was pretty much crowded, people were busily looking for the upcoming sacred 14th’s gifts.

He was in the middle of leaving the shop when his gaze suddenly met with a pair of eyes staring intensely at him.

He gulped down nervously, racking his brain for some reasonable explanation. No, he must’ve been mistaken. The man must be looking at the magnificent bunny-shaped chocolate display between them instead of him. Yes, he should just walk away from this shop peacefully while pretending that he didn’t know that person.

Because there’s no way for B.A.P’s Bang Yongguk to actually recognize him or his kidnapping scheme already....right?

But when Yongguk moved towards him, colors instantly drained from his face and his whole body screamed : RUN.





This is what I've got after too much spazzing on BAP's teaser...

Like....I was killed in one shot, and It took time to get back to my computer... *okay, stop that lame excuse! ahaha

But seriously, that teaser was just asdfghjkl;alkjkghfgsxcfgbnkml;'/l.k,jgfdsdxc vbn, *too much feels*

and jae, waeeeeeeeeee~


I hope you still like this update >.<

Thanks for commenting and sorry that I couldn't reply you one by one >.<

Throwing loves to all of youuuu~ <3


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Chapter 19: Update pls author nim T,T
alicedivergent #2
When will you update authornim? >.<
Chapter 19: UPDATE SOOOOOOON!!!! >< OMO! I kinda can feel what Daehyun's feel TT^TT it's creepy yet ironic
mayatot #4

blackcatz #5
Chapter 19: what happen to youngjae???
Chapter 19: tell me its just a dream!!!!
Chapter 19: ...what happened to Dae's Jaejae~
Black_x_Rabbit #8
Chapter 19: YOUNGJAEEEEEEEE Waeeeeeeeeeee???
Chapter 19: omg! I didn't expect Youngjae to change like that! are those his real intentions? i knew he wanted the best for Daehyun but i was so sure youngjae wouldn't want to disband the group that daehyun holds so dear...
i still feel like what i just saw wasnt the real youngjae...because he kinda felt so innocent and not confident about his plan, but suddenly he pulled out the bad guy soliloquy and told daehyun all about his plan and kinda...creepy feelings haha.
despite that, whether this youngjae or the nicer youngjae is the real excited to find out!
Thank you so much for the amazing update<3333