Chapter Eighteen: Horizon Expectation

Kidnapping Plan



“Are you sure, Daehyun-ah?”

Something was off in the way Youngjae spoke. The plain coldness sent quiver down his spine, churning the inside of his stomach menacingly. The usual warm and soft melody turned into a droning tune. As though the piano had suddenly went off keys. The younger looked at him with distant and void eyes, like there’s something missing. As if the fragments that constructed Youngjae was slowly slipping away from his grip. Daehyun unconciously tighten his hold on the younger, clutching desperately just to convince himself that everything was okay. That he could still reach out into the slowly dissapearing boy.

“O-of course...” His voice surprisingly came out as a strain. He cursed himself inwardly; everything was okay, nothing was wrong, you shouldn’t act like this. But his trembling body refused to lie. He was afraid.

“Do you know the term Horizon Expectation?”

What’s with Youngjae and his sudden trivia today? It drove Daehyun crazy. He shook his head, still not beliving himself to utter any word.

“It’s the term usually used in literature, play or movie. You know? When the main characters said something like ‘It will be perfect if there’s no intruder today’, or ‘I hope there’s no rain today’, and suddenly, at some point in the story, the thing –which the characters didn’t want and expect to happen- happened. But us, as the reader, knows that it will happen eventually from the time the character uttered those words. It’s called the Horizon Expectation; something that gives us some kind of premonition, an ironical premonition, and made us expect something unexpected in the story....”

Daehyun stared at the the other, trying to figure out the connection between all this nonsense, and the way he had changed. Nothing.

Maybe he was afterall, just plain stupid to notice.

The younger tried to shift his body, but Daehyun squeezed him deeper into his hug. He needed nothing but the warmth radiated from the other. Something to tell him that everything’s all right. And he didn’t care how much desperate he came accross.


He just keep wishing that there'll be nothing wrong.

That they'll stay just like that.

Maybe, forever.




The van stopped into a halt a few meters from the Seoul Hotel, and soon Junhong could see Manager Kang approached them. They had changed from their costumes into casual clothes, but there’s nothing casual with his feeling. He was so damn nervous. He kept fidgeting in his seat, and Jongup had to smack him once because he was being a total distraction in their discussion.

“Hey guys!” Manager Kang entered the van with a wide nervous grin. Well, who can blame him? If the company knows what they’re doing, he will be in the top list of the unemployed division. “How’s the press conference?”

“Stop the dilly dally already, Hyung” Himchan cut off his attempt to start small talks harshly, Manager Kang pouted in his seat. Himchan just wanted to get it done quickly. Really.

“At least greet me, you ungrateful child!”

“Aish, stop it guys! Really....” Yongguk rubbed his temple, trying to drive away the building stress. The haven’t even started yet. “So, how it is, Hyung-ah?”

Manager Kang dug his phone from his pocket, fumbling with it a bit before finally show the rest of them a set of images. Zelo craned his neck from the backseat. It was Youngjae, the suspicious fanboy.

“It’s him right?” Everyone nodded in harmony. “Well, when you finally gave me his photograph he was nearly out of the coffee shop. I was lucky that it wasn’t that crowded and I actually noticed him before. I tried to follow him and yes, he entered Seoul Hotel...”

The thing is, when he and Jongup had shown up at the boy’s school and talked to some girls –well after they had calmed down and could finally answer their questions with coherent words— they instantly got the boy’s name. It was Yoo Youngjae. He was pretty popular because he’s smart, cute, and a billionaire –well, his parents are. He had pretended to search for the boy in regard of a surprise dedicated-Babyz special occasion, and he didn’t really know how the girls had bought his lame excuse. Well, thanks to me and how cute I am, Junhong had thought. But maybe it was half because Yoo Youngjae itself was known as a very hardcore BAP fans by many.

Then, one information led into another. By the end of their chat –which was half the screaming and shouting nonsenses from their fans— they had known a few things; Yoo Youngjae is Daehyun biased (‘Gosh, you should see how happy he is everytime he watch Daehyun’s performances, oppa!’), he’s the sole heir of the Seoul Hotel chain (‘He’s one of the top riches in the school, oppa!’), and he had been skipping school or just wasn’t paying any attention at it these past few days (‘He must be very shocked by the kidnapping, oppa....’). Well. Little did those girls know about the kidnapping.

And why did they keep calling him oppa?! I was probably younger than most of them, Junhong cringed.

After that, they had tried to gather as many informations regarding the boy. And it was difficult. The information –or event a single photograph— of the boy seemed to be completely wiped off of the internet, their sole source of information. After flipping through pages of useless informations, Junhong had made up his mind; emergency situation calling for a drastic measure.

And that was how they ended up sneaking into the school’s teacher’s room.


It was supposed to be a secret from the hyungs. ‘I got it in the internet’ was what he had said earlier.


‘Junhong-ah, are you sure?’

Junhong rolled his eyes, hoping that his hyung could see it in the dim-litted room. Of course he was sure. They’re already in the teacher’s room. Duh.

‘What if we get caught?’

‘If only you could shut up for a bit Hyung-ah!’ He hissed at his beloved hyung. They had successfully got here with so much struggle –who said being this gigantic is such a given, huh?— that’s why he won’t be coming home empty handed.

He scanned the dark room for a certain shelf. ‘Science A.... Science A... Scie— it’s there!’ He motioned for Jongup to move over and they silently skidded to the long row of wooden box. Trying be as quiet as possible.


It was a blur for him how they had ended up running to their van while holding onto a very important map with ‘Yoo Youngjae’ written on its front.

Well, being a former troublemaker actually helped at times like that.


They had shown it to Yongguk and Himchan, and they had finally believe it.

The boy is Yoo Youngjae, 18 years old, a senior in his highschool. His track record –and grade— was exceptional. He was known as a friendly and kind guy. The sole heir of Korea’s biggest hotel chain. A BAP fan. And might be Jung Daehyun’s kidnapper.

How did they ended up with the last ‘fact’ by the way?

It was like rearranging a puzzle. Who he was, how Yongguk had met him in the shops near the hotel –with something that only Daehyun could probably eat— how he ran away from Yongguk, his fanpage posts and his current ‘dissapearance’ from it. And their gut feeling.


Mostly their gut feeling, though.


“So, it’s in the 77th floor?” Himchan asked.

“Yeah, it’s their best suite and it was currently going under some maintenance. It was the perfect place for hiding Daehyun...” Manager Kang answered, “The maintenance started the day Daehyun was kidnapped. I asked the shop owner accross the street that that day, very late at night, they seemed to bring a big machine to the hotel. He remembered it because he had directly asked one of the worker out of curiosity...”

“So, do you think that....” Jongup trailed off. He wasn’t sure about the whole thing.

“Inside that ‘machine’ might be Daehyun. This maintenance order came directly from the young master’s order –which is Yoo Youngjae— who was known as the good boy he is by the other workers, so it won’t draw any suspicion. It wasn’t the first time the young master deals with the hotel matters. His parents believe him that much.”

The van filled with silence for a while as they tried to process everything.

“That’s it!” Junhong exclaimed. Fist pumping the air.

“We have to go and save Daehyun!!” Himchan piped in hysterically. Even Yongguk was smiling a satiesfied grin

“The question is....” It was Jongup, his face uncertain. “How would we sneak up up there without anyone noticing, beating the bad guys, and actually rescue Daehyun-hyung without making any ruckuss? We’re idols”


Moon Jongup sometimes was just this genius kid stating the most obvious fact.


How Junhong sicerely hoped that this plan won’t turn into a suicide mission



There’s nothing else that Youngjae wanted to do but return the embrace, to draw soothing circles in the older’s back and telling him everything was all right, that he didn’t need to be afraid and he wouldn’t go anywhere.

And he had to fight himself not to do so.

It broke him to see the older’s hurtful eyes. It pierced his heart to feel the trembling body desperately holding onto him. He wanted to cry, but he knew he had to be stong. He had to do this no matter how much it will hurt him....and Daehyun.

I’m sorry Daehyun-ah....        


“Let’s watch the TV....”

He wiggled out of Daehyun’s tight embrace and turned to face the television keeping his voice and expression as cold as possible. It wasn’t easy. He took the remote and lazily flipped through the channels, until he finally found the one that he wanted to watch –and shown to Daehyun. It was currently five minutes to seven. It’s about time...

Daehyun looked at the younger questioningly, confused by the younger’s sudden interest in the TV program. When he finally averted his gaze and looked at the TV screen, it was exactly when the female announcer said something that perked his interest.

‘The rising boy group, BAP, was holding their first press conference regarding the kidnapping of one of their member Jung Daehyun. The group had finally open up to the media about the six days they went without their member, how they feel about it, and their reaction to the kidnapper’s demand on their disbandement’








Hello thereee my lovely subbies~ ^^

I wasn't really satiesfied with this chapter, I think it's . But because I've tried --and failed-- to edit it, then I'll let it be >___<

I hope you enjoyed it! I hope this wasn't a dissapointment. I was busy and I just can't bring myself to write when I'm exhausted #sobs

The next update....I don't know when I'll post it. It kind of a hard -and angsty- chapter, so I don't want to mess it up...and maybe

lt'll take longer to update this time...


Well, enough with my rant!

PS: I've just watched their concert in Japan and LOE Seoul2013 -of course from my laptop hahaha- and maybe I got a few heart attacks somewhere there... -damn they're too good!!!!-






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Chapter 19: Update pls author nim T,T
alicedivergent #2
When will you update authornim? >.<
Chapter 19: UPDATE SOOOOOOON!!!! >< OMO! I kinda can feel what Daehyun's feel TT^TT it's creepy yet ironic
mayatot #4

blackcatz #5
Chapter 19: what happen to youngjae???
Chapter 19: tell me its just a dream!!!!
Chapter 19: ...what happened to Dae's Jaejae~
Black_x_Rabbit #8
Chapter 19: YOUNGJAEEEEEEEE Waeeeeeeeeeee???
Chapter 19: omg! I didn't expect Youngjae to change like that! are those his real intentions? i knew he wanted the best for Daehyun but i was so sure youngjae wouldn't want to disband the group that daehyun holds so dear...
i still feel like what i just saw wasnt the real youngjae...because he kinda felt so innocent and not confident about his plan, but suddenly he pulled out the bad guy soliloquy and told daehyun all about his plan and kinda...creepy feelings haha.
despite that, whether this youngjae or the nicer youngjae is the real excited to find out!
Thank you so much for the amazing update<3333