Chapter Fifteen: Unnamed Feelings

Kidnapping Plan


Daehyun woke up and felt the aching muscles all over his body. Sleeping on the couch apparently wasn’t a good idea. Then, his eyes automatically searched for the fluff ball he had became familiar with in these past few days: Youngjae. Where the hell that kid went anyway?

He rose from his position and scanned the room. Someone had cleaned all the trash, made his bed, and the room had been sparkling once again. But still, there’s no Yongjae anywhere near.

He walked to the bathroom, grabbed some clean clothes on the way, and took a bath. He needed to drive away his sleepy head. Maybe, Youngjae had just went out to buy some food and would be back by the time he finished his shower. That kid had promised him to skip school today and Daehyun knew that he would keep that.

Strange how he believed in his kidnapper so easily.

Well, it’s already strange how he became so chummy with his kidnapper anyway.

Daehyun let the warm water washed away the jumbling thought in his head. Their relationship right now sure is a strange one. Daehyun had almost forgotten the fact that the one he became clingy with is his kidnapper; the one who imprison him from the rest of the world. Youngjae wasn’t helping in any way either. How he always acts kind and seems to care a lot about him made Daehyun

Safe and content...

...and happy.

The singer ruffled his wet hair in annoyance. This is wrong.

So wrong.

The unnamed feeling that slowly crept into his system is definitely wrong.


By the time he finished his shower, there’s still no Youngjae in the room. He checked the inside of the fridge and it was full. He hadn’t noticed it before but there’s a stack of new comic books and magazines on his bed, and also what appeared to be a note from his lovely kidnapper –seriously Daehyun, lovely??—

‘Daehyun-ah... I’m sorry. I have something urgent to attend! I’ll be back later! I still kept my promise though: I’m skipping school today! – Youngjae :-D ’

Daehyun didn’t understand why he’s smiling like an idiot. Maybe because the note was cute, maybe for the way Youngjae called him ‘Daehyun-ah’, or maybe because the presence of the letter itself gave him butterflies in his stomach.

This is wrong.

But he couldn’t helped himself for being happy as he throw himself to his bed and grabbed the nearest comic book.



Youngjae looked at the time in his phone, 11 A.M. Daehyun would’ve been woken up by now. Well, not if he chooses to become a lazy like the last time. He hoped at least the singer had eaten something though...

“Young Master, where are we heading now?” Mr. Choi looked at him expectantly from the rearview, “School?”

“It’s already too late for school Mr. Choi, I think I needed to grab some coffee... drop me at the coffee shop in front of the hotel...” With a nod, the old chauffeur drove the car into Seoul’s traffic.

He’s actually more of a grandfather figure than just a mere chauffeur  to Youngjae. Since he was little, Mr. Choi was the one who always taking care of him. He’s the only one he trusted, and in exchange, Mr. Choi always been there supporting everything that he does; including this kidnapping. He’s the one who actually executed everything with the help of professionals. Youngjae never knew before that the kind and smiley old man had that kind of ‘connection’ behind his ordinary demeanor.

“So...BAP is holding a press conference now?” He curiously asked.

“Yes, Young Master. I believe they will be holding the conference in about 30 minutes...”

“ is live on TV?” If it is, it will be bad...

“From the insider information, it won’t be a live broadcast. A certain TV station had brought the right to the press conference and it will be broadcasted later, I think in the evening program? And the other TV station will know even much later.”

Youngjae breathed a sigh of relief, at least he still had some time.

Some more times to settle down the unnamed feeling that dangerously crept to his heart.

And he badly needed caffeine to help him went through the rest of the day.



Manager Kang sat in the small coffee shop, his eyes constantly looking across the window into the busy street of Seoul. It has been an hour since he sat there, eyeing the crowded street aimlessly. He was supposed to be in some kind of investigation –a stalkout. However, he don’t really understand what he was doing anyway.

Sitting all day in front of Seoul Hotel, looking for some random teenager who might be Daehyun’s kidnapper. Smart? Not really.

He only voluntereed to take part in this investigation as a way to calm down the members. He didn’t really know the point in it. As an adult he is, he thought it’s better to leave everything in the hand of the police.

The kids had found some pretty interesting point thought, the dots seems to connect in a way that he found intriguing. Too many coincidences building a seemingly valid argument. Destiny must have been working in a strange way.

He eyed the customers who come and go on a rapid pace, holding their coffee in a hand and busily checking their smartphones with the other. There’re some anxious-looking businessmans, a cute boy whom face might be popular as an idol, some high school girls skipping their class, an old lady with bright pink sweater; all kind of people. He couldn’t comprehend the possibility that Daehyun’s kidnapper –someone who was smart enough to hide from the police— would casually walk into some random coffee shop like this.

He averted his gaze back into the busy street. He had chosen this coffee shop because he can have a clear view of Seoul Hotel’s front door. Their investigation had concluded that the boy Yongguk saw earlier had some kind of connection –a dangerous one— with the hotel chain, and they’re currently testing their luck again.

However, there’s some unnamed feeling that kept his mind occupied for some time ago. He felt that he had forgotten something quite important.

After some time, the unnamed feeling grew bigger and finally he had his answer.

It was fear.

Fear for Himchan’s rage as he finally comprehend the realization that he didn’t know how the boy looked like. He had forgotten to ask for his photograph.

He nervously dialed Yongguk’s number, hoping the kid wasn’t already starting the conference.




Another update....

I don't know, I'm on a roll babe! #kidding

I hope this chapter wasn't another dissapointment, the pace is a bit slow, eh?

This fic is coming to the btw.....but not for another two or three chapters.


Well, enjoy~

PS: I'm sooooooo excited for Daejae's special stage tomorrow!! Kyaahhh >___<



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Chapter 19: Update pls author nim T,T
alicedivergent #2
When will you update authornim? >.<
Chapter 19: UPDATE SOOOOOOON!!!! >< OMO! I kinda can feel what Daehyun's feel TT^TT it's creepy yet ironic
mayatot #4

blackcatz #5
Chapter 19: what happen to youngjae???
Chapter 19: tell me its just a dream!!!!
Chapter 19: ...what happened to Dae's Jaejae~
Black_x_Rabbit #8
Chapter 19: YOUNGJAEEEEEEEE Waeeeeeeeeeee???
Chapter 19: omg! I didn't expect Youngjae to change like that! are those his real intentions? i knew he wanted the best for Daehyun but i was so sure youngjae wouldn't want to disband the group that daehyun holds so dear...
i still feel like what i just saw wasnt the real youngjae...because he kinda felt so innocent and not confident about his plan, but suddenly he pulled out the bad guy soliloquy and told daehyun all about his plan and kinda...creepy feelings haha.
despite that, whether this youngjae or the nicer youngjae is the real excited to find out!
Thank you so much for the amazing update<3333