Chapter Eight : It Felt Nice

Kidnapping Plan


-Daehyun POV-


“C-can....can you sing for me?”

Daehyun stared at the boy in front of him who began to shift uncomfortably in his seat, regretting his own action. He kept staring at him, judging whether he should went with the request or not before nonchalantly answered.

“Sorry...not in the mood.”

He could see the dissapoinment in the other’s eyes and felt a little bit guilty inside. But really, he didn’t feel like singing at all right now. Not even when Youngjae’s the one who request it.

“You said that you sing all the time...when you’re happy, sad, confused, or even when you feel absolutely nothing.”

Daehyun remembered those lines. Those were something that he said a while ago in a TV show. When was it? Was it already a year ago? Three months? A month? He couldn’t remember. He also couldn’t remember whether at that time it was something that he actually feel or a lie that he made up to convince himself that he hadn’t lost his passion for singing.

Ahh...when did it start to become like this?                             

He always loved singing. At some point it was his whole life. However, at another point –like now— it could be absolutely nothing to him.Where had he gone anyway? The Jung Daehyun that always so passionate about his singing.

He saw himself inside the television screen. It’s definitely him but he looked foreign to him. He remembered it as his first solo live performance. He could see the Jung Daehyun he used to be. So passionate. His singing came from somewhere deep inside his heart. It was not the Jung Daehyun who concerned himself with things like technique or hand movements or what-not. It was Jung Daehyun the singer, not Jung Daehyun the idol. And he preferred the first one, like, a lot.

“I missed him...”

He unconciously said.

“Yeah, me too....”

Youngjae absent-mindedly agreed.



-Junhong POV-


“Yah, Jonguppie Hyung. What are we doing?”

Junhong moved his gaze from the laptop screen to his closest hyung, who’s also busy scrolling down something in his laptop.

“We’re looking for photos?” The dancer answered and Junhong facepalmed himself to his Hyung’s innocence.

“I mean...for what exactly are these...” He motioned to the laptops and CD’s scattered on the table.

“Well...because Yongguk-hyung told us to search for some photos.”

Junhong growled inwardly. That’s it. His favorite Hyung’s gullible tendency was just too much that there’s no way out of it. It already became such an incurable disease that Junhong had hoped from deep inside his heart that it was not something endemic.

So here’s the story. Yongguk-hyung had come to them in one dark and stormy night. He told them that after his long journey full of hurdles, he had found some clues regarding the kidnapping of Prince Daehyun. However, instead of letting their Mom calling the army to shoot down the kidnapper’s homebase with an atomic bomb, Yongguk told them to gather the photo of their fanboys.

Like, what-the-freaking-hell is this?!

He always admired Yongguk-hyung in every way possible. But this.. this was just too much even for him. How could a bunch of photos of their fanboys actually help them in this case? Manager Kang’s antic of collecting candid photos from fansigning events had backfired them this way.

He lazily clicked a photo, copied and pasted it to ‘Hyung’s Stupid Investigation Plan That Will Never Work’ folder and repeated his action everytime he found a fanboy in the photo. He glanced at the vast amount of CD’s scattered around and sighed.

“Hahh....there will be no end for this.”



-Daehyun POV-


“Yah, don’t you have a real meal to offer?” Daehyun stood in front of the fridge with a frown. There’re lot of foods but he was starving for some ‘real’ meal.

“Ahh...what do you want?”

Daehyun stared at the innocent boy with disbelief, what was he anyway? His kidnapper, or his slave? “Are you enjoying being my slave that much?” He flicked Younjae’s forehead, the younger rubbed it and pouted.

“Don’t do that, it will be dangerous if you become too cute to resist.” 

He burst into laughter as Youngjae’s face turned crimson red. He’s too easy to tease and it had become an addiction to Daehyun.

“W-who s-said that I enjoyed it.” Youngjae scowled.

“Then why do you keep doing this?”

“I-I have a mission to accomplish...”

Daehyun raised an eyebrow. “Mission?”


“For the money?”


Daehyun was aware that there’s something more to it than just money. He just could feel it. But he also knew that Youngjae wouldn’t just spill it out to him like that. One thing that he learned from the boy: He’ll do anything for him. Anything but spoiling his scheme to Daehyun.

Wait...will he really do ANYTHING?

Daehyun smirked as an idea started to form in his head. Youngjae gulped down nervously, already sensing something off.

“I-I’ll get you something...”

He turned to leave but stopped midway as a pair of hand blocked his way. Locking him in a very uncomfortable position with him trapped between the couch and Daehyun, who stared down at him with a mischievous grin.

“I-I- n-need to get y-you something..” Youngjae felt like his heart could burst any moment. Staying with Daehyun suddenly became something very unhealthy.

“What if I don’t need any food?”

Youngjae’s face burned even redder. “E-eh...then...what do you need?”

Daehyun’s smirk got wider.

“Yah...don’t play dumb...”

He whispered to Youngjae’s ears and gave him a playful wink. The latter roughly shoved him away and rushed out the door with face as red as Junhong’s favorite cherry tomato. Leaving Daehyun who literally rolling on the floor, laughing his off.




“Aiish.....was that all too much?”

It was already more than two hours and Youngjae hadn’t come back yet. Daehyun suddenly became very anxious. What if he had gone too far? What if his prank scared Youngjae away? What if....aiishh.

He ruffled his hair, pacing back and forth in the room. He tried to chase away the thought by doing anything else but it all came in vain. His focus will be drifted back to Youngjae, or the lack of Youngjae’s presence.

“Aiishh, jinjja!” He slammed his body to the couch, feeling utterly depressed. Never did someone influenced him to this extent. Indeed, Youngjae was really something.

He rolled his body lazily and suddenly felt something cold touched his skin. He grabbed the thing which turned out to be an Ipod. Must be Youngjae’s. He skimmed to the playlist to found out that there’re a lot of his favorite songs in it. He pushed the play button and closed his eyes. Feeling the beat gets into his body. Ahh...when was the last time he did something like this? Lying around thinking about absolutely nothing while listening to his favourite song.


When this world that I viewed easily doesn’t go my way

When I slowly crumble at the despair that I can’t handle by myself

When I keep falling in front of the wall called reality

Oh I lost the way to pierce through the world


He unconciously hummed out the lyric. The soft humming became whispers, and it got louder and louder until he actually sang along to the song.

Get up once more, right now

No more pain goodbye goodbye
I will shed and throw away my weakness and overcome myself
Bring me back to me
No more cry goodbye goodbye
I will jump over this world alright

I don’t know the word, “quit” –
there’s no need to rush
It’s good,
I am just breathing for my dreams
If I fall down, I’ll get back up –
If I enjoy my failures, that’s that
That’s right, the world is becoming my side again


He sang his heart out, pouring his emotion to every notes he sang.

Failure is what makes me stronger
Fear is what makes me run –
watch me now

No more pain goodbye goodbye
I will shed and throw away my weakness and overcome myself
Bring me back to me
No more cry goodbye goodbye
I will jump over this world alright

Let me say goodbye goodbye
I will throw fire in my heart
and become the real me (I’ll change)
One more say goodbye goodbye
Alright one more time with endless hot

And when he opened his eyes, he found Youngjae staring down at him. A bright and dazzling smile visible on his chubby cheek.


Ahh...singing. It felt nice.




I’m not really satisfied with this chapter...

Like...something is actually missing..but I don’t know what... *hahaha, okay i get confused.

Not as fluffy as before, but Daehyun got naughtier huh, huh? *wink

And you may think that I put BAP’s Goodbye because I don’t have any song and randomly picked it? Well, you hit the RIGHT spot. Ahahhaha

Soooo~ enjooooy

And what’s Yongguk plan by the way? Hahahaha

*ahh..and that was my  another failed attempt to make a poster for this story haha

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Chapter 19: Update pls author nim T,T
alicedivergent #2
When will you update authornim? >.<
Chapter 19: UPDATE SOOOOOOON!!!! >< OMO! I kinda can feel what Daehyun's feel TT^TT it's creepy yet ironic
mayatot #4

blackcatz #5
Chapter 19: what happen to youngjae???
Chapter 19: tell me its just a dream!!!!
Chapter 19: ...what happened to Dae's Jaejae~
Black_x_Rabbit #8
Chapter 19: YOUNGJAEEEEEEEE Waeeeeeeeeeee???
Chapter 19: omg! I didn't expect Youngjae to change like that! are those his real intentions? i knew he wanted the best for Daehyun but i was so sure youngjae wouldn't want to disband the group that daehyun holds so dear...
i still feel like what i just saw wasnt the real youngjae...because he kinda felt so innocent and not confident about his plan, but suddenly he pulled out the bad guy soliloquy and told daehyun all about his plan and kinda...creepy feelings haha.
despite that, whether this youngjae or the nicer youngjae is the real excited to find out!
Thank you so much for the amazing update<3333