Chapter Six : The Strange Treatments and The Strange Feelings

Kidnapping Plan

-Daehyun POV-


He had a good sleep but apparently things hadn’t got better. The next morning, Daehyun found himself waking up still in the same unfamiliar room. So it’s not some kind of weird dream, huh? He kicked his blanket away and sat on the bed. He scanned the room once more before he decided to take a morning bath. Well, the last time he bathed was like...two days ago? Just uurrgh.

He glanced at the wardrobe in the way to the bathroom and decided to take a bet on the ladyluck. Yup, just as he guessed, when he opened the big wooden wardrobe he found some fresh clothes perfectly to his taste. His kidnapper sure was well prepared. What was his intention anyway?

Still wondering about his strange kidnapper – a shy boy by the name of Youngjae— he walked to the bathroom and close the door shut.



When Daehyun walked out from the bathroom feeling all fresh, he found that someone had cleaned up the bed for him. That same person also left a stack of comic books in the drawer and apparently too busy filling up the fridge to notice that Daehyun had already done with his bath. With a mischievous grin, he then quietly walked to the said boy and grabbed his shoulder from behind.

“Aaarggghhh!” The boy shouted on top of his lungs and jumped, hitting Daehyun in the process.

“Ouch, what the hell–” Daehyun blurted out curses and Youngjae stared at him with disbelief. “What?” Daehyun asked, rubbing his jaw.

“You said you didn’t like to curse...”

“I never said th—, oh wait, I did say that in an interview but whatever!’s hurt you know...”

Youngjae kept staring at him but quickly averting his gaze when their eyes met. The air was pretty ankward and Daehyun hated that. Could this boy stop being soo shy and nervous? It made him feel uneasy for some reason.

“So it seems like you would’t let me out today, huh?” Daehyun pointed out at the fridge. “You sure prepared a lot of food...”

“It’ll be gone in a while though....” Daehyun didn’t miss the sarcasm but decided to let it pass as he saw a small smile crept on the other’s face. How cute. Yup, and I’m weird.

“ should eat your breakfast...” He barely heard Youngjae’s whisper-like voice but still looked at where he had pointed out. His eyes widened in an instance as he saw delicious looking meals prepared for him.

“Woooaah! Daebak!” He jumped to the couch and about to shove the food into his mouth but stopped midway. “Yah! You, come here!”

Youngjae refused to budge so Daehyun had to pulled the shy boy to sit with him at the couch. The boy blushed madly at the contact and quickly separated himself as far as he could from Daehyun, who could only sighed. What’s wrong with this boy?

“I’m still not sure whether you had drugged or poisoned these things or not, so eat with me!” Daehyun shoved a plate into Youngjae’s hand. “If you’re not eating, I won’t either.”

And looking at the boy who now busily munching to the food beside him, Daehyun vaguely got the idea why he hadn’t burst into rage and run for his dear life so far. Youngjae just seemed so harmless and he tickled something inside Daehyun that made him curious, very very very curious.


-Himchan POV-


Himchan took the sign Yongguk was giving him as he excused himself from the room. The eldest definitely feeling very pissed off right now and Himchan knew better than to disturb him. The investigation was getting nowhere and how the agency reacted to this wasn’t something that he would appreciate either.

“We won’t do that..” He firmly said. With the leader absence, it’s his turn to act mature.

“But Himchan...”

“No, we’re not doing any of that TV appearances that you suggested until we found some clue on Daehyun’s case.” He cut the CEO’s words with the tone that signalled the end of the discussion.

“’re all so stubborn...”

“You know that’s our biggest forte.”

Their CEO left with a frustrated sigh, slamming the dorm’s door in his way out.

“GO AWAY YOU GOOD-FOR-NOTHING B*ST*RD!” Junhong yelled at the closed door and instantly bursted into tears. Himchan patted his back in a soothing manner. He knew exactly what the maknae is feeling right now.

The agency had just come to their door, telling them to make some appearances in some random TV craps. Daehyun’s kidnapping case had become a big issue and BAP’s popularity suddenly sky-rocketing as the result. A lot of TV program had been asking them to talk about Daehyun’s case and it pissed him off that the agency actually considered the option. No, they would never agreed to do that. They would never use this case as some stepladder to fame. If they were to talk about this case, it will be because they want to and need to talk. Not because the money involved behind the screen. And right now, instead of appearing in TV all sad and depressed they would use the energy to search for their missing bandmate.

“Why there’s still no news from the kidnapper?” Jongup asked noone in particular, the usual smiley dancer had become all quiet.

“I also don’t know Jonguppie....they haven’t demanded anything from us. The police tried to track them down but it’s hard because there’re too little information and evidence.”

“Neh, hyung.”

They were engulfed in silence again apart from Junhong’s muffled sobs. Himchan noticed that these past two days silence had suddenly became their routine. However, he also noticed how this had bonded them stonger than ever. For once after quite awhile they actually cared about something beside their career. That they finally took the time to think about their little ‘family’.

“I should’ve lend him my gameboy that time....” Junhong said softly.

“I know....I know....hyung also missed him...” 

And Himchan felt his heart broke as the two maknaes gave him a tight embrace.


-Daehyun POV-


“Yah, come here!”

Aniyo....that’ll hurt”

“I don’t care, just come here palli..”



Youngjae pouted cutely as he rubbed his own forehead. Daehyun laughed at the sight and literally rolling on the floor. They had been spending hours playing Wii and the loser had to receive a flick in the forehead. In their case, Youngjae’s the only one with the red forehead here.

“Are you sure you’re not purposely losing to me?” Daehyun teased Youngjae again. No kidding, this kid had been losing like.....EVERYTIME. And Daehyun wasn’t even such a game genius or something.

“N-no way....w-why would I do that!”

Youngjae blushed again. He was still as nervous and shy as before, but at least the air wasn’t awkward. And Daehyun secretly thanked his own carefree nature for that.

“So you’re really that desperate for money or you’re actually really in love with me?” Daehyun throw the question casually. Well, Youngjae’s the nicest kidnapper in history and there should be some explanation for this.

“Of course it’s the first option...” Youngjae answered his question just as casual, but Daehyun caught a glimpse of hurt in his eyes.

“But you had to spend a whole lot money to prepare something like this, right?”

“But I’ll get more in return....”

Then, silence took over.

“Well, whatever. Let’s play again!” Daehyun passed the controller to Youngjae again. He didn’t want to spoil their fun even more.



“ must be nice to eat some cake...” Daehyun averted his gaze to Youngjae, “You know, the cake shop in front of Seoul Hotel... they have this extremely tasty spongecake...I always order one with special toppings. Exactly three strawberries, white chocolate crumbs, chocolate cream and a lot of cheese! They say it’s strange but it actually tastes wonderful!.”

And just like that, Youngjae would excuse himself and will magically appear with what exactly Daehyun wanted later.

Daehyun didn’t know that he could actually playing slave with Youngjae –if he could bluntly say—. It started when he jokingly said he wants some ice cream, and just like that Youngjae went out and came back with chocolate ice cream minutes later. So Daehyun playfully repeated the action. Nonchalantly saying that he wanted random things, this and that, and Youngjae would surely get it for him. Even when he said he wants a Big Bang album....

Well, he actually felt bad doing this, but....Hey! It’s not so often that he got kidnapped by a fairy god-mother or father or whatever it is, so why don’t he make the most out of it?

And being that kind still doesn’t change the fact that Youngjae is currently kidnapping him anyway.



-Yongguk POV-


Yongguk walked around the street of Seoul mindlessly. He needed some fresh air right now. Himchan had texted him about the meeting and he was glad that they refused the offer and that their CEO actually respected their decision somehow. But still, Daehyun’s case was far from being resolved.

He stopped as he saw a familiar cake shop. He remembered that shop as one of their favorite. Maybe he could get something for the kids back home to lighten the mood. Hmm...I sounded like a father just now.

He chuckled as he went to the shop. It wasn’t that crowded like usual and he was thankfull for that. He only wore a hat to disguise himself and it will be bad if people spotted him as BAP’s Bang Yongguk.

He went to the counter and Jiyong, an employee that he and the rest of BAP already familiar with, greeted him.

“Welcome to the shop! I heard the news already, It’s sad.....and you’re here for the usual I guessed?”

“Yep, you perfectly know that we loved to eat no matter what happened....”

She let out a laugh before reciting their usual order perfectly.

“One Tiramisu for Himchan, one Melon Bread for Jongup....Zelo’s trademark Cherry Tomato in his cake, for you it’s Blackforest...and...”

“One spongecake with exactly three strawberries, white chocolate crumbs, chocolate cream and a lot of cheese, is this right?”

Yongguk turned to his right instantly as he heard the order. He saw an employee giving a boy his order. The boy had brown hair and chubby cheek. He was cute but that’s not something that made him suddenly felt interested. It was his preference on food, or cake.

“Wow....what a coincidence...”

He exchanged look with Jiyong, perfectly know what she meant by that. Those strange mixture of toppings were Daehyun’s favorite. And Yongguk always thought that Daehyun would be the only person on earth capable of swallowing that mess.

“Hey, to think of it....that boy had come here for several times today...”


“Yes, and he came to buy cheesecake and doughnut with chocolate and cheese topping. Ah! he also brought that strange-looking cupcakes, the one with green colors and bunnies decoration!”

All’s Daehyun’s favorite.

Yongguk abruptly leave the shop. He scanned for the brown-haired boy but he was already nowhere to be seen.

This was all too much for just a coincidence right?



-Daehyun POV-


“He sure took his time....”

Daehyun turned the TV on to kill the time. He searched for his own news and just as he thought, he was still everywhere. Famous me is famous... He skimmed through channels, most of the news were just about him being kidnapped. However, he also found some that enthusiasticly talked about who actually behind this.

“Wow...they thought that another agency kidnapped me because I’m too famous? Crazy...” He was amazed in how people’s mind could actually be so.... imaginative.

He lazily flipped through channels again and something suddenly caught his eyes.

There were some girls, well actually a lot of them, crying their eyes out in front of TS Entertainment building. For him.

“What— h”

As we already know, the kidnapping of one of TS’s artist, Jung Daehyun, had left tons of fangirl feeling utterly devastated. We could see many fangirls stayed in front of TS building to seek for some information regarding their missing idol. There were some who actually slept in front of the building last night just to be aware of the latest news—

Daehyun felt somewhat sick as he kept watching the MC goes around to interview people.

“I am worried-sick about oppa,” A girl said in between her sobs. “To think that he is currently in some dangerous place frightened me...” She cried louder and the MC talked to another girl.

“I-I don’t know what to say....I just....” The next girl also broke into tears before she could actually say anything.

“I hope Oppa is somewhere safe and he is okay...”

“I want to know what had happened to him....”

“I can’t imagine losing Daehyun-oppa....”

He unconciously clenched his left chest as he felt something stingy in his eyes. He never thought that his fans would be so heartbroken like this. And it broke his heart apart to see them crying...for him. He used to think of them as his precious possesion, his everything. But lately he only thought about his fans as annoying. They were always loud, clingy, and demanding. They only cared about how he look and always wanted perfection. And he was even sure that they would actually left him when the time comes. When he show any weakness or flaw. He thought that it was perfectly fine for him to quit...

“When I was down, when I get bullied and really want to give up... I listen to his songs a lot. It inspire me and it help me to keep moving forward.... I can’t imagine myself without his singing...”

Daehyun’s head went fuzzy.

“They’re worried about you....”

He suddenly felt a pair of arm wrapped around him from behind. Hugged him tightly. The owner’s face nuzzled his hair softly.

“They care for you...”

“I-I-I...” He chocked on his own word. There’s a lump in his throat.

“I know... Just... Never ever think of quitting...or giving up...” Those hand pulled him closer. “For them...and me”

A single tear rolled down on Daehyun’s cheek. And before he knew it he was already sobbing uncontrollably in Youngjae’s warm embrace.





Ahh~ pabo’re enjoying the time of your life but look at the rest of your member being so heartbroken...but I forgive you because you’re with youngjae....haha

Btw, why do I like to add up angst so much? = =”

I wanted to write something fluffeeeyh but this.....why it turned out to be something like this.... = =”

Dear my precious reader, please forgive my failed attempt to give you something fluffy...happy...unicornly... *what’s unicornly anyway = =”*

Thanks for reading and commenting on this ^^

Like i said before, it made my day ^^

And once again, forgive my overdose of angst.....


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Chapter 19: Update pls author nim T,T
alicedivergent #2
When will you update authornim? >.<
Chapter 19: UPDATE SOOOOOOON!!!! >< OMO! I kinda can feel what Daehyun's feel TT^TT it's creepy yet ironic
mayatot #4

blackcatz #5
Chapter 19: what happen to youngjae???
Chapter 19: tell me its just a dream!!!!
Chapter 19: ...what happened to Dae's Jaejae~
Black_x_Rabbit #8
Chapter 19: YOUNGJAEEEEEEEE Waeeeeeeeeeee???
Chapter 19: omg! I didn't expect Youngjae to change like that! are those his real intentions? i knew he wanted the best for Daehyun but i was so sure youngjae wouldn't want to disband the group that daehyun holds so dear...
i still feel like what i just saw wasnt the real youngjae...because he kinda felt so innocent and not confident about his plan, but suddenly he pulled out the bad guy soliloquy and told daehyun all about his plan and kinda...creepy feelings haha.
despite that, whether this youngjae or the nicer youngjae is the real excited to find out!
Thank you so much for the amazing update<3333