Chapter Twelve: What Have You Done To Me

Kidnapping Plan


-Yongguk POV-


“This is interesting...”

Yongguk tapped his finger on the mousepad. He couldn’t get any sleep last night because of the overwhelming informations they just gathered. Both of the maknaes and Manager Kang were a different case though, they instantly slammed their bodies to the bed. Feeling a little bit relieved over the fact that they had finally found some light.

“What do you mean?” Himchan peeked over and rested his chin on Yongguk’s shoulder. He had decided to keep the leader company, afraid that the older will try anything funny, again.

“This kid... I don’t know who he is but he is sure wealthy enough to buy our whole company...” He gestured to the screen. There was a homepage of Seoul President Private Academy, with a pair of a boy and a girl smiled dazzingly at the camera with neat uniform, in front of a very high-class looking environment which seemed to be their school. “No ordinary people could afford something like this...”

“How if his father going bangkrupt and he did it to help him?”

“Neh....It’s possible but I don’t think so... Only big company’s sons and daughters able to go to this school. And I haven’t heard any Korean big companies went bankrupt these days. The economy’s quite stable...”

Himchan looked at him strangely. “What? Can’t I watch news program?”

Ara...arasso! Arasso!” Himchan pulled back and leaned in his own seat. Then, he fell deep in his own thought, leaving Yongguk in his own. It was a good five minutes when Himchan finally broke the calm silence. “I think we should appear in public, doing things like a press conderence or something...”


“You know, to give Babyz some explanation they deserve...and clear up some rumors...” He trailed off, sounding not really sure himself. Ahh...the disbandement issue.

“Yeah...I also think that we should do that soon. I mean, Manager Kang had said that he’ll do the next investigation so we also had some free time.” Yongguk gave the black-haired man his gummy smile.

“Yah, are we some kind of detective agency now?” Himchan laughed, Yongguk scratched his head sheepishly.

“I’ll talk to the agency later, I think they’ll find some slot for us.”

“Yup! Thanks Gukkie...we should tell the kids later.”

And the room fell silent once again, both fell deep in their own thought.



-Daehyun POV-


“Tsk! What are you EXACTLY doing all day?”

Daehyun grinned from ear to ear, still curled up in his hand-made cocoon. Youngjae had come after school as he promised and was shocked to the fact that Daehyun did nothing all day except rolling around mindlessly in his blanket.

“Do you even eat anything?” He pulled the blanket, sending Daehyun to the hard floor for the second time today. “Aiish, the fridge is just meter away and you didn’t eat anything? It’s not like I tied you up in your bed!” Daehyun just stared at the nagging boy, his grin got wider everytime the boy pouted, or frowned, or did anything cute unconciously.

“Yah! Are you even listening to me?”

Daehyun laughed as Youngjae threw the now-folded blanket to him. Stomping his feet and pouting like a kindergartener. So cute~.

“I missed you too much that I don’t feel like doing anything...” He announced with a cheesy grin. Youngjae blushed madly and turned his body around, avoiding any eye contact with him. He used the opportunity to quickly sneaked behind him a gave him a tight backhug. “I’m saying the truth... It was too boring to my liking without you around...”

Youngjae stiffened in his hold but Daehyun wouldn’t let him go. Not yet. He didn’t care anymore that this was already far from being rational. These few days here might’ve completely damaged his brain and he had gotten crazy. He just missed Youngjae too much that he wouldn’t mind any excessive skinships right now.

He hummed a soft melody as he nuzzled his face on Youngjae’s hair. Feeling giddy as the soft strands send a ticklish sensation to his skin. Youngjae soon also relaxed on his embrace, he nervously put his hand on Daehyun’s and mubled a soft ‘I miss you too...’. Making Daehyun’s grin got even wider until it wasn’t even humanly possible.

They stayed in that position for a little while. Completely drowned in each other’s presence. The sweet moment remained until Daehyun’s stomatch suddenly growled loudly, sending Youngjae rolling on the floor laughing as Daehyun gave him an embarassed smile.



-Manager Kang POV-


“Is this the school, hyung?”

Junhong and Jongup looked at the expensive-looking set of buildings. Mouth hanging open like an idiot. After sneaking from their sleeping hyungs they secretly came to Seoul President Private Academy –of course after they threatened him to gave them a ride—. Maknaes could be quite scary you know....

“Looks like it....” Jongup answered in an awe.

“Yah, kids! Let’s come home! You promise me that we would only take a glimpse of it, right?” He was feeling nervous, if Yongguk or Himchan knew that he had taken the kids here they’ll surely flipped on him. “ your poor hyung from your mad parents...”

“Aissh, jinjja yo Hyung! We’ll only do a tiny bit of investigation. We won’t take long. Hyungs wouldn’t even knew that we were out...” Junhong flashed him a smug grin, quickly jumped out of the car with Jongup trailing behind.

Manager Kang could only sighed as he saw them approaching a group of girls, who instantly swooned and jumped around like some excited kangaroos.

These kids could be such a troublemaker MOST of the times.



-Youngjae POV-


They were now seated on the couch again, with Daehyun eating a monstrous amount of foods and Youngjae busily checking on his Chemistry work. When Daehyun finally finished with his foods and Youngjae still wouldn’t gave him his much-wanted attention. He took the book on the boy’s lap away and threw it somewhere in the room.

“Yah! What are you doing?” Youngjae could only helplessly stared at the book now lying on the far corner of the room.

“You already had enough of it at school!” Daehyun pouted. Possesive much, huh?He don’t have any idea how I survived school today. Youngjae sighed, this clingy side of Daehyun that he just discovered was quite annoying but cute at the same time. Trapped in a room for a few days all alone must be very stressfull for him. “ what do you want?”

Daehyun knitted his eyebrows, Youngjae could almost see the machine working on his brain. “Hmm...shall we play Wii then?”

He smiled sheepishly and Youngjae smacked his head, “And you throw away my chemistry homework for that?”

They ended up burst out laughing, making fun of each other’s antics. When Daehyun finally regained back his sanity, he looked straight at Youngjae’s eyes and said. “Tell me about your family.”

“Eh?” Youngjae was dumfounded by the blunt question.

“I rarely met with my family in Busan, that’s why I wanted to know more about your family....Maybe that would ease up my sudden longing for them...” Youngjae could hear the sadness in his voice eventhough he practically smiled at him. Living in the harsh world like entertainment industry wouldn’t gave you much quality time with your family. “I don’t even remember when was the last time I called my Mom.... When I got to tired I would ask Manager Kang to send her a message on my behalf. What an ungrateful son I am....”

Youngjae stared at the broken boy in front of him. Reaching out his hand to pat his back in a soothing manner. “I also rarely met with my parents you know...” Youngjae didn’t understand why he would tell Daehyun something that his friend didn’t even know about. “They’re always busy dealing with their business so I was literally home alone....However, deep down I know that they still love as much as I do. Eventhough they don’t call much, and sometimes their secretary will be the one who send their messages for me, I know that they still love me. They just have their own responsibility over the whole company and I had to respect that.”

Daehyun now staring at him with a confused look.

“What I wanted to say is.... Tried to put yourself in my parents shoes and your parents in my shoes. You might be thinking that you’re bad for not giving them your time and attention. However you should also believe in your family. You should believe that they’ll be just like me toward my parents. They will be able to feel your love and affection eventhough you didn’t show it much. Because they understand that you’re currently pursuing your dream, and they’re proud of you.”

In the end of his monologue, Daehyun was already close to tears. He gave Youngjae a weak smile and pulled him into a hug. Burrying his head in the crook of his neck. “Thank you....” His voice were muffled, and Youngjae could feel the ticklish sensation in his neck. “Thank you Youngjae-ah...”

He patted Daehyun’s head repeatedly as the other sobbed quietly.



“What have you done to me?”





An update for those Babyz who still fighting their drowsiness for One Shot MV >.< *lucky me it's morning here*


A bit fluffy~ ^^

And they got like A LOT closer now.... *i hope that it doesn't seem like i am rushing things... #mianhe

So enjoooooy :-D

And comments are appreciated ^^ It made my day >.<

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Chapter 19: Update pls author nim T,T
alicedivergent #2
When will you update authornim? >.<
Chapter 19: UPDATE SOOOOOOON!!!! >< OMO! I kinda can feel what Daehyun's feel TT^TT it's creepy yet ironic
mayatot #4

blackcatz #5
Chapter 19: what happen to youngjae???
Chapter 19: tell me its just a dream!!!!
Chapter 19: ...what happened to Dae's Jaejae~
Black_x_Rabbit #8
Chapter 19: YOUNGJAEEEEEEEE Waeeeeeeeeeee???
Chapter 19: omg! I didn't expect Youngjae to change like that! are those his real intentions? i knew he wanted the best for Daehyun but i was so sure youngjae wouldn't want to disband the group that daehyun holds so dear...
i still feel like what i just saw wasnt the real youngjae...because he kinda felt so innocent and not confident about his plan, but suddenly he pulled out the bad guy soliloquy and told daehyun all about his plan and kinda...creepy feelings haha.
despite that, whether this youngjae or the nicer youngjae is the real excited to find out!
Thank you so much for the amazing update<3333