Chapter Nineteen: Press Conference

Kidnapping Plan

Hello guys, I'm sorry that it took me more than a month to update. I kind of having a writer's block with this story -i know i'm pathetic. And even this was just half of the thing that I actually planned to write. I decided to separate the chapter in two because hell yeah I still couldn't find the right way to write the rest. So, please bear with this first.



The four members of BAP stood in a line, adressing the reporters politely. They bow and greeted them in unison, but their usual powerful chant was somehow lacking in spirit. Given the situation they were in, it wasn’t even a surprise. It must have been rough for the young men to face the camera while one of their friend’s whereabout was still unknown. They looked more than just glad to finally be able to sit, the microphone standing cold in front of them. The hyung were in the middle, with maknaes in each sides. After someone from the agency read the rules for questions and answers session. She let the reporters starts throwing the bait.

“I’m Kim Hana from Seoul Daily.” A woman in her 30, with her hair pulled high in a ponytail, raised her hand. Her eyes were sharp and keen, just like arrows. “Can you give us the detail on the kidnapping of Mr. Jung Daehyun?”

Himchan and Yongguk exchanged glances, trying to decide who should be the one answering. In the end, it was Himchan who talks. “Just like how the agency had stated before, it happened on the 27th, late at night.” Himchan told the story just as he knew it, no more, no less. The reporters nodded from time to time as they scribbled down something, trying to find another interesting thing that they can use to spice up the news. “Then, the day after that, the kidnapper called us and claimed to have Daehyun with their posession. A few days later, they come with the amount of money that we should give in exchange for Daehyun’s safety.”

“How do you know that it’s true? That it wasn’t some made up act by Jung Daehyun-ssi himself to gain some profit?” It was the same reporter, her smirk evil like a vulture. It’s nothing strange for some of those media to stir rumours –and as hilarious as it sounds, that’s just how the intertainment industry works.

“We believe in Daehyun,” Yongguk said calmly. “he is not someone who will do something so low just to earn money. He takes his work seriously and passionately, and I think all the fans, and the people who had work with him, including all of you here, also know it best.”

“And he loves us, s, and his fans so much. It’s impossible that he purposely hurts us like this.” Himchan added. The female reporter backed down, taken by the determination in their eyes. Yongguk was glad, who would have known what the hot-headed maknae would do if the reporter insisted on continuing the topic.

“I’m Choi Sunjong from The Papers,” a bespectacle male reporter raised his hand from the back of the room. “Why it took you long enough to finally appear and give your comment about this kidnapping?”

Himchan urged Jongup to speak, but the younger male shook his head. Taking a deep breath, Himchan took the mic. “We weren’t ready. It’s such a blow to our family. We need time to recover from the shock and despair. We perfectly know that we made our fans worry. However, it is also such a hard time for us. Once again, we are very sorry for the fans who are patiently waiting for the news from us.”

They sincerely bowed to the camera. The air was gloomy and heavy.

The reporters asked questions in turn. Some were sympathetic, some were curious, and some were just asking for a kick in the . They answered each one calmly, Junhong and Jongup starts to speak after a few questions. All the people in the room were waiting for someone to finally drop the bomb. To ask something which had been bugging their minds even before they enter the room.

“So, about the kidnapper and their demand.” The one who asked was a senior reporter that BAP had been working with a few times. “I heard from an insider that the one responsible for this is an anti-fan of BAP, and that they are not only demanding money, but also BAP’s disbandement. Is that right?”

Everyone in the room seemed to hold their breath. The air was suffocating.

“Yes, it’s true.”

Yongguk’s statement appeared to be a switch. Everyone, who had been calm and composed, went riot. The reporters shouted their questions at the same time, wanting to be the first one to ask. Photographers were their camera, trying to capture the moment when BAP finally breaks down in the interview. Yongguk grimaced, everyone wanted to eat them alive. After a minute or two waiting for the staffs trying to calm down the crowd, the press conference finally get back on track.

“We don’t know exactly whether they’re a group of anti-fans, or he/she acts individually, or what are the real motives between all of this. But it’s true that, besides asking for an amount of money, they want us to disband. If not, then they won’t release Daehyun and might harm him in the future.” Yongguk explained.

“So, what did the agency say? What’s your respond to the kidnapper?”

“It’s really hard for us.” Himchan said, trying his best to hold on the tears that threatening to fall. “We thought about disbanding. Well, what’s a name afterall? BAP is just a name. If we think logically, then it’s okay to disband. To throw away the name BAP. Maybe we could just end this, hide for a year or two, then come back to the entertainment world with a brand new name with the same members. Fans will come back to us. It’s easy.” He paused for a moment. “But then, BAP is more than just a name for us, especially for Daehyun....”

He was trying to continue, but it was too hard. Junhong then spoke on his behalf. “I remember it clearly, Daehyun-hyung had said it to me one day, about how much he loves BAP. He thought that it is silly for a group to be named Best Absolute Perfect, and how much he wanted to change it at first.” Junhong smiled despite his tear-stained cheeks. “B-but then he s-said... it’s now impossible for him to imagine us standing with other names. For use to be anything but BAP. BAP is not only a name, or a title, it’s a place. A place where he belongs, and will always belongs. It’s a home...”

“It’s where he’ll come back everytime he feels like losing his way.” Jongup continued. “We can disband BAP right now to save Daehyun-hyung, but we’re afraid that it won’t be able to actually ‘save’ him. He will certainly blame himself if we disband for this. He’s stubborn. No matter how much we tell him that it wasn’t his fault, he would still blame himself. What if, with disbanding BAP, we broke him beyond repair? We will be very sellfish to take away the home that Daehyun-hyung treasures so much”

“It may sounds silly, for someone to break from such a petty thing like name. It may sounds stupid, to put that name above someone’s life. But then, what’s a life if you’re already dead inside? How could you go on with your life if your heart already broken beyond repair? We don’t want to be the one who kills Daehyun’s hope. That’s why we still want to protect the name BAP. Right now, we refuse to disband for this.”

Yongguk concluded their answer. Everyone murmured in surprise. “Then, you will just leave Daehyun? Give him away to the kidnapper?”

“Of course not.” Yongguk answered. “It’s not the end. We will think about another way to rescue him. We will give everything away, all of our money and posessions, everything but BAP, to save him. And we will try to convince the kidnapper. The police is still diligently working on this case and we put our utmost trust in them. We will save Daehyun and BAP, we promise.”

The room once again buzzes with many unanswered questions. As the staffs deemed it was already enough, BAP stood up and bowed down before exiting the venue. Their faces were tear-stained, eyes swollen, a in total they were a complete mess. But there’s this new determination beaming from their retreating figures.



Daehyun stared at the TV with wide eyes as all stood in a line and bow. When the camera zoomed into their faces, Daehyun could hear his own heart crashed and broke into tiny little pieces. They looked exhausted. Eyebags were visible, their eyes red from both lack of sleep and too much crying. Even Junhong couldn’t hold back his tears anymore. He cried frankly while Jongup rubbed his back in an attempt to stop the tears.

And Youngjae looked inhumanly cold in his side.


He quietly muttered under his breath, trying to contain his sudden anger.

“This is just a prank, right? Youngjae-ah...” He still wasn’t able to look directly at the boy, afraid that he will see what he didn’t want to see. “Hey, Youngjae-ah....” Daehyun stared dumbfoundedly at the TV screen. What was happening? What was that? BAP disbanding? “Explained it to me.” He hissed through his gritted teeth.

“What? There’s nothing to be explained. I wanted them to disband, they’re holding you back.” Youngjae’s voice was cold. His gaze was glued to the TV screen.

“You got to be kidding me— Why would you do that?” Daehyun grabbed his shoulder, forcefully turning his body so they were now facing each other.

“I’m your fan, I want what is best for you.”


The eyes staring back at him wasn’t the warm orbs that he knew. It was dark, and cold. And it broke Daehyun’s heart. “Well, they’re refusing the offer though, so now you’re mine...”

Daehyun stared at him in disbelief. Something’s off. “What?”

Youngjae reached out his hand to hold Daehyun’s, he instictively jerked at the touch and released his grip on Youngjae’s collar. “You heard them right? They refused to disband. That’s mean that I get to keep you around. And you like it right?”

Daehyun shook his head frantically. What was happening? Why did Youngjae suddenly become like this? Where’s the warm-hearted boy, the cute boy who left his message in a pink sticky notes? The one in front of him was a completely different person. It looked like someone had took away the Youngjae he knew and replaced him with a creepy puppet.

“I love you Daehyunnie....”

Daehyun backed away.

No, he wasn’t.

That wasn’t the look of someone in love. His eyes were empty of emotion. Completely blank.

“I love you, that’s what you want right?”


It’s not like this.

He didn’t want it to be like this.

“Yah, Daehyunnie..... why are you backing away? I just said I love you.”

Youngjae came closer and Daehyun abruptly stood up. Keeping as much distance as he can. For some reason Youngjae just creeped him out.

What is happening?

His head’s hurt.

What the hell is happening?

Why it’s suddenly so messed up?

Did Youngjae tricked him all this time? Is he a fool? Or is this just a bad prank?

“BAP don’t need you, and you don’t need them. You need me.”

If there’s an actual alarm in his system, Daehyun was sure that it would be blaring wildly right know. He could hear someone in the back of his mind shouting at him, telling him to move; to run away. But the more stubborn side of him told him to stay.

To save Youngjae.

To save them.

To save himself.


But is there anything left to be saved?









Once again, I'm very sorry that it took me long enough to update this >___<

I hope this chapter didn't dissapoint you all...

I'll try to update faster next time, but I know I shouldn't be promising anything >___<

And thank you for all of you who leave comments. You're all awesone! XD

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Chapter 19: Update pls author nim T,T
alicedivergent #2
When will you update authornim? >.<
Chapter 19: UPDATE SOOOOOOON!!!! >< OMO! I kinda can feel what Daehyun's feel TT^TT it's creepy yet ironic
mayatot #4

blackcatz #5
Chapter 19: what happen to youngjae???
Chapter 19: tell me its just a dream!!!!
Chapter 19: ...what happened to Dae's Jaejae~
Black_x_Rabbit #8
Chapter 19: YOUNGJAEEEEEEEE Waeeeeeeeeeee???
Chapter 19: omg! I didn't expect Youngjae to change like that! are those his real intentions? i knew he wanted the best for Daehyun but i was so sure youngjae wouldn't want to disband the group that daehyun holds so dear...
i still feel like what i just saw wasnt the real youngjae...because he kinda felt so innocent and not confident about his plan, but suddenly he pulled out the bad guy soliloquy and told daehyun all about his plan and kinda...creepy feelings haha.
despite that, whether this youngjae or the nicer youngjae is the real excited to find out!
Thank you so much for the amazing update<3333