Chapter Sixteen: What is BAP for you?

Kidnapping Plan



When he walked in to the room, he was greeted by a loud “YOUNGJAE-AH!” and a crushing bear hug. The elder had trapped him in a tight embrace, perfectly ignoring his loud protest. He nuzzled his face in Youngjae’s neck, and he can feel his own body heated up at the contact.

“I missed you.” Daehyun whispered in his ear, and for the first time Youngjae was glad that he is currently holding onto him. Standing up properly was now out of  the question. “Where have you been?”

“S-so-m-mething came up.” God, he’s stuttering.

“Aishh, my cutie is soo mean...” Youngjae felt something in his stomach doing an impressive somersault when Daehyun nuzzled his face on his hair, his hand playing with his collar.

“Yah....stop it, I can’t breath...” He tried to wriggle his way from Daehyun’s grip, but the elder only tightened his hold.



“You’ll be gone” Youngjae could hear the sadness in the singer’s voice. He unconciously gulped down, feeling the guilt slowly travelling into his heart. “I feel like if I let you go, you’ll really be gone this time...”


No, Daehyun, just no. Don’t make me feel uncertain.




I will have to let you go....


Youngjae buried his face in the older chest, inhaling his scent. Why Daehyun made it all difficult for him? It was supposed to be easy. But with Daehyun acting all clingy like this, Youngjae just couldn’t bring himself to be sure about anything.

“And if you really can’t breath.... I can always give you the assistance you know....” Daehyun gave him a playful wink and slowly leaned closer. Youngjae needed a few moment to figure out what is really happening, before he roughly shoved the older male away. His face burning red.




“I can sue you,” Daehyun looked briefly at the pouting boy before giving back his attention to the screen. The sight was just adorable.

“You can’t, or I’ll sue you first for kidnapping me” He retorded and laughed as the younger crossed his arm in his chest, puffing his cheek. It made it hard for Daehyun to actually restrain himself from touching the boy. “Don’t do that, you just look even cuter...”

“Can’t you stop seducing your kidnapper?”

Daehyun dodged the flying pillow, grinning from ear to ear. “Nope, I’m enjoying this too much!”

Youngjae let an exasperated sigh as Daehyun scooted nearer, throwing his hand dramatically in the air. “Why do I even bother to kidnap you in the first place?”

“Because you actually love me, don’t you?” Daehyun had once again cornering him in the couch, both his hand casually resting on Youngjae’s sides. The younger squirmed uncomfortably, they were too close to his own liking, and his heart was now speeding in such a dangerous rate.

“A-as I-if...”

Daehyun just laughed at his failed retort and now practically hugging him. Youngjae just felt so damn squishy and he liked it a bit too much. He didn’t even think of his action, he won’t bother with difficult thing like thinking. He liked having Youngjae near. So he’ll have him near.

He smiled as the younger gave in, now adjusting himself to his embrace. He was leaning comfortably in the couch, with Youngjae close to his heart, playing mindlessly with Daehyun’s finger. They were engulfed in the calming silence, with the movie playing in the backgroud, being utterly ignored.

“Nee, Daehyun-ah... what is BAP to you?”

Daehyun looked at the ceiling, thinking. What is BAP to him? It has been long since he actually giving it a thought. What are they? Well, they’re his bandmates. His friends. His family.

“Everything. I think they’re just everything. Friends, family, coworkers, annoying bunch of people that I sincerely loved. Why are you asking this?”

Youngjae shook his head. He seemed hesitant about something, but Daehyun didn’t want to pry any further.

“What about BAP itself, I mean, apart from how you feel about each member.... what do think of BAP as a whole? As a group?”

BAP.... well, the name itself meant soo much to Daehyun. He actually disliked it at first, Best Absolute Perfect, that sounded ridiculous when they first debuted. Well, who would name a group so smugly like that? But it soon grew on him, they were indeed Best Absolute Perfect, and they didn’t need any thropy or award for that. Because BAP’s existence itself was perfect for Daehyun. It gave him the sense of belonging, like as long as they’re together as BAP, Daehyun will always have a place to come back to.

Doing solo activities was tiring for Daehyun. It was really different than when he was with BAP. As BAP he could just felt the confidence overflowing him, like nothing could take him down. But when being all alone... it was just soo terrifying at times. It’s like he didn’t have anyone to hold on into when he was about to collapse.

BAP meant so much to Daehyun that he didn’t now how to exactly describe it.

“What is it to you?”

He just smiled at the younger who was now looking curiously at him, and hugged him tighter.

He didn’t know, but he was certain.

He was certain that when it’s gone, he’ll be gone with it.





Sorry for the very short update

I didn't really know what is happening ahahhahaha

But I can guarantee you that it's actually important..... >___<


So just enjoy it!

And comments are alwaaays appreciated.

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Chapter 19: Update pls author nim T,T
alicedivergent #2
When will you update authornim? >.<
Chapter 19: UPDATE SOOOOOOON!!!! >< OMO! I kinda can feel what Daehyun's feel TT^TT it's creepy yet ironic
mayatot #4

blackcatz #5
Chapter 19: what happen to youngjae???
Chapter 19: tell me its just a dream!!!!
Chapter 19: ...what happened to Dae's Jaejae~
Black_x_Rabbit #8
Chapter 19: YOUNGJAEEEEEEEE Waeeeeeeeeeee???
Chapter 19: omg! I didn't expect Youngjae to change like that! are those his real intentions? i knew he wanted the best for Daehyun but i was so sure youngjae wouldn't want to disband the group that daehyun holds so dear...
i still feel like what i just saw wasnt the real youngjae...because he kinda felt so innocent and not confident about his plan, but suddenly he pulled out the bad guy soliloquy and told daehyun all about his plan and kinda...creepy feelings haha.
despite that, whether this youngjae or the nicer youngjae is the real excited to find out!
Thank you so much for the amazing update<3333