Chapter Ten : Got You!

Kidnapping Plan

-Yongguk POV-


That was him.

That was definitely him.

The chubby cheeks, the doe eyes, the nervous look. That was the boy from the cake shop earlier. The one who might hold the key to Daehyun’s dissapearance.

Their eyes met and Yongguk locked their gazes. The look in that boy’s face was the mixture of both horror and confusion.

I just need to talk to him. I shouldn’t scare him away. I should be all smiley.

He was about to come to him when the boy suddenly ran and dissapeared in a blink of an eye.


He rushed off to run after him. That instance Yongguk knew that this wouldn’t be easy. At all.



-Youngjae POV-


This is bad. This is bad. This is bad.

Youngjae ran as fast as he could, bumped into some random people in the process. He braced himself to look behind and cusses. He could see Yongguk chasing him like a crazy cow, trailing behind closely. He pulled his phone, dialling Mr. Choi’s number while dodging contact with passerby. He was lucky that the street today was crowded. His small body having more advantages than Yongguk’s bulky one.

He slided to one corner, entering a more crowded street in an attempt to confuse Yongguk away. The busy street was the only thing that could give him protection right now.

C’mon....please pick it up...

He saw a rumbustious departement store and went in. Blending with a group of highschool students who busily choosing Valentine Day’s gifts. He half-heartedly hoped that Yongguk would finally lose him. However, his heart sunk lower when Yongguk popped from a corner and looked straight at him.

He dropped a box of chocholate and apologized nonstop to the employee while running for his dear life. He kept hiding in the crowd but Yongguk seemed to have the eyes of a hawk, always finding him no matter how he blended to his surrounding. He tried to dial Mr. Choi’s number and this time it finally reached.

“Pick me up in front of Seoul Mall in ten minutes.” 

He hung up and fastened his pace, tried to put his thinking cap to search for some possible way out of this crazy situation.



-Yongguk POV-


That kid was fast, or he was actually the slow one.

He sure needed some more exercise.

He kept losing the boy in the busy crowd. Cursing why so many people decided to shop at the same time. Like, how could those people be so mainstream? All the highschool girls giggling in front of the pink-decorated shops gave him goosebumps. Imagine if those girls discovered his cover...just imagine the mess...

He chased away the thought and focused himself on the pursue. He couldn’t afford to lose that kid –not unless he wanted to be killed by his dear member, that is—. He saw the boy entered a clothing store and he needed some times to actually found him in the middle of the busy chatting employees. Their eyes met again and the boy moved his feet away.

Yongguk needed a plan, he would never win if he only used his muscle. Well, he was known as a God of Study for once and he had to life up to that expectation one way or another.

He saw the kid ran out of the shop and an idea popped in his mind.

He would get that boy for sure.



-Youngjae POV-


Youngjae was already in the verge of exhaustion. He never be the one for sport and he disliked running much more than he hated on chemistry. He looked back and he still found Yongguk pursuing after him. Did he really have no mercy ? Aiish!

He entered another shop, a very pink-decorated shop that made him felt ticklish. He wasn’t really fond of these kind of things, well he wasn’t a girl afterall. He quickly ran behind a stack of plushies. Holding a Teddy Bear to hide himself and peeked.

No one who seemed as manly as Yongguk dared to enter this shop. And there was really no sight of Yongguk somewhere near.

Did he actually lose him?

He waited for another five minutes before he actually felt relieved. His ride should’ve come by now and he better quickly get out of here.

He was about to walk out the door when a hand suddenly grabbed his wrist.

“Got you!”



-Yongguk POV-


“Got you!”

Pure horror was visible on the boy’s face when Yongguk grabbed his hand, finally locked him in his reach. His simple plan had actually worked.

“Listen, I—”

He wasn’t even able to complete his sentence when the boy suddenly used his free hand to reach his hat and thrown it away. He was still shocked from the action when the boy shouted at the top of his lungs.


His frightened face must’ve been very amusing because the boy in front of him actually stiffed out a laugh. Fangirls were quickly screamed and scrambled near in an instance, like a group of ants met with candies. In the middle of the mess the boy yanked his hand and made his hands free from his grip. Ran away leaving him who tried his best to save his life.

Well, it looked like he would actually die twice today.

He could only hope that Himchan will be in a good mood when he got home, and actually wanted to give him some mercy. 



-Youngjae POV-


“You look so tired Young Master...”

He was now safely seated in his car, beaten up from exaustion. He flashed a smile to the old man in front of him and motioned him to start the car. He wanted to quickly made it home. This was too tiring and nerve-wrecking, and he had his chemistry  homework waiting for him

It was a very thin escape. He thanked his brain that it had actually worked in the last minutes call. Completely saved him from anything that might’ve happened. He still couldn’t believe that Yongguk actually chased him and nearly caught him like that. How could he know that he was involved in this? He had made sure that everything was done by Mr. Choi and a group of proffesionals. The police wasn’t able to tracked them down so how would Yongguk knew?

“Are you sure that everything moves according to the plan, Mr. Choi? That no one knows about us yet?” He asked, felt really intrigued to the fact that Yongguk actually recognized him.

“Yes, young master. I can ensure you that it’s going on according to the plan...”

Youngjae fell deep in thought. This is dangerous. Extremely dangerous.

“Mr. Choi, can you erase all my photos that were avaliable for public? Can you made sure that there won’t be a single photo of me in the internet?”

“It will be done in a few minutes young master...”

Youngjae slumped back in his seat, taking a deep breath. He had to make sure that everything’s okay. That the mission will be accomplished. It only a few days left, only a few days left....





Finally, I updated this....hahahha

Sorry for the delay....a bit caught up with real life ^^

I hope you like it, It’s a bit hard for me to write the chasing scene. SO.....It might turned out very weird.... = =” *please-excuse-me-while-i’m-sulking-in-a-corner*

Comments are reaaally apreciated...haha

And I’m not quite sure myself but I think this will end in a few more chapters.....this won’t be more than 16 or 17 chapters... *well, unless i change my mind in the last minutes or so....haha

Soooooooo enjoooooooooooooooy!


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Chapter 19: Update pls author nim T,T
alicedivergent #2
When will you update authornim? >.<
Chapter 19: UPDATE SOOOOOOON!!!! >< OMO! I kinda can feel what Daehyun's feel TT^TT it's creepy yet ironic
mayatot #4

blackcatz #5
Chapter 19: what happen to youngjae???
Chapter 19: tell me its just a dream!!!!
Chapter 19: ...what happened to Dae's Jaejae~
Black_x_Rabbit #8
Chapter 19: YOUNGJAEEEEEEEE Waeeeeeeeeeee???
Chapter 19: omg! I didn't expect Youngjae to change like that! are those his real intentions? i knew he wanted the best for Daehyun but i was so sure youngjae wouldn't want to disband the group that daehyun holds so dear...
i still feel like what i just saw wasnt the real youngjae...because he kinda felt so innocent and not confident about his plan, but suddenly he pulled out the bad guy soliloquy and told daehyun all about his plan and kinda...creepy feelings haha.
despite that, whether this youngjae or the nicer youngjae is the real excited to find out!
Thank you so much for the amazing update<3333