Chapter Seventeen: Are You Sure?

Kidnapping Plan


The press conference was utterly exhausting. By the end of the recording, everyone’s face were damp with tears. The maknae was still sobbing in his seat, with the others trying to calm him down. In this kind of situation, Yongguk knew that he had to be the one standing strong. Despite the fact that his heart was a complete mess, he needed to be calm and composed.

After confirming everything with the station’s crew for the last time, and ensuring that there will be no editing to the shots, he excused himself to the corner and dialled Manager Kang’s number.

“So how was it Hyung?” Yongguk pressed his phone close to his ear, he could hear the buzzing traffic of Seoul from the other side.

He listened carefully to everything, his brain trying its best to process all the informations. The biggest reason why he had agreed on the pre-recording of the press conference was this: they need a diversion. He believed that the kidnapper will be busy tuning in to the conference, and will let their guard down for awhile. Then, with the leads that they’ve collected so far, they’ll try to come into direct contact and somehow saving their bandmate.

It wasn’t the best plan and there were too many holes in the proposition, but it was still worth the try.

“Is that so?” He nodded his head repeatedly, he was a bit excited by the news that the manager had brought. It clicked. Everything clicked. Things were going according to their hypothesis. “Are you sure, Hyung?”


They had found him.

They boy at the cake shop.




Manager Kang paced around nervously in front of the Seoul Hotel. People were starting to look at him suspiciously –and he only smiled sheepishly in return. Yongguk had said to proceed with the plan, but he was uncertain. This was a bit rash.

However, the picture of Himchan’s furious glare soon win him over. Man, he was such a weak manager. He should be the one in control but he just couldn’t win against the kids in any way possible.

With a heavy heart he dragged his feet inside and went to the front desk.

A proffesional-looking lady greeted him with a bright smile. As expected from Korea’s biggest hotel chain, the interior of the building was magnificent, and the receptionists were pretty. Eh? Focus Kang. Focus.

“Is there anything that I can help, sir?”

“E-euhm...” He tried his best to look like a normal customer. “I need to book a few room. What is the best suite here?”

The pretty receptionist patiently explained a bunch of things to him, and he had to tried his best to concentrate as he look into her beautiful beautiful eyes. Stop it Kang! “Well, unfortunately our best floor was out of order, but I ensure you that our VVIP suite is more than enough to satisfy your necessity...”

“It is out of order? Well, did someone booked all of it or what? Maaan, my clients are very picky with their hotel...” He ruffled his hair in annoyance, acting as if it’s really bothering him. “And they specifically choose this hotel for that room...”

The pretty lady gave him a sorry look before resuming her professional manner. “We’re very sorry, but it was currently being inspected by the owner. It will be avaliable in a few days.”

“Soo....what floor is the best floor?”

The receptionist gave him a questioning look. “Excuse me?”

“Aish, my clients liked the room because of the great view. If I can coax him into taking another room nearby then it will be great!”

“Ahh...” He didn’t really know whether the receptionist actually believed in his petty excuse or not, but she started to look into her computer. “Our best suite is in the 77th floor, and we have 2 empty rooms in the 76th and four empty rooms in the 78th. So, how about that?”

“Well, I need to asked them first. Thank you”

He left the lobby as soon as he got his answer. Ignoring the still confused receptionist, he quickly tapped his smartphone.

I found out which floor it is.

Meet me in front of the hotel in 15.

Bring the van and don’t come out.


Never did he realize the old chaffeur who has been eyeing him from some times ago.




Daehyun stared at the boy who was currently concentrating on his magazine, taking a good look at the fluff ball he is. The way he pouted and scrunched his face, the way he scratched his eyebrows in confusion, the way he moved and acted; everything seemed to amaze him to no end. How someone could be this cute without so much of an effort is a mistery.

He was aware that this past few days he had been acting strange. His body had reacted to Youngjae’s existence in a way that he didn’t even understand. It was as if his body went in autopilot, with Youngjae’s behavior as the catalist to his every response.

He would always feel warm and fuzzy inside when Youngjae was near. Something tickled the inside of his stomach everytime their skin brushes. Every contact with the younger sent electricity to his system, making him all giddy. Looking at his smile created a copy on his own, and staring at the warm black orbs felt like falling into a cloudless night sky.

He was so hopelessly drawn into the younger boy it hurts.

Even he had somehow disregarded the fact that he was currently staring longingly at his kidnapper. Someone that could just kill him and dispose off his body anytime he feel like it.

But the reason why he was soo attracted to the other male didn’t only lies in his cute demeanor –and look. Somehow, being near him made him feel calm and content. In the days that he was being kept inside this hotel room, he had managed to sort a lot of things that had been bothering him. He had reflected on the matter which before –with his hectic schedule and all those craps— were left overlooked.

Youngjae made him a human again.


And he was afraid.


He was afraid because deep down he knew, that all the things which he had sung so many times in a cheesy ballad song is happening to him, and it was beyong his control.

I’m a victim of a kidnapping.

He’s your kidnapper.

Are you sure, Jung Daehyun?

“Daehyun-ah... why are you looking at me like that?” Youngjae’s soft voice woke him up from his reverie. The younger eyed him with his curious look, his hand still clutching his magazine.

“Nothing, it’s nothing...” Daehyun shook his head and scooted nearer, taking the magazine from the younger. “What are you reading?”

It was a gossip magazine, featuring a bunch of idols and celebrities’ latest news. And he was in the front page. “I look good...” He nodded in approval, well.... but he was sure Himchan would be furious to see him in that jacket. He hated that.

“Tsk, such a narcissist....” Youngjae mumbled under his breath and scowled.

“And who is the one admiring this beautiful narcissist?”

“I admit that I was stupid.” The younger hit him playfully. They went quiet for awhile before Youngjae broke the silence. “Do you know the four terms of love in the Greek language?”

Daehyun didn’t even understand English that good, why bother with greek?

“Nope.” He shook his head and adjusted his position, now facing the younger. He draped his arm around the younger’s body and held him closer. Youngjae didn’t seem to mind.

“I learnt it at school, so apparently there are four different words for four different kinds of love in the greek language; Agape, Eros, Phillia, and Storge. Do you know the difference?”

He shook his head again, and looked at Youngjae in the eyes, telling him that he got all his attention. “Tell me.”

Storge means ‘affection’, something that comes naturally to people. Like the love parents have for their children, love between brothers and sisters...the kind that you just feel automatically from the start of a relationship. Some kind of family love...Then, Phillia is love in general; friendship for example, and love that you have for your hobby and liking. They say that this kind of love has give and take. You gave something while expecting something in return...

Eros –don’t quickly jump into conclusion that it’s related to something — it does have the relation with sensual desire and longing, but more than that it’s the kind of love that want to ‘own’ the subject. You love something, and you want that something to be yours. Like when you got that ‘love at first sight’, ‘madly in love’. It’s somehow related to dating and marriage... The last is Agape, if Eros is more like the attraction and the desire to own, then this is what we called ‘unconditional love’; it gives without expecting something in return. A very selfless kind of love. Something that I personally think very highly of........If I ever fall for someone, what kind of love do you think I’ll harbour?”

Youngjae’s sudden question startled him. What kind of love? He didn’t know. He tried to gaze deeper into the younger eyes, trying to read something between the lines that he spoke. But no matter how clear and translucent it seemed, it was as complex. Youngjae was that kind of person that you thought you knew well enough, but turns out to be someone you’re completely unfamiliar with.

Well, if it’s the feeling that you have for your loved one, then it will be Eros right? Afterall, unconditional love sounded so much of a hassle. Daehyun couldn’t bring himself to think of loving someone out of his reach. Love must be something mutual for it to become beautiful. Why loving someone when it hurts? But then, Youngjae was different. He seemed so affectionate and adoring. The kind that was genuine enough to handle that kind of bothersome love.

“The last one, Agape, I think you’re just that kind of person....”

He gave Youngjae his brightest smile and hug him tightly, but when he let go, he could see a glimpse of sadness in his eye smile. The eyes looking back at his was an unreadable labyrinth that made Daehyun felt nervous inside.

“Are you sure, Daehyun-ah?”




Yeyyyy~ an update~

Fyuuhh.... I can somehow finish this chapter despite evrything that had happened

I'm afraid that coming near to the and I couldn't meet your expectation >___<

But I enjoyed writing these stuffs, hahahah

I hope you all like it ^^

Leave a comment, and I'll be really happy hahahaa

ENJOY! \^^/



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Chapter 19: Update pls author nim T,T
alicedivergent #2
When will you update authornim? >.<
Chapter 19: UPDATE SOOOOOOON!!!! >< OMO! I kinda can feel what Daehyun's feel TT^TT it's creepy yet ironic
mayatot #4

blackcatz #5
Chapter 19: what happen to youngjae???
Chapter 19: tell me its just a dream!!!!
Chapter 19: ...what happened to Dae's Jaejae~
Black_x_Rabbit #8
Chapter 19: YOUNGJAEEEEEEEE Waeeeeeeeeeee???
Chapter 19: omg! I didn't expect Youngjae to change like that! are those his real intentions? i knew he wanted the best for Daehyun but i was so sure youngjae wouldn't want to disband the group that daehyun holds so dear...
i still feel like what i just saw wasnt the real youngjae...because he kinda felt so innocent and not confident about his plan, but suddenly he pulled out the bad guy soliloquy and told daehyun all about his plan and kinda...creepy feelings haha.
despite that, whether this youngjae or the nicer youngjae is the real excited to find out!
Thank you so much for the amazing update<3333