Chapter 3

Rei's POV
Next morning, I woke up and gasped. There were 4 boys slept all over my room and my brother was slept on my side. I squeezed his hand slowly and he opened his eyes.
'Oppa' I said.
'Oh, why you woke up so early? Do you feel hurt? What do you want?' Oppa said and checked my forehead.
'No, I'm not hurt. Oppa, I want to go home.' I said and he shocked.
'But Rei, doctor said that you must stay here for few days.' He answered me.
'Oppa, I know I'm sick and it will be hard if I got away from this place. But I don't want to spend my time in here.' I explained.
'But it's so risky, baby girl.'
'Please Oppa' I said with my puppy eyes.
There's a short silence after he said 'Aish. Okay okay we will go home today. Aigoo why can't I say no to you, huh?' He said and piched my cheeks.
'Aw! Its hurts Oppa! But thank you, I love you.' I hugged him tightly. My brother kissed my forehead and smiled widely.
'Oppa, who are they?' I asked and pointing the boys which slept on the couch.
'They are my group's member. You know that Oppa has a band, right?' He asked and I nodded my head.
'Wait here, I'll wake them up. It's already noon and they surely have a schedule' Oppa said and woke s up.
It's so hard to awoken someone which have blue and pink hair there. I giggled while he scolded the other because woken him up.
'Aigoo, Rei really is very beautiful if she smiled' the one with blonde hair said. I blushed and covered my face with the duvet. They all laughed with my reaction and came closer. They surrounded me in the bed and started introduce themself. So they are Seungri, Daesung, Youngbae, and Jiyong.
'Hey you are my dongsaeng right? So you've call me Oppa, haven't you?' Seungri asked.
'Yes, Oppa.' I said and smiled at him.
'Yeeeeees, I have dongsaeng now. Let me called you beautiful, okay' He asked and got slapped on his head from his hyungs.
'Yah! I will not letting you date her!' My Oppa shouted at him and I laughed. The boys are really funny and well, good looking. No wonder they can be an idol.
'Guys, Rei will come home today, but I forgot to cleaned my apartement and I just ordered maid for tomorrow so tonight Rei will join us in dorm, is thatt okay?' My brother asked them.
'Ne, hyung. We don't mind if Rei join us forever, right Jiyong hyung?' Seungri said and Jiyong slapped his arm.
'Don't worry, hyung. Rei can stay in our dorm. We will take care of her, too.' Jiyong said as a leader.
'Thank you, Oppa.' I said and hugged Jiyong. Jiyong blushed and I found it really cute.
'AH! I want a hug, too!' Seungri said and hugged me.
'YAH!' Taeyang and Daesung shouted together.
After that, we've breakfast together. Actually, I didnt have appetite at all, but my brother and the boys continued fed me and made me feel like a baby.
'Oppa, i'm full' I said to Daesung and he said 'Yah, you just ate 5 spoons and already full? Aigoo, don't you want to become ier?'  He joked and I laughed.
Well, I knew my body was not good since I didnt have time to maintenanced my body.  Kevin was the one who always joked about my body.
'Ah, Oppa. Can I borrow your phone?' I asked to my Oppa.
'Of course, baby girl. Who do you want to call?' He asked and lend me his phone. I dialled Kevin's number and waiting for him.
'Hello?' Finally, he answered my call.
'Oppa, it's me.' I said. I hope he will forgive me.
'Rei?! Is this Rei?!' He shouted. From his voice I knew that he was deadly worried.
'Yes, Oppa. It's Rei. I'm so sorry I called you just now. Well, I'm with Oppa now, don't worry again' I explained.
'Baby girl, I was angried to you because of your stupid move, I even had to booked the flight to Korea after read your message, but fortunately in my way to airport your parents called me and it would be huge mess if I didn't came so I cancelled my flight, came to them and covered your escape. I will go to there tomorrow to fetch you, arasso?' He said.
'Oppa, I'm really sorry, and thank you for supporting me. I owe you a lot, but I don't want to go back now. I will stay here with my brother. Oppa, please understand me,' I begged him.
'Rei, please, I let you go there not to let you spend your time by waste. In LA, we have the best doctor and medicine.' He explained.
'But Oppa..' I was about to continued my phrase when suddenly my brother asked his phone and said 'Is that Kevin? Let me talk with him' he said.
I nodded and gave him the phone. 'Hello? Kevin? It's me, Seunghyun' he said and he talked for about 15 minutes. I couldn't clearly heard what they talked and I just looked at the boys which doing their own activity, Jiyong looked so serious with his game. The boys were really like children now.
'Rei' my brother said and gave me his phone again.
'Hello Oppa?' I asked.
'Baby girl, I just talked to seunghyun, and I understand your condition right now. I thought Seunghyun was right to give you time for rest before you go back to LA. You can go home anytime now but still I will go to Korea tomorrow or next week.' He explained.
'Ah, I understand Oppa. Thank you Oppa. You're really the best! I love you so much!' I said with excitedly and he giggled.
'Aigoo, it's been a long time since I heard your happy voice. I love you too baby girl. Please take care of yourself, arasso? Oh and I suggest you to use the credit card which I gave to you, nor your parents gave to you because it's make them easier to know your location. I bet you didn't brought any clothes right?' He said and it's remember me.
'Ah! I almost forgot that! Okay I understand Oppa. See you later. I love you' I said.
'I love you too, baby girl. Waiting for Oppa, okay?'
'Yes, Oppa'. I said and we ended the phone. I can't help but smile. My biggest fear was furnished and I can passed the day without any worries. I can't wait to meet him tomorrow or next week maybe.
'Hyung, who were you called just now? Your parents?' Seungri asked.
'No, its Kevin. He was my childhood friend. He helped me take care of Rei after I left.I owed him a lot. He's like my brother, isn't he Rei?' My brother said.
'He's my fiancee.' I said and all of them got shocked except my brother. I thought he's already knew from Kevin.
After that the boys left us because they had schedule for afternoon but they promised to came again and helped my brother. My brother was busy with administration and all of things so I could went home. Fortunately, the doctor gave me his permission but he said I must come every week for check up. I agreed since I'm used to it.
'You don't have any luggages, do you?' Oppa asked.
'No, Oppa. I didn't brought anything here, just this small bag.' I said.
'Okay, I'll buy you clothes later' he said and I nodded my head.
At night, the boys came again while I was prepared for go home.
'Aigoo, why you have to be this beautiful, huh?' Oppa asked and I giggled.
'Oppa, you haven't see me for two years, you remember? I've grewn up' I said and he hugged me. The boys laughed with my brother's act. I had a feeling that he would be a sister complex soon.
'Hyung, there are many people outside. I'm not sure there isn't VIPs' Youngbae said.
'Well I think we must go out one by one and wear the disguises' Jiyong said and the boys agreed with them.
My brother scooped me and the others disguise me as well. I didn't thought it was necessary, but I knew that they were an idol so they must hide from their fans. After the long way, we already inside the car and went home safely.
'Omo! Oppa! Its very interesting! We were like a spy!' I said excitedly when all of us already inside the car. The boys laughed at me and Seungri my hair.
'Aigoo, this girl. Rei, its not safe for you, understand? The fans sometimes can be so harsh. We don't want them to hurt you, since now you're bigbang's girl' Daesung said. The others laughed and nodded their head.
'Its true Rei. But don't worry, we will protect you' Jiyong said and it made me happy. My brother hugged me and told me to rest so I tried to sleep while we went home. 
Rei said that she wants to go home. I was a little worried since her condition still on danger and I don't want to risk her life anymore.
'Oppa please' she begged me and that was really made me melt and I found my self agreed with her. I introduced her to my group's member and they got along well. After we've breakfast, Rei called someone and from their conversation, I knew she called Kevin. Its looked like she and Kevin had an argument about her stay.
'Let me talk to him' I said and she gave me the phone.
'Kevin, its Seunghyun'
'Wah! Seunghyun! I missed you!' He shouted and I giggled.
'Hey, I owe you a lot about Rei and I know that you did a lot of things before for her and I deeply say thank you for your care.' I explained.
'Aigoo, no need to say thank you. Rei is my beloved little sister, too. And is she told you that we're engaged now? Yaah, You knew our parents. They didn't changed at all.' He told me.
'Mwo? Engaged?' I shocked.
'Yes, it's my plan actually so I can taking care of Rei with my own and no need to bothered them. Rei is my responsibilities now.' Kevin explained.
'Arasso. I got your point. Thank you, dude. You really are one of a kind.' I said.
'Where are you now? Is Rei going well?' He asked.
'Actually, we're in hospital right now. Rei got attack when she came to my office. But she's well now. Don't worry.' I said.
'Aigoo, that little girl! Seunghyun,I think I will fetch her tomorrow, she needs her medication here.' He said.
'Kevin, the doctor here told me that Rei really needs rest at all, so I think its not wise for letting her go back to LA since her condition is not well. I asked you for letting her stay here for 1 or two weeks more. Is that cool with you?' I asked for his permission. There's a short silence and finally Kevin agreed with my decision. It's settled that Rei will stay with me until she feels good enough for go back to LA. 
'He's my fiancee' Rei answered the question from Seungri and all of them were shocked big time. Yeah, Kevin is my best friend and I knew his mind. I really owed him a lot.
This night I'll bring Rei to the dorm and the boys help me a lot. They helped to disguised Rei and it was a smooth move that we could went inside the car with no problems. On the other hand, Rei was very excited about our action and made she felt like a spy. Aigoo, I can't stand her cuteness anymore but I must explain to her how dangerous the fans could be. I don't want her to be hurt.
I hugged her and told her to rest. So she put her head on my shoulder and started to sleep. After an hour, we arrived at the dorm. The boys helped me with the luggage and I scooped Rei. I didn't want to wake her up. Actually my own apartment is at 7th floor on this building and our dorm is at 6th floor, but I decided to put her in the dorm first because my apartment needs to clean up. I put her on my bed, wrapped her with the duvet. After made sure she's in deep sleep, i went out to the living room and gathered with the boys.
'Hyung, we've recording and meeting with YG hyung tomorrow.' Jiyong said.
'Alright. May I bring Rei with us? I mean, I can't leave her alone in the dorm.' I asked and he nodded.
'But I suggest her to enter from the back door since there's many VIPs in main door.' Daesung added.
'Yeah, I think its right.' Youngbae said and I nodded my head. 
'He's my fiancee' she said and it was shocked me big time. Wait, Kwon Jiyong. What's wrong with you?
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TOPKpopfan #1
Chapter 17: .......OH MAI GOD!!! Ji you hopeless loverboy~ hehe update soon!!! (⌒▽⌒)
TOPKpopfan #2
Chapter 16: No npnononononno stay with Ji~ NOOOOO STAY WITH JI!! (♯`∧´)
TOPKpopfan #3
Chapter 15: Aww Ji.. Your so cute! I hope things get a little better
it's so great so far ! update soon ^^
Lollipop37 #5
Chapter 15: Thank you for waiting. Please comments and subscribes, its good to know that people waiting for my update. ^^
TOPKpopfan #6
Chapter 14: Awww that's sad...update please I want to know how Ji feels :)
TOPKpopfan #7
Chapter 13: Omg omg omg omg!! He confessed!! Pleeeaaaasssseee update soon!! It's good(except..maybe the grammar..) BUT I love the story! *Thumbs UP* write more please!!
Lollipop37 #8
Chapter 13: I'm sorry for make you waiting so long. I just finished my mid term exams and here you go a new chapter. ^^ I cant promise when I will update again but I will try to update soon if I have time again. Thank you. <3
Wow.. Lovey Dovey story ! LOVE IT ♡