Chapter 21


'Are you sure you okay, babe? Because you aint look that good' jiyong said while touched his forehead with mine, checking my fever.
'I'll be fine. Just go and come back home quickly. I'll sleep for a whole day, oppa' i said and pecked his lips
'I can accompany you if you want, Rei. I'll call manager hyung' he said again and held my hands.
'Absolutely no mr G-Dragon. You have a rehearsal for the concert so you will go there and ready to rock the stage tomorrow. I promise I'll do good. Whenever something happen i'll just call you 'kay. Now go. Dont worry about me. They are waiting for you, oppa'
'Are you sure?' He still hesitated
'100%' i smiled at him.
He hugged me and kissed my lips before he got up. I got up too and fixed his clothes.
'I'll promise i'll be back immediately. You dont need to wait for me just sleep whenever you sleepy. Dont be late for your meal. Dont forget your medicine. You know my number and the other oppars if you need us. Dont..'
'Wow wow oppa stop you sounded like one of my doctor. Im fine' I said, stopping him.
He smiled and kissed the top of my head. 'See you in a bit, babe. Love ya' he said and gave me a quick hug before walked back out of my room. When he disappeared from my sight, my sick feeling come again. Well, im not that good at lying but i have to. He couldnt forever treated me like a sick person because he had other life to do so. My chest was heavy and because i pretended to be okay a while ago, its getting worse. My head was dizzy and i started to want vomit. Its weird because im all good yesterday and suddenly im being like this when i woke up this morning. Today is the rehearsal day for bigbang since they will have their final tour tomorrow so i didnt want to make them worried especially my boyfriend and my brother. They will freaking out and wont go anywhere. I just need my medicine and i'll be good. But i thought i really need to vomit first.

Jiyong's Pov

'We'll do one more time from the start. Please do better this time. Rei was sick and i dont want to made her waiting for us any longer' i said to my member and they nodded. We've been rehearsing for 12hours now and i want to be at home before midnight so i can accompany her until she sleep.
'Ji, is she called you? I called her a while ago and she's not picked up' Top hyung approached me and i knew he's deadly worried.
'She replied to my text message a while ago said she just had dinner. Maybe she fell asleep, hyung' i said and he looked relieved
'Okay, lets do this again and go home' he said.

3 hours later, we finished our rehearsal and now we about to go home. We still preparing our things and laughing and teasing each other. I sent a text message to Rei, saying that we're heading home but she didnt reply me. Maybe she already slept. Top hyung got a phone call and his face became serious all of sudden. He hesitated to picked the call for a sec.
'Hyung whats wrong? Who's calling?' Dae asked him. All of us now stared at him.
'Nah, its just... Its my home's number. They are calling from LA' he said. After thinking for a while, he picked up the phone. 'Hello? Yeah its Seunghyun' He asked and i could heard a woman's voice panicking from the other side. I looked at TOP hyung when he suddenly shouted 'HE WHAT? THE HELL ARE YOU KIDDING ME BECAUSE ITS NOT EVEN FUNNY' His face looked so angry and we all surprised. He covered his face with his hand and after that, his face turned sad. Really sad. 'Are you sure? Is this real?' He said again with calmer but shaking voice. 'Okay. Thank you' he said and ended the phone.
'Hyung what's wrong?' I said when looked him bent down. He covered his face and his body shaking.
'Hyung!' I approached him and grabbed his shoulder.
'Its Kevin' he answered me.
I felt something terrible will happen after this.
'He's dead'

I still couldnt understand what he said. Kevin is dead. How come?
'His car crashed' he explained when all of us still tried to understand.
I still having a hard time to swallowed the news when TOP hyung looked at me and said 'Rei'
Oh . 'Please save her Ji. Please' he begged me.
' hyung' I ran immediately to my car. She is alone and i dont even want to think about it if she heard this news. I started my engine and went straight to dorm. I leave the others behind me because i know TOP hyung will need a time after heard about this. I tried to calling Rei but its just mailbox. I tried to call the dorm and no one picked up. Im shaking right now. Please, please be okay. Please waiting for me.
I arrived at the dorm and rushed to our room.
'Rei! Babe where are you?!' I shouted and found her phone at the floor. She's nowhere. I checked her car at basement and its gone.
'!' I shouted and ride my car again. She must be going to the airport.
I drove like there's no tomorrow. Checking every corner on the road, searching at her. After a while, i saw a crowd of people in front. They were looking at something and after that the ambulance came.
O my God.
Dont let that one be her.
I approached the crowd to made sure but when people gave a way for the ambulance, i saw her car. Its hit the tree.
'REI! NO O MY GOD REI' i shouted when i saw her being pulled from the car. I approached her and saw how fragile she is. She's pale and bleeding a lot. Oh God. I felt like my other half is lost.
'Do you know her, sir?' The Officer asked me when the others brought her to the ambulance.
'Yes, yes sir. Im her boyfriend' i said to him.
'Well, you can go with us to the hospital. She's fine but i thing she broke her leg' he said. I just nodded and got in to the ambulance. I sat beside her and holding her hand. She looked like sleep. Just so pale and bruises.i could saw her tears. Meanwhile her leg were bleeding ao badly. I kissed her hands and her hair.
'Im sorry babe. Please please be strong' i said while pressed her hand with my forehead.

Rei's POV

Ugh. I slept for a whole day like baby but my dizzines wont go. I thought i have to go to doctor but i need my brother and Jiyong. I have no appetite at all because i always felt like throwing up. So i lied to Jiyong whenever he asked did i eat. I tried to closed my eyes again when my phone ringing. Maybe its my brother again. I dragged my heavy head to the phone and saw the screen. What? This is my home's number. Oh did they already found me? I hesitated to picked the call so i ended the call. But its always calling again and again until i gave up and answered to it.
'Ya hello' i said. I heard my maid's familiar voice answered me.
'Miss! Oh my God thank you for picking up!' She said and i could felt her voice shaking.
'Whats wrong?'
'Its mr Kevin miss! His car crashed!' She shouted.
I felt like something crushed inside me. My hands shaking and i couldnt thinking about anything.
'He's gone miss' she said again and i could heard she crying. My phone fell from my phone and hit the floor loudly. You gotta be kidding me, right Kev? You just want me to back home, right? My tears started falling. I couldnt even felt my heavy head and my pain body anymore. I just want to go home. I ran to the basement and got inside my car. I need to go to the airport. I need to see him. This is what he wants right?
My vision going blur but i have to drove like there's no tomorrow. Because it wont be any tomorrow again if i cant see him smile at me happily right now.
'You cant do this to me Kev. I'll slap you hard for making me worried like this. Its not even funny oppa' i keep murmured while crying on my own when i heard a loud beep from my side and I saw a car approaching me.
'!' I cursed when i felt my car hit something big before everything going black.


People said you wont realized what you have, until its gone from your life. Its ironic huh? Im the one who supposed to go. But right now, Kevin is the one who went to heaven. I didnt even remember how i get here. I just feeling numb. I didnt speak nor cry. Ah, my brother and Jiyong always besides me tough. But i jut cant looked at them. Im in a wheelchair since i broke my leg. But my brother and Jiyong always brought me in their arms. I woke up in the hospital with tears. I just cant stop crying. But why? My tears wont stop. Why?
'Kevin is gone, Rei' i heard Jiyong said to me. He hugged me when i opened my eyes that night and crying. Kevin is gone. He's gone to the place that i've never thought before. I didnt speak anything. Im crying in silent. He hugged me all night. He kissed my temple. My brother and the others were already left to LA. Im going tomorrow with Jiyong. Its hard because he needs to take care the broken me. Physically and mentally. Maybe i should just left too.

Jiyong's POV
Rei's condition really made me worried. She didnt speak at all since the night she opened her eyes. That nighy she just crying silently until her last tears. She didnt eat, didnt looked at me. Practically, she didnt realized my presence. Going to LA was the hardest. She didnt slept at all. She stopped crying but its getting worse. She almost passed out when we arrived, thankfully she made it to her home. Her room was like mini hospital with all of tools and med and yhe doctor was waited for us. Tomorrow we are going to Kevin's funeral. All of bigbang member were here. We loss someone important, of course we will be here. Rei and top hyung need us. Top hyung was calmer now. He still shocked but managed to did well. Meanwhile Rei was the oppsite. She became thinner because she barely eat. Her face colour was gone and pale. In this state she looked like zombie yet still beautiful. If we didnt gave her an anesthetic maybe she wont sleep. We always sit around her and telling her jokes, stories, comforted her but she still like that. The others had been gave up so mostly its me and top hyung who accompany her.
Today is the funeral. Im waiting until the maid finished changing her clothes. When she finished, i brought her downstairs.

In the funeral, peole always looked at me. Well, at Rei. But she always in my arm. I brought her down just when we were besides the coffin so she could saw Kevin for the last time. I'm afraid that she would cried and broken down when she saw Kevin. But she's not. She just being calm, touching Kevin's face. Well, too calm. It worries me a lot that she wont be strong enough to face this situation.

Rei's POV
I cant cry anymore. My tears wont coming out anymore. But my heart still feel the pain. Why? Why God did this to me? Because i've sinned for ran to Jiyong and left Kevin? Why? I just didnt understand.
I saw him sleeping peacefully in his best tuxedo. That is the one he wore at our engagement party. Those memories still remain fresh in my memory because i thought that he was the most handsome person in the world at that time. But now, he wore it again in his coffin. Smiling like a baby. Are you happy, oppa? Im right here. Im back. This is what you want right? Im back.

'Rei, its time to go' i heard voices beside me. I looked at his face for the last time, and I whispered in his ear. 'Wait for me, oppa. I'll be there soon. Love you' i said and kissed his cold forehead. I let go of him and a pair of hands helped me got up. I looked at Kevin's coffin being buried and soon after that people started to left. My brother also brought me home. I just cant remember everything, im sitting on my bed, did nothing. I just didnt know what i supposed to do. My body cant function like before. Some guys always besides me, sometimes they hugging me, crying with me silently. My brother did it too, but i just couldnt said anything. I lost for words. Here they go again, but right now there's one guy with me. He always smiled and take me in his arm. I could hear he's saying something, telling me a story maybe. I just cant understand what he's saying. My brother brought me a meal but i just couldnt open my mouth. He and this guy tried to fed me though.
'Rei, open up baby. You havent eat since yesterday. At this rate you'll be sick' i heard the guy said something. My brother also looked at me worriedly. He lifted up my chin and talked to me 'please, Rei. Open up' my brother said. I cant react, i dont know how to react. Im not hungry, didnt want to talk too. Im not looking at them. Maybe i looked like a statue.
'I will call the nurse to get her injection again' my brother said and got up. The guy still sat besides me and he moved so we are facing each other. He looked at me deeply but i just stared blankly.
'Baby, can you hear me?' He asked. 'I know you can hear me, babe. Please dont do this. To us. To me. This is torturing, babe. You got thinner, the last color from your face is gone too. Please babe, eat up. Kevin will be sad if he knew about you. Please' he begged, touching my face. His voice shaking, maybe he's about to cry. How dare he mentioned Kevin again like that. This is what Kevin want, Kevin wants me to go there too with him. He kissed my forehead and after that he kissed my lips. I could felt his hot tears dropped to my cheeks. His crying, for what? For me?
'Wait here, babe. I'll get the medicine for you' he said and got up. I saw him closed the door. I didnt understand. Why God have to take Kevin first before me? Am I that bad? Kevin is waiting for me, i know it. God just wont let him go there alone. So i got up, i locked the door. Kevin is waiting, so what am i waiting for. I looked at the mirror and saw my poor reflection. That ugly face that i hate the most. That face who betrayed Kevin and let him suffered.
'This is your fault, Rei' i said and I dropped the mirror. It scattered all around me. I could feel the sharp pieces went through my skin. I grab the big pieces and ran it through my vein. It did hurts. The pain is real. Blood was flowing over. But the pain in my chest was worse. Im still alive yet my soul is dead.
'REI! WHAT ARE YOU DOING? REI OPEN THE DOOR!' I heard voices in front of my door. I know those voices. I know that gut. That one who I fell in love with for the first time. I love you, Oppa. I still do. But i just cant live in this cruel world without Kevin. I love you so much, and im so sorry for made you sad, for hurting you.
Ah, those are my brother voice. Im sorry Oppa, this time im the one who leaving. But please dont hate me. I will watching you from above with Kevin. I love you so much, Oppa.

Thank you and good bye

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TOPKpopfan #1
Chapter 17: .......OH MAI GOD!!! Ji you hopeless loverboy~ hehe update soon!!! (⌒▽⌒)
TOPKpopfan #2
Chapter 16: No npnononononno stay with Ji~ NOOOOO STAY WITH JI!! (♯`∧´)
TOPKpopfan #3
Chapter 15: Aww Ji.. Your so cute! I hope things get a little better
it's so great so far ! update soon ^^
Lollipop37 #5
Chapter 15: Thank you for waiting. Please comments and subscribes, its good to know that people waiting for my update. ^^
TOPKpopfan #6
Chapter 14: Awww that's sad...update please I want to know how Ji feels :)
TOPKpopfan #7
Chapter 13: Omg omg omg omg!! He confessed!! Pleeeaaaasssseee update soon!! It's good(except..maybe the grammar..) BUT I love the story! *Thumbs UP* write more please!!
Lollipop37 #8
Chapter 13: I'm sorry for make you waiting so long. I just finished my mid term exams and here you go a new chapter. ^^ I cant promise when I will update again but I will try to update soon if I have time again. Thank you. <3
Wow.. Lovey Dovey story ! LOVE IT ♡