Forgive and Forget

L.Joe, I'm your guardian angel

[After a long time - Jo Eun]


Chapter 22 : Forgive and Forget

L.Joe's POV

Since I left, I locked myself inside the room. I sat on the floor, hugging my knees close to my chest without realizing that I was doing it.

Everything that Chunji had told me made me realized that he was right. I stare at the floor blankly without knowing that my tears were streaming down my face. Everyone that admires me think that I'm strong attractive, cool and perfect when it comes to life, when it is completely the opposite. Only a few people knew the real me, the real L.Joe who is weak, irresponsible, dependent and imperfect.

"A person like me, shouldn't exist in the first place!!" I lower my head as I started sobbing, letting all my emotion out. I punch the floor, that my hand got wounded andb it bleed.... But, I know that grieving like this won't change anything, even how many timed I cry, or how long I stay in this room, It won't help me at all cause it won't turn back the time.

"I'm going to make everything right, and I'm going to make sure that I won't regret it." I said while wiping my excess tears in my eyes. "I'm not going to stay here, grieving, because the more I cry and stay here, the more I show myself and everyone that I'm weak. I shouldn't disappoint everyone especially Sun Byeol."


Sun Byeol's POV

Sitting on a swing while admiring the stars is just so splendid! I stretch my hand towards the sky, trying to reach for the moon and the stars, Everytime I do this it makes me happy because I feel that I'm with my family again.


"Sun Byeol there's something I want to tell you, that's why I was send here."

"What is it sunbae-nim?"

"I don't know if I shall consider this a good news or bad news, but let's just get to the point, the father wants to send and give this scroll to you."

(End of Flashbacks)

"I forgot about the scroll." I bring out the scroll given to me by Jiminel Sunbaenum, from my pocket. I unscroll it and started to read what's written on it.

L.Joe's POV

The sky was beautiful, the moon light was so amazing, the stars were shimmering, my surroundings is so peace and calm, making the night completely perfect except for one thing.

"Me." I muttered full of bitterness.

"L.Joe were going to have a rest for tonight, kindly tell Sun Byeol to go back now to the rest house." Mr.Kang said and I nod my head.

Sun Byeol was sitting on the swing, humming some sweet tunes.

"Sun Byeol, ummm..... We have to go back now to the rest house." I said, feeling awkward and nervous.

"Oh yes." Sun Byeol answered as she stand up. 

"Ah, Sun Byeol?" I asked. "Mmm?" She asked while looking at me, waiting for my answer.

"I just want to apologize for everything that I've done, I know that--" I was cut-off when a pair of warm hands wrap around my waist. " Everything that happened, forget t, because I forgive you." Sun Byeol said. I can't believe what I actually heard from her, and I didn't expect for her to easily forgive me. But I'm really thankful that another chance was given to me.

After a few seconds we finally broke the hug. I was so happy I don't know that to do deep inside.

"Thank you Sun Byeol for forgiving after all the things that I've done." I said and she gave me a smile, the smile that she usually gives me, which I really miss.

"You don't have to thank me, because I'm your guardian angel, and guardian angels, have to forgive now matter what their master do. You know, Everytime that I ignore or avoid you, my conscience bothers me alot that I feel guilty."

"I'm really thankful that I have a guardian angel like you." I said while smiling.

"You better be!" Sun Byeol joked while grinning. "Hmm.. Let's go?" I asked offering my hand on her, she smile and gladly hold my hand.

*You don't know how happy I am that I'm with you again. Sun Byeol.* I thought while smiling, I don't know but if someone saw me like this, they might think that I'm an idiot. But who cares, as long as I can express how happy I am.

:End of 23th Chapter:

Author's Message

A short update.

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Foreverlocket #1
Chapter 28: Awwww. Ahri isnt that bad now is she? :')
Chapter 27: I love this story please update soon <3!
Chapter 27: update soon~~~= T.T i love your story
Chapter 27: i looooooove your story~ update soon~~ <3 <3
rachel123 #6
Chapter 26: Please update ur story.i wonder what will the ending be?
MayChunJoeChang_0429 #7
Chapter 26: update soon~~
Chapter 24: Finally..aigooo..they friends again !! Love them! !
MayChunJoeChang_0429 #9
Chapter 24: Update soon~~