Saturday Afternoon

L.Joe, I'm your guardian angel

[Saturday Afternoon - Raspberry Field]


Chapter 15 : Saturday Afternoon

Author's POV

It was a fine Saturday morning, birds were chirping, trees and flowers were swaying, leaves were flying everywhere people were passing by the street. It was the perfect day to start relaxing and having fun.

"Rise and Shine sleepy head~~" L.Joe sang as he open the window letting the sunlight inside, serving it as spotlight that shines directly on Sun Byeol's face.

"What's with the rush? I want to sleep." Sun Byeol softly whined as she rub her eyes.

"You're not going to sleep again, because I prepare a breakfast!" L.Joe said as he lightly pinch Sun Byeol's cheeks.

"Appu.." Sun Byeol mumble as she rub the part of her cheeks where L.Joe had pinched.

"Ppali~ Ge up now and get your shower" L.Joe said 

"Arraseo, uppa." Sun Byeol said as she make a face that make L.Joe chuckle

After having a refreshing shower and eating breakfast. Sun Byeol fell asleep on the couch again while L.Joe seems to be bored and he thinks that going out is fun, so he decided to wake Sun Byeol up.

L.Joe's POV

"Sun Byeol wake up" I whisper to Sun Byeol's ear, she stirred a bit as she slowly open her eyes.


"Were going somewhere." I said.

"Somewhere?" She asked again *aish, this girl has too many questions.* I thought 

"It's a date come on!" I said as I pull her up.

"Get dress first before we go." I said as I wait for her, Sun Byeol head upstairs while I started to plan the place we are going.

While thinking, Sun Byeol who was walking downstairs caught my attention, she was wearing long sleeves and and a floral skirt which is a bit.... Let's just say Sun Byeol is not good in fashion.

"I think I know where should we go." I said.


"Were buying clothes for whom?" Sun Byeol asked.

"You're not going to wear that while we are in date right?" I asked as I smile on her.

"Is it ugly?" Sun Byeol asked while holding on to her clothes.

"No!No! It's not ugly! It's just you will look more beautiful if you wear some beautiful clothes." I reasoned out.

Author's POV

"Sir, may I help you?" The sale's lady asked L.Joe and Sun Byeol

"Oh, yes, kindly help her to pick a beautiful clothes." L.Joe said

"Arraseo." The sale's lady said.

"I'll be waiting here." L.Joe said to Sun Byeol and Sun Byeol nodded.

The sale's lady and Sun Byeol were choosing some clothes to wear, and Sun Byeol finally gave up that she ended up asking the sale's lady for help.

"You should try this." The sale's lady said to Sun Byeol as she gave her the clothes, she's going to try.

"oh, arraseo." Sun Byeol bow her head as she proceed to the dressing room.

After a few minutes Sun Byeol walked outside the dressing room and asked L.Joe about the dress.

"Umm.. No." L.Joe said as he shook his head slowly.

"arraseo." Sun Byeol replied as she try another clothes, after trying, L.Joe said no, and she try again another one, but L.Joe still said no.

"How bout this one?" Sun Byeol asked 

"No" L.Joe flatly replied that made Sun Byeol heave a deep sigh and blew her bangs upward.

"Ok let's try this." Sun Byeol said as she try another one.

L.Joe was so picky that both of them ended up with a simple t-shirt and a short.


"You know what? I'm tired." Sun Byeol complain as she send L.Joe a glare.

"What? It's not my fault you are wearing those kind of clothes." L.Joe answered.

"I hate you." Sun Byeol muttered.

"I hate you too." L.Joe replied with a smirk that makes Sun Byeol annoyed more.

"Yah! You want me to punch you right in your so-called precious face?" Sun Byeol asked.

"As if you can do that in front of people." L.Joe said, challenging Sun Byeol.

"Oh yes, I can do it just for you." Sun Byeol said.

"Well, you're an angel, and you're supposed to protect me, not hurt me." L.Joe teased as he smirk again.

"Aish!" Sun Byeol ended up glaring at L.Joe while L.Joe ended up laughing at Sun Byeol.

"That's the bus! Come on!! ppali!" L.Joe said as he hold Sun Byeol's wrist and pull her with him, catching up the bus.

"Yah! Yah! Where are we going?" Sun Byeol asked while running.

"Somewhere." L.Joe said as they go inside the bus which is already full, that they have to stand-up.

"Always answering somewhere." Sun Byeol mutter.

While the bus were running, Sun Byeol was to busy playing with her phone that she forgot to hold at the so-called bar for support (I don't what it is called). When the bus unconciously stop Sun Byeol was about to fall on the ground, luckily L.Joe caught her.

"Pabo." L.Joe whisper to Sun Byeol, that made Sun Byeol glare at L.joe.

"Just wait a little longer, and my fist will land on your face." Sun Byeol whisper back to L.Joe that made L.Joe chuckle.

"Why don't you try it here?" L.Joe asked Sun Byeol. Sun Byeol suddenly step on L.Joe's foot that made L.Joe jump in pain.

"Yah! Why did you do that?" L.Joe asked, trying his best not to shout.

"Well, you asked for it" Sun Byeol said as she flash an innocent smile, like she doesn't have any idea on what happened.

"Aish! Wait for my revenge." L.Joe mutter.

L.Joe and Sun Byeol keep on arguing over small things they even argued about who's stronger, dog or cat, what comes first, chicken or egg and such things, that they didn't know that people inside the bus specially the halmonis and halpojees were watching them argue.

"This is my first time seeing couple that instead of showing PDA (public display of affection) they are arguing over small things." The halmoni beside them said to his husband.

"Kids these days." her husband replied as the both of them shook their heads.

After a long travel they finally arrive their destination, and that made the both of them stop their lame argument over small things.

"So this is the place?" Sun Byeol asked.

"Yes, it's an amusement park." L.Joe replied

"Lotte world." L.Joe added as the both of them head inside the amusement park.

"Wow! It's beautiful here! Let's try that and that and that!!" Sun Byeol beamed like a kid.

"Yah! yah! Were ging to try all of them, if you want." L.Joe said as they start to try the rides one by one.

After trying some of the rides, L.Joe and Sun Byeol decided to stop first and have some walk. While walking, L.Joe saw a balloon shop, wherein he thought of an idea.

"Sun Byeol, do you want to taste that?" L.Joe asked Sun Byeol with a grin while pointing at the store that sells balloon with different shapes

"Seriously? does it taste sweet?" Sun Byeol asked

"Yep, now let me buy it for you." L.Joe said as he buy one balloon on the store. He carefully untie the string on the balloon. *This is my sweet revenge* L.Joe thought to himself.

"Yah! Sun Byeol, taste this." L.Joe said as he give the balloon to Sun Byeol not removing his hand to the upper part so that the air or more known as the hellium  inside the balloon won't go out. Sun Byeol who is so naive, indeed taste the hellium inside the balloon.

"It doesn't have any taste....What?!" Sun Byeol noticed that her voice got smaller just like a cartoon character, meanwhile, L.joe who is the one who planned everything, laughed hilariously like there is no tomorrow.

"Yah!! What have you!" Sun Byeol cover immediately.

"So gullible." L.Joe said as he continue to laugh like a crazy man who just got out from the mental hostpital.

"Wae?" Sun Byeol asked, not removing her hand on .

"It's not funny!" Sun Byeol exclaimed as she pout.

"Well for me it is." L.Joe answered.

"I really hate you." Sun Byeol said as she walk away leaving L.Joe there.

"Yah! I'm just kidding!!" L.Joe said as he catch up with Sun Byeol.

"Don't follow me, I hate you!!" Sun Byeol said as she run away from L.Joe.

"Yah!! I'm just kidding, don't take it seriously" L.Joe said as he grabbed Sun Byeol's wrist and spun her around.

"If I leave you, will you able to survive?" L.Joe added as he smile sincerely to Sun Byeol.

"O-of co-couse.... not" Sun Byeol mumbled the last part.

Sun Byeol didn't know that L.Joe was so happy deep inside, that once in his life time there's a person who needs him alot, not because of his looks nor his popularity, he finally realized that he has a purpose in life, and that's when Sun Byeol came into his life. 

*Kamsahapnida, Sun Byeol-ah* L.Joe thought as he smile.


While walking a girl stood in front of L.Joe and Sun Byeol as she give the two a flyer.

"Unnie~ you want to sing?" The girl asked

"Well, if you're interested, you can join our mini contest that will be held 2 in the afternoon. See You~" The girl said as she make a 90 degree bow.

"What a worthless mini contest, wasting their time to contests like that, seriously... Aish!" L.Joe said, not noticing that Sun Byeol already left him.

L.Joe's POV

"Byungie look!! there's a huge lollipop!!" Sun Byeol beamed while jumping in excitement like a kid.

"Wow!! I can't believe that big lollipops do exist in the human world!!" Sun Byeol beamed while hugging the huge lollipop that was placed outside the candy store.

"Yah! Sun Byeol, people are looking" I muttered while trying to pull her over.

"Shiro~" Sun Byeol whined, not removing her hands around the lollipop.

"Aish! Will you stop being a whiner for a day?" I asked, getting impatient.

"Buy me one first." Sun Byeol pleaded while making puppy eyes.

"You cannot eat that thing!! and besides I already bought you a jar of lollipops." I said

"But I want this big one~~" Sun Byeol whined, AGAIN.

"Aish! Arraseo but not that one, I'm going to buy you the one that you can eat." I said as I grab her wrist and drag her inside the store.

*I can't believe I'm buying her a lollipop again, that's for kids!* I thought while letting her choose the lollipop she likes.

After buying a lollipop, roaming around the amusement park and dragging over Sun Byeol because of her childiness act I finally gave up, we end up sitting on the bench, tired of what we do for the whole morning.

"You know what? Maybe I should try this." Sun Byeol as she wave he flyer in front of my face. I snatch the flyer from her hand as I examine it.

"It's just a worthless contest."  I said, full of sarcasm. I was about to crumple it and throw it away, but it seems that she was serious of what she said, when she quickly snatch the flyer away from my hand

"Yah! What are you trying to do?" Sun Byeol asked, suspiciously.

"What? I'm trying to crumple it, and throw it away, besides it's just a mini contest wherein bunch of untalented people join." I said.

"Aniyo, people who has a talent in singing join in contest like this to enhance their talent and to make people happy!" Sun Byeol explained.

"And besides If I join here, I might improve my singing talent!" She further explained as she grab my wrist and drag me along with her.

"Wait, wait, why are you so excited?" I asked 

"Well, I want to win." Sun Byeol simply replied

"And the price?" I asked

"Well, i was written here that the price will be a surprise." Sun Byeol said.


"And I love surprises, so yeah.." Sun Byeol said as she shrug her shoulders.

"that's it?" I asked, obviously not satisfied.

"Yeah." Sun Byeol said that make me face-palm myself.

"Let's go now!" Sun Byeol said as she drag me AGAIN. Haaay... How many times will I let this girl drag me over here and there. Do I look like a dog now?


And Here I am, after being dragged, MANY TIMES by Sun Byeol, I found myself standing with the crowd watching the performer's sing.

"So everyone I would like to introduce you our last contestant for the day, her name is Moon Sun Byeol!!" The host introduced and while the crowd clap their hands in synch.

Sun Byeol then starts to sing...


Saturday Afternoon

Drowsy in the sun
Saturday afternoon
Warm nepume
Well, lying
Sweet scent of soap

Like him right off to sleep
Your new white sneakers is wrinkled
Rise and fall swallow my flat shoes lying
Dancing side by side on the lawn
You give a perfect reason to sing

Yeah ~

Stay soksakyeojwo
Tagawa your kiss

Yeah ~

Pictures do not fade
Our Saturday afternoon
The reason why I sing
The reason why
Snow kkaewojun guitar banjjeumgamgin
Heungeolheungeol telling your songs.
Harmony and the start of our own
You give a perfect reason to sing

Yeah ~

Stay soksakyeojwo
Tagawa your kiss
Yeah ~
Pictures do not fade
Our Saturday afternoon

Time passes
Excitement is gone
Eventually stopped pounding metropolitan
Remember each other’s yimaeum
Drowsy in the sun
Drinking soy latte every day

Saturday afternoon
I dream of five kkune
The jeans from the knee every day
Blue dress in sky napulgeorineun
Anything resembling a smiling face to us.
You give a perfect reason to sing

Yeah ~

Stay soksakyeojwo
Tagawa your kiss

Yeah ~

Pictures do not fade
Our Saturday afternoon
The reason why I sing
The reason why


While listening to her voice I started to regret everything that I thought to her before she holds the mic and sing. I thought her voice was just a joke, but I was wrong that everyone including me, got mesmerized by her sweet and soothing voice

*Sun Byeol, why do you always give me a reason, for me to fall for you?* I thought, sometimes I think that Sun Byeol had it all, the eyes that shows innocence the luscious lips that never fail to smile, the personality that makes everyone around her happy and most of all, the voice that captures everyone's heart.... But I know that I already have Ah Ri and I can't fall for Sun Byeol because she's not a human.

I was so busy listening to Sun Byeol, that I didn't notice that my phone is ringing, luckily the guy beside me, who seems to be annoyed tell it to me.

"Yah! You know that you're disturbing me, with your cellphone." the guy muttered.

"Ah Mianhae." I said as I answer the phone.

"Yoboseyo?" I asked the other line.

:End of 15th Chapter:

Trailer for 16th Chapter:

"What is the feeling if you have a lover?"

"Well, it depends."

"Well, I wish I could have one, someday."

*Then, I wish it was me.*

Find out in the next chapter: What will I do once I have a lover]



Author's Message

Kekeke!! ayo chingus!! It's been a long time, since I updated and I'm really sorry for that, I really work hard on this chapter, and I hope you like it.. Kekeke :)) And besides the song that Sun Byeol sing there is Saturday Afternoon sang by Raspberry Field, it was translated in English Version so that it is worth to put the lyrics there, Of course, I won't put a lyrics there that none of you can understand xD kekeke Just kidding, anyways I hope you like the song and just imagine that it was Sun Byeol's voice. La~ La~ La~ Don't forget to leave your comment, and don't worry I'll try to update as soon as possible.. kekeke, Give lots of love in this story also with the character

Anyways, The HELIUM part, of L.Joe and Sun Byeol was inspired in the Korean Drama Rooftop Prince, I really love that part and I've decided to put that to my Story.. :))





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Foreverlocket #1
Chapter 28: Awwww. Ahri isnt that bad now is she? :')
Chapter 27: I love this story please update soon <3!
Chapter 27: update soon~~~= T.T i love your story
Chapter 27: i looooooove your story~ update soon~~ <3 <3
rachel123 #6
Chapter 26: Please update ur story.i wonder what will the ending be?
MayChunJoeChang_0429 #7
Chapter 26: update soon~~
Chapter 24: Finally..aigooo..they friends again !! Love them! !
MayChunJoeChang_0429 #9
Chapter 24: Update soon~~