Second Warning, I guess...

L.Joe, I'm your guardian angel

[La la la - Secret]


Chapter 17 : Second Warning, I Guess...

Author's POV

   It was a pleasant Monday morning, everyone around the city is getting ready for school and work, L.joe jump off the sofa, where he had slept on all night. He leaned against the window and look through the glass. Surely no other people on the earth was similar to his life. 2 weeks had already passed and it seems that 50% of his personality had been already changed by Sun Byeol.

  His bad habits were turned into good ones, his cold attitude was changing, little by little. L.joe had asked himself 3 times a day if changing his life will benefit others or will benefit himself.

  With a deep sigh, he walk downstairs and decided to prepare breakfast. Even preparing breakfast will serve as proof that he indeed changed. L.Joe never cook nor cook for someone else, he always asks for the maids to do it for him, but since that he's with Sun Byeol he needs to be independent in order for them to survive.

"Goodmorning Byungie." Sun Byeol said as she rub her sleepy eyes wih her hand. L.Joe turn around to greet Sun Byeol back but seeing the bracelet given by her last night makes L.Joe become curious again.

Ofcourse who wouldn't even be curious if a girl, specifically with no ralationship with you, will give you a  couple bracelet. And what makes him more curious is that it's not just a simple couple bracelet but it's one of the rare bracelets being sold in Korea, many couples wanted that bracelet but just what they expect, it is not easily sold in stores.

But what is the actual story behind that Bracelet? Why does L.joe lose his focus whenever he  saw it? it's simple. before Ah Ri broke up with him, he was planning to buy it for Ah Ri for their anniversary, but since the plan was completely ruined.... He prepared for it, he worked for that bracelet, he never asked for his parents for additional allowance just for him to buy that bracelet.. Everyday, he skip recess and lunch, he rejects Teen Top's offer  to the arcade... He do everything... But past is past..

He can never turn back time....

"Byungie, gwenchana?" Sun Byeol asked waving her right hand in front of Byungie's face.

"Ah.. De." L.Joe snapped back.

"What's for breakfast, Byungie?" Sun Byeol asked while giving L.joe her sweetest smile.

"Pancakes." L.Joe responded.

"It seems that you already know my favorites, huh" Sun Byeol beamed while tapping her fingers on the table.

  After eating breakfast, L.Joe and Sun Byeol prepare themselves for school. And as soon as they reach the school, students starts to talk about them.

"Omona. Why are they together??" One of the student asked her classmates.

"Are they dating?" The other one asked in disbelief.

"OMO!! LOOK!! they're wearing a couple bracelet!!" The other one exclaimed.

While the rumors were spreading, she already heard it, her eyeliner were completely ruined so is her whole makeup, she've be crying the whole morning and her friends, can't do anything to calm her.

*There's only one thing to calm Ah Ri... It is to make that girl learn her lesson..* Seong Hee thought while grinning.


Classes flow smoothly, but one thing for sure, the rumors are still spreading room per room. Sun Byeol was walking on the corridor, finding the comfort room. Unfortunately, Queenkas were walking on the corridor same as Sun Byeol, and what will you expect? of course they will meet.

"Look who's here...." Jin Ri said "The girl who just flirted someone else's boyfriend." Sun Byeol froze on her spot.

"What... are you.. talking about?" Sun Byeol asked.

"Oh GAWD... Here she goes again... acting pure and innocent." Seong Hee said.

"Cut the crap of being an innocent person." Ah Ri said. "This is the second time that I'm warning you."

"Don't you ever disobey it." 

"Or else......."

"Yah! Ah Ri, Seong Hee and Jin Ri, what are you doing to Sun Byeol?" a voice appeared from their back. It was Chunji.

"Ah.. Chunji-ssi...." Seong Hee was speechless.

"Please remove the ssi, call me Chunji." Chunji said with a smile.

*H-how come... he didn't react badly?!* Seong Hee, Jin Ri and Ah Ri thought in unison.

"AH.. Mianhae, but I have to talk to Sun Byeol. Kindly excuse us." Chunji said, still smiling. 

"Ah.. Arraseo. oppa." Jin Ri said, while smiling, Fakely.


Sun Byeol's POV

I wonder why Chanhee brought me here at the school fields. But thanks to him I was saved from those queenkas. Why do they hate me so much??

"Sun Byeol, can I ask you something?" Chanhee asked.

"S-Sure." I said.

"Are you and L.joe were dating?" Chanhee asked, Dating?? hmmm... Byungie told me that it was a date, so I should answer Chanhee yes.

"Mmmm..De.." I answered.

Chunji's POV

"Mmmm..De.." Sun Byeol answered, my eyes widen.

"Jeongmal?!" I asked.

"Were dating, there' nothing wrong with that, besides me and Byungie, were friends.." Sun Byeol said that make me confused

*They are dating but they are just friends?* I thought while scratching my head trying to analyze what she said.

"That means you're not couple?" I asked.

"ANIYO!! We're just friends Chanhee." Sun Byeol said, suddenly, I felt happiness... And I don't know why... Am I falling in love? *Chanhee waht are you thinking?!!* I thought.

"Chanhee, here." Sun Byeol said as she gave me a lollipop.. Wait! It's not just a simple lollipop... It's the lollipop that I always saw at my locker... Don't tell me...... *Oh Chanhee, what are you thinking now? that Sun Byeol will that person? Maybe it's just a coincidence.* I thought..

"Ah.. Kamsahapnida." I said.

"You're welcome, Chanhee." Sun Byeol said, giving her sweetest smile.

"Chanhee are you okay?" Sun Byeol ask as she put her hand on my forehead.

"Your cheeks are just like tomatoes." Sun Byeol said *Chincha?!* I thought as I put my hands on my cheeks.

"You're not blushing, right?" Sun Byeol asked.

"O-Of course not."

*yes, I'm blushing.*

"Sun Byeol, can I ask you something?" I asked, trying to change the topic.

"Sure." She said.

"Ahh.. Do you have some problem with the queenkas?" I asked.

"Aniyo." She replied, but I can feel that she's lying, because of her eyes.

"Don't lie, I saw everything.." I said.

"Please, don't tell it to Byungie." Sun Byeol said.

*Of course I won't tell it to him, because I know that he won't believe me at all, because of Ah Ri.* I thought.

"De." I said.

"Promise?" Sun Byeol asked.

"I promise." I said.


Author's POV

"What a flirt." Seong Hee mutter as they watch Chunji and Sun Byeol, while they were hiding inside a bush.

"Sheez That girl will so get her price.. Seong Hee, do you have a plan now?" Ah Ri asked.

"De." Seong Hee replied with a smirk on her face.

"This is going to be exciting..." Jin Ri muttered.

"Let's go now, we have to plan this perfectly." Seong Hee said.


:End of 17th Chapter:

Trailer for 18th Chapter:

" What are you doing?!"

"Let me explain!"

Find out in the next chapter: REVENGE  ]



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Foreverlocket #1
Chapter 28: Awwww. Ahri isnt that bad now is she? :')
Chapter 27: I love this story please update soon <3!
Chapter 27: update soon~~~= T.T i love your story
Chapter 27: i looooooove your story~ update soon~~ <3 <3
rachel123 #6
Chapter 26: Please update ur story.i wonder what will the ending be?
MayChunJoeChang_0429 #7
Chapter 26: update soon~~
Chapter 24: Finally..aigooo..they friends again !! Love them! !
MayChunJoeChang_0429 #9
Chapter 24: Update soon~~