L.Joe, I'm your guardian angel

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Chapter 21 : Fight

L.Joe's POV

Once we arrived at the resort that Mr.Kang said to us, we have given an enough time to rest and after that, we start to have some activities. Just what everyone expects it's an activity wherein everyone needs a pair. I don't know but rather than choosing Ah Ri, I choose Ricky instead, because CAP will choose Niel, Changjo will choose his bestfriend, Kai, Chunji is with Sun Byeol and Ricky has no pair at all.

"Okay, everyone, we are going to have some treasure hunt today." Mr. Kang said.

"The game mechanics is that, we teachers put some hidden papers around the woods, but we don't want you guys to get that far so were going to tell you that the papers were just near here." Ms. Jung, one of Mr. Kang's co-teacher explained.

"Arraseo!" The students replied. Then everyone starts to find that hidden paper.

"Hyung! Where's Ah ri? I thought She's going to be your partner." Ricky said, while nudging my shoulder. I look at him with a disgust.

"Duh. Do you think I like it when I'm with her? I actually thought I will be happy but then, I was copletely wrong." I said and Ricky laugh.

"Good! I just thought that you're going to say that." Ricky said.

"Let's go now hyung, we might lose them." 

"Arraseo." I said, now I feel like I'm a part of Teen Top. Ever since Ah Ri always come with me, I haven't give Teen Top enough time and attention.

Sun Byeol's POV

"Have you found it?" Chanhee oppa asked

"Not yet." I replied. "Why don't we seperate, I'll go here and you go there." I said and Chanhee oppa look at me.

"No, Were not going to do that, we are partners here so I'm not going to let you go alone." Chanhee oppa said worriedly and I smile at him.

"Ani, I'll be fine, I brought my cellphone and besides I'm not going too far from here, because Ms. Jun already told us that it was just near here." I replied.

"Arraseo, but just promise me to not go too far, okay?" Chanhee oppa said and I smile as I nod my head.

"Arraseo!" I replied as I start to walk at the opposite direction. Then I start to look for that hidden paper, while looking I saw Ah Ri.

"Sun Byeol can I ask a favor?" Ah Ri asked she's a bit nervous and I think she was about to cry.

"Why, is there a problem?" I asked her and she nod her head.

"As you can see, I was busy finding that hidden paper and I didn't notice that my bracelet was already gone, can you help me find it?" Ah Ri asked.

"Is that important to you?" I asked and she nod her head again.

"My parents gave it to me before they died, and I actually don't know what to say to you if you found it. I guess, I have to stop being a to you." Ah Ri said and I smile sincerely to her.

"I'll be glad to help you, now tell me where did last saw it, and the last place where you were trying to to find the hidden paper." I said.

"I was finding that hidden paper there." She point the place with her index finger.

"And then I notice that my bracelet was gone when I was there." She point the opposite place.

"Hmmmm... Why don't we I find it there and you go find it here." I said and she nod her head, then we seperated.


I keep on finding that bracelet, that I didn't notice that it was getting dark. 

"I wonder if Ah Ri found her bracelet." I said to myself, I look around my surroundings, my eyes widen that I was in the middle of the woods.

"Did I really get that far?" I asked myself I open my cellphone and there was no signal. How lucky I am. I sighed as  try to find the way, but even though I try to find my way back it's just getting worser and worser. Now I completely lost.

I sit on the rock and take a rest for a while, now where can I find help, should i shout? No, different creatures here might hear us.

It's already night and I don't know what to do, then suddenly I saw something that is so shiny... I open my cellphone so that there is a light. A smile crept on my face as soon as I found out that it was Ah Ri's precious bracelet, I get it and put it inside my pocket.

"I found the bracelet, now, all I have to do is to find my way back." I said.

L.Joe's POV

"So is everyone already here?" Mr. Kang asked us and everyone look around  to check if everyone is already there. I saw Chunji who seems to look nervous. He keeps on calling someone on his phone.

"Chanhee! is there a problem?" Ms. Jung asked Chunji and Chunji approach the teachers.

"I've been calling Sun Byeol all day, but she didn't reply at all." As soon as Chunji answered my eyes widen. 

"What?! You let her all alone?!" I asked.

"Oppa~ It's not Chunji oppa's fault, it's mine." Ah Ri said.

"What did you do to her?!"

"S-She Agreed to help me find my bracelet." Ah Ri said, while stuttering.

"L.Joe please keep calm." CAP said.

"How am I going to keep calm if Sun Byeol was lost in the woods?" I asked.

"I'm here."

I look at the owner of the voice and saw Sun Byeol, smiling. She still manage to smile when she was completely lost in the woods.

"Sun Byeol? Where have you been?" Mr. Kang asked.

"Ah, I helped Ah Ri find her bracelet and now I found it, so you don't have to worry about me."  I sigh in relief.

" Ah Ri, here's your bracelet." Sun Byeol said as she give Ah Ri the bracelet.

"Thanks" Ah Ri mumbled.

I was completely shocked with Sun Byeol, I can' believe that after what Ah Ri had done to her, she is still willing to forgive and forget... If it is really easy for her to forgive Ah Ri and forget everything that she had done, why can't she forgive me, with what I've done.

"Sun Byeol, are you okay?" Chunji approached Sun Byeol. I can't stand everything I just take a leave and decided to go to the billiard area .... I don't know why but I just feel that it is entirely my fault.

After having their dinner, I call Teen Top and they agreed to meet me at the area.

"L.Joe what's the problem?" CAP said, while he offers me a drink.

" Sunbyeol, she kept on ignoring me." I said.

"Sorry guys for being late." I look to see the person and saw Chunji.

"I didn't remember that I called you nor texted you." I said 

"Oh you don't have to remember it, because you really didn't, Niel told me to come here." Chunji said and I immediately glare at Niel.

"And I'm still a part of Teen Top." He said that make me go mad.

I quickly approach him and grab him by the collar. "Do you think I'm stupid not to notice what you're doing?!" I asked.

"No, you're not stupid, you're IDIOT." He said that made me punch him hard that made him fall on the ground, with his nose bleeding.

Chunji smirk as he stand-up and return the punch, but harder than I expected. I remain silent, listening to every single word Chunji is saying.

"You're so idiot not even to realize that the girl you put all your trust on has been fooling you again and again." Chunji said. " Putting all the accusement to Sun Byeol not even doubting Ah Ri, who was actually behind it!"

"I don't have so much to say to you, because if you have a heart left for Sun Byeol you're going to realize it by yourself." Chunji said as he punch me again, I just let him punch me even though it really hurts, but thinking about the pain that Sun Byeol had gone to, It was nothing...... I'm such an idiot, stupid and heartless, I was fooled for a second time, no it's not second, it's more than that...

Changjo and CAP try to stop Chunji but just what everyone said, you can't stop Chunji once he gets mad.

"I'm just wasting my time, for an idiot person, I'm leaving."

*Chunji was right, I shouldn't be sad about Sun Byeol ignoring and avoiding me because it was all my fault.* I thought

"Hyung, are you okay?" Ricky asked as soon as Chunji left the room.

"Yes, Don't mind me." I assured them, patting Ricky's shoulder. I stand up and wipe the excess blood on the side of my lips and cheeks.

"I'll just go, tell everyone I'm going to rest." I said as I left them.


:End of 22th Chapter:

Author's Message

Another update.









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Foreverlocket #1
Chapter 28: Awwww. Ahri isnt that bad now is she? :')
Chapter 27: I love this story please update soon <3!
Chapter 27: update soon~~~= T.T i love your story
Chapter 27: i looooooove your story~ update soon~~ <3 <3
rachel123 #6
Chapter 26: Please update ur story.i wonder what will the ending be?
MayChunJoeChang_0429 #7
Chapter 26: update soon~~
Chapter 24: Finally..aigooo..they friends again !! Love them! !
MayChunJoeChang_0429 #9
Chapter 24: Update soon~~