Locked in with Lulu.

The Uni Dorm

The whole day Luhan had been pestering me, i have no idea why. I mean first, he'd wait outside of the toilet while i was brushing my teeth and asked me questions about my assignment and stuff. Then at lunch he sat so close to me that i could feel his breath. I'm just glad I have our last lesson, engrish. 

"Ok, Seo Hee. Why don't you read the next line ?", Mrs choi asked, 

" Victoria smiled, she didn't know what to write. She let out a big sigh disturbing the rest of the students. I should've revised she thought to her self, ruffling her hair in frustration.", I said with my perfect English. 

"Well done. Luhan your next.", Mrs Choi said, 

"S-she was confused by the questions. She tried to remember, what she has rearn't." Luhan hesitated,

"Good Luhan." Mrs Choi smiled and went to the next person.

"Phsst. Phssstt.", Luhan called, I tried to ignore him. He was bugging me all day but he didn't stop there. He started to throw paper balls and nudge me with sharp pencils.

"WHAT!?" I roared. Luhan grinned.

"Seo Hee!! Luhan! Detention. Both of you!" , Mrs Choi scolded. It was the end of lesson. Me and Luhan had to stay behind while Mrs Choi gave us a long lecture. Luhan still tried to get my attention.

"Ok, your times up. I'll be leaving first." Mrs Choi said as she headed out leaving us two behind.

"If you replied to me we wouldn't be in this mess.", Luhan said,

"What. So its all MY fault! Listen pretty boy! You've been pestering me non stop today! And im sick of it! Just leave me alone!" I screamed as I went to the door knob. I turned the handle but the door wasn't opening. I bashed it a little and it still wasn't opening. Luhan moved me out of the way and tried to open it.

"Aha. I think we're locked in." Luhan said, my eyes widened,

"HELP!! HELP!!", I screamed banging the door. Luhan just sat back and plugged his head phones in.

" You know theres no point.".he said I ignored him and continued to bash on the door.*No this can't be happening.*


A hour had passed by and no one had come. It became dark in the chilly winter night. I slid down the door and stuffed my face in my knees.

"Seo Hee ?", Luhan said as he came closer to me. I moved away from him.

"Seo Hee. Look I'm s.", I interrupted him.

"You know, ever since I met you. I would've never had though I'd be in this situation." I said,

"Don't try to apologize.", I continued,

"Why did you have to be a burden for me ? So many other girls would die to have you in their dorm.", The atmosphere was quiet, I just watched the window as the moon light shone over the flowers and fountain.

"What do you want to be ?", luhan asked, I didn't reply.

"My parents always tell me I should go into the families company. I only came here to get away from them.", he said,

"I mean, I want to be recognised for my talents, not for the wealth." I looked at him,

"Well atleast we have one thing in common.", I replied, he looked at me shocked that I even replied to him.

"I though you hated me.", Luhan looked down.

"Well I'm not good at keeping grudges for too long." I went to sit next to him in the corner where the light was.

"You haven't answered my question.", He smiled at me, I stared at him as his face was a few inches away from mine. He's doughy eyes glistened and his hair was fluffy, he had a cute nose and small lips.

"I've never noticed you like this.", I said aloud. *Hold up Seo Hee. What are you saying!?*

"What ? Oh, I see someones fallen for me.", He smirked as he moved his face closer,

"Ah, move pabo!", I placed my hand on his face and pushed him. Suddenly we heard the door click, we jerked our heads and saw the janitor. He looked at us confused I ran to him and gave him a hug!

"Thank you! Thank you!", I repeated then ran back to the dorm with Joy!!

Luhan s P.O.V

"You still haven't answered my question.", I smiled at her. She just stared at me. She had normal eyes but they looked different, she looked different.

"I've never noticed you like this." She stared completely in a daze,

"What ? Oh, I see someones fallen for me.", I leaned closer to her, why ?I have no idea. Our noses brushed slightly, her eyes widened

"Ah, move pabo!", Suddenly we heard the door unlock, it was the janitor. He looked at us then she began to ran up to the janitor and hug him, I gave him, shes crazy sign and thanked him.

*What's up with me ? I just had this urge too ... No I probably just went loopy from being alone with her. Aha Luhan you pabo*


MWAHAHHAHAA!! A kind of fluffy scene! What did you guys think ? aha. Please comment and subscribe my lovely fluffy .. Bunnies XD Aha just ignore my weirdness. 

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Chapter 16: Omg. This story is awesome!
infinitexo19 #2
Chapter 30: This story was so cute and ajsavsnjs! I just wish Luhan and Seo Hee will be togethetlr at the end of the sequel!
Chapter 20: It sounds like kris' going to minhee :| hahaha but i love this story so far :)
Thank you for mentioning my name author nim ^^
Salpal132 #5
Chapter 28: I'm reading this and thinking what will happen When I graduate and all my friends and I will split up and I'm just an EMOTIONAL MESS!! *bursts out in tears*
Yay.... My username even though TOP isn't even in this fic.
Chapter 19: Omg KRIS JUST FREAKIN KISS HER ♥♥ Hahahaha xD
Chapter 14: Nooooo :'(