Lock on chain

The Uni Dorm

The next few days were normal.

They weren't special, but they certainly weren't boring.

Today was the day of the competition. You see, you know how in usual schools you get the proms and dances, we did the opposite. We would hold a competition for best looking 'girl' I mean who doesn't want to see hairy legs right ? The boys would totally hihumiliate themselves, dressing in short clothes, wigs, makeup you name it. Usually the last year boys only participate, so this was the first time EXO had crossed dressed. Well any Guy for that matter.

"Ah Do we really! Have to do this!?", They screamed, while Nara pushed them into the room.

"We all voted for you guys so. TOUGH LUCK!!", She screamed, while slamming door in there faces. 

"That was a bit harsh don't you think ?", I asked, she itched her neck playfully, 

"Aha, well they have to do it! I mean they're others guys that are going to, why can't they!?", She scolded, 

"Besides, its like a tradition. They'll be fine, we're letting them get dressed then were going to do there makeup and wigs.", She put her thumb up talking to other girls, 

"Well she's changed.", Mi Hee said, 

"And i bet Luhan will make a better girl.", She stuck her tongue out, 

"He probably will.", I admitted defeat, 

"Wow, that was easy.", She frowned, i shrugged. We went to face the screaming crowd of girls, who chanted all the guys name. Squealing and anticipating. We waited, the spotlights were going in circles around the hall, until it went to the stage, it was the presenter. Aka, Principal-nim. 

Luhan's P.O.V

"This is like torture.", Tao groaned while girls were putting makeup on him, 

"Ahh~ I could get use to this!", Kai and some others said, putting they're hands behind they're head, relaxing while girls put girly things on them. 

"Ahh~ Luhan-ah!!", Nara called, while pushing my head down onto the swivelly seat, 

"Stop looking everywhere! I can't put your makeup on properly!", She scolded, i patiently sat while the tips of her makeup brushes tickled my face, 

"So, hows it going ?", She asked, 

"With ?", I replied, 

"You know. Seo Hee.", She answered, I didn't reply, i didn't know how to reply, 

"I don't like her anymore.", I replied, 

"Thats absolute bull crap, you both deny it! Aish.", She replied, harshly applying eyeshadow on. 

"She's moved on.", I smiled, 

"She's just saying that.", She said, 

"Open your mouth like this.", She said, i peaked to see she had made a sort of 'O' shape, then applied lipstick, or lip gloss, or is it lip balm. She continued to do my makeup in silence while I over heard the others talking,

"I'm gonna take Mi Hee out tonight after this.", Kris scoffed, I leaned my head slightly closer, 

"Oh Jinjja!? Where ?", They asked, 

"Oh, thats a surprise.", He winked, while the girl was putting his wig on. *This was the second night away from Seo Hee leaving.* 

"And i haven't really decided.", He mumbled, 

"I'd take her somewhere that is special, like the lock on chain thing they do.", I realised i spoke from my mind, *Fudge, that wasn't suppose to come out.* 

"Waahh! GOOD IDEA! THANKS LULU!", He thanked, *I was going to take her out to do that, ahh~ Whats wrong with me!? Now i have to think of something else!* I mentally slapped myself. 

Seo Hee's P.O.V

"Well, now we've come to one group, which I'm sure you're all dieing to see.", Principal-nim announced the girls suddenly became enthusiastic, 

"Ah, finally!", Mi Hee said, we had out eyes towards the stage, the music blasted, and the curtains opened, 


"EXO!", Principal-Nim welcome, as they were in a line in 'y' female poses, then one by one they came to the center strutting their stuff, 

Kai- He had extensions in which came to his chest. They were made to look like he had layers, then he wore a sweater tucked into a skirt that came abit above his knees. showing his, manly, legs. and he walked perfectly fine with flats. 

"Casual cute!" Principal Nim shouted while he posed, i guess that was the idea or look they were going for

Sehun- Had a short of bob cut, that was slightly curled, he wore a lace dress, with a short fur coat, he wore glamorous heels. 

"Cute hollywood." 

Suho- He had hair up to his shoulders but had a similar style to Kai's, he wore something similar to kai, a shirt under a sweater but with pinky cropped jeans and black, high mary jane shoes. 

"Casual preppy.", 

Tao - He had long hair but that had ombre effect, he wore a short black dress, pretty simple.


D.O- He had a cute dress, that defined his child like body. He looked so cute! He had the typical long curly hair. 


Chanyeol- He had wavy hair with a lighter ombre effect than Tao's he wore a tight dress that went a bit bellow his knee's and a rocker jacket. 

"Rocker chic.", 

Baekhyun- He had similar hair to D.O's, he wore shorts with a blouse, he actually looked quite girly with his eye smile. 


Lay- He had hair similar to Suho's it went to his shouder but had a slight wave to them, he also wore a white glittery dress the skirt part was long at the back but short at the front and was very flowy,

"Fairytale, cute unicorn.", 

Chen- He had curly short hair, he wore black leather skirt with a leapoard type blouse, matching his big framed glasses


Xuimin- Wore a cute dress, and light brown curled hair, bringing out his chubby cheeks

Now it was the moment of truth when either Luhan or Kris would come out, I saw Mi Hee, sitting on the edge of her seat, 

Luhan- His hair was puffy with crimps with flowers in them, medium lenght. He wore a flowy, lilac coloured dress. The girls whistled, he winked in my direction but i then realised he was winking at Mi Hee. 

"Spring angel.", 

Then last but not least, 

Kris- He had his 'hair' high like a pretty lose bun, he wore a tight dress, and strutted down the cat walk like a professional. 

It was a disturbing sight to see them in general, i mean guys wearing dresses, but even thought its kinda weird they still looked good!, I was awe struck. He scanned the hall to see me, and smirked at me slightly then walking off. 

"Well. We have all of our contestants, Now please tick who you thought was the best and slot them into these boxes.", Principal Nim ordered the girls went crazy, running to tick the boxes and slam dunking the poor, thin paper into the slited boxes. We just stood back until they all settled, we calmly went to decide Mi Hee went first and of course she picked Luhan, and me of course should pick Kris but i didn't know who to pick. I closed my eyes and ticked any random box, 

We all waited to here who the winner was, there was a intenses and anxious atmosphere as Principal nim opened the envelope slowly, and tacking the card out. Slowly. *Is he being mega slow on purpose or something ?* We waited, 

"The winner is...", He paused dramatically, 

"LUHAAANNN!!!", He screamed, we heard party poppers pop, and he went forward, everyone including EXO was clapping but they had a frown of dissapointment on their faces, 

"WOOHOOOO! YOU GO BABY!!", Mi Hee screamed, 

"It was really close. It was one mark away, from Kris.", Principal-Nim announced, girls gave Luhan, flowers and a tiara, with those big banners that wrapped around his body. He smiled shyly, he made a very short speech. 

"Thank you.", He said, then went back into his place in line, 

"Ok guys! Thank you for coming, leave calmly!", Principal-Nim ordered, they all left while Mi Hee and I went backstage, to congratulate them all for being the brave. 

"WELL DONE LULU BABY!", Mi Hee screamed, running to his arm greeting him with a kiss, i turned to see Kris, 

"Your already changed!?", I asked surprise at how he became, well how fast he looked like himself again. 

"Yep, come on. I want to take you out somewhere!", He exclaimed, grabbing me by the hand and headed outside to see his car parked infront. He shoved me in while grinning to himself, i begged him to tell me where we were going but he wouldn't answer and continued to grin to himself, i just starred out the window with city lights shining in the dark sky. We finally arrived to N seoul tower, he grabbed my hand as we ventured up, 

"Ah. I never been here!", I said, with awe struck, 

"Aha, it's beautiful at night right.", He said, he lead me to a fence full of padlocks, 

"Here.", He said handing me a padlock and pen. I look confused, 

"What ? and Why ?", I asked, 

"Oh, when two people in a relationship. A.K.A us. Write something, then you lock the padlock on the fence and throw away the key. To symbolise our love being forever.", He said, grinning struggling to write, i quickly wrote anything, my name came in my mind first then drew a small love heart. I followed kris to a empty space on the fence locking my padlock then i threw away the key. He sighed happily looking at me, 

"What did you write ?", I asked, 

"I wrote even if we won't be together forever, atleast our friendship will stay. Kris.", He said, 

"You ?", *Ah, what do i do. I just wrote my name!?* 

"Ah. I wrote my name.", I mumbled, bitting my lip, Kris turned my body facing him, 

"I seriously can't resist you when you do that.", He bit his lip, then greeted his with mine, 

The night eneded like that. We went back and fell asleep like babies ... 


'Sup buddies !? 

Sorry i haven't updated, I've been so KNACKERED! Like my energy is just. Well it's just not there! and my big bro got a ping pong set and i kinda went ballistic on that last night. BUT! I DEGRESS! 

What did you think ? I added this chapter as a extra i was going to write something else but then that would mean one more chapter till the finale and i know how it feels reading the last thing to something. I feel like crying, so i made it looonngggeeerrrr~ 


If you wanna follow please search- 


Then you should find meh! if you go to my tumblr it has 'Oh darlin' written as the HTML so yeah ~ 


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Chapter 16: Omg. This story is awesome!
infinitexo19 #2
Chapter 30: This story was so cute and ajsavsnjs! I just wish Luhan and Seo Hee will be togethetlr at the end of the sequel!
Chapter 20: It sounds like kris' going to minhee :| hahaha but i love this story so far :)
Thank you for mentioning my name author nim ^^
Salpal132 #5
Chapter 28: I'm reading this and thinking what will happen When I graduate and all my friends and I will split up and I'm just an EMOTIONAL MESS!! *bursts out in tears*
Yay.... My username even though TOP isn't even in this fic.
Chapter 19: Omg KRIS JUST FREAKIN KISS HER ♥♥ Hahahaha xD
Chapter 14: Nooooo :'(