New roommate

The Uni Dorm

"Seeoooo Heee~ YAH!", I felt a something whack my face, i shot up at the sudden force, and saw Luhan grinning like a idiot, like usual and Mi Hee waiting at the door, 

"Hi, you .", He said, i face palmed his face for him and dragged myself to find the strength to go to school,

"I see your better!", He said enthusiastically folowing me into the bathroom and leaning against the door.

"I told you, you worried about nothing.", I said,

"Well how should i know!? I've never seen you ill!", He called, ah. Pabo.

After i got ready in 5 minutes flat we went to lesson, it was more calmer than usual, i felt better and everyone was getting along. Nara had left on holiday, or so Luhan had told me, to the Bahamas. Lucky B.

"Whassuuup' Seeooo~ Heee~", Chanyeol called holding his hand in a fist pump position. I fist pumped him,

"'Sup Channyeollie.", I said, he glared at me.

"That's not cool, yo.", He said, i couldn't help but burst out laughing. 

"AH, bwwoohhh !? Yah!", He poked and pinched me, making me squeal and laugh like a insane person.

"Sup guys ?", Kris came. I don't know why but i always ended up staring at kris's face. I mean it looked so clear and smooth and his hair, ahh~ I don't know what it was about him!? i don't think i like him, he's just one of those guys that's attractive, I mean all of EXO were pretty attractive, they were prettier than me. 

"Did you follow my advise ?", He pinched me on the nose, 

"Yeap.", I nodded he ruffled my hair and smiled, 

"I heard you were ill yesterday ?", He asked, i nodded again, 

"Ah, are you feeling better ?", He asked another question, i nodded .. again. Why am i not saying anything. Talk seo hee TALK! He pinched my cheeks, then the teacher entered as he faced the front and i just stared at his slightly see-through, black top. *Woah, i feel like a .* 

Kris kept turning to face me, and smiling. Even when me and chanyeol were partners he came to work with us and blanked the other girl. 

"Urm, your partners looks a little lonely there.", I said, he turned around and shrugged, 

"Oh, don't be sad Kris.", I said i grabbed his wrist and placed him back in his seat with his partner, i gave him a thumbs up, 

"Sorry. Kris will stay here now.", I said apologizing for him, 

"Oh, no it's ok.", She said twirling her hair and looking dreamily into Kris's eyes, I just left them but he eventually came crawling back while she just carried on staring at him. 


Kris was clinging on to me for the whole day, in lunch he sat next to me and pushed Luhan out of the way, in other lessons he kept asking for my help when he already knew the answer, 

"Kris. Why are you following me ?", I asked as he was STILL with me after school, when i was taking a stroll in the gardens, 

"What can't I hang with you ?", He said picking up random flowers, 

"Well, you've never really have and you've been with me the whole day.", I said, he suddenly came face to face with me, and took one of the flowers and placed in behind my ear, 

"Waahhh!! That looks cool!!", He said with a shocked expression. I reeached my hand to the flower until he placed his hand on top. 

"Don't take it off.", He said, i quickly let go of his grasp and walked on, 

"You know, you've changed. In a good way. I mean your were always really nice and sweet, i've just never really payed attention to you until now.", He said. 

"Why does everyone say i've changed ? I know. Thank you. Can you like change the subject.", I said, 

"You know D.O's birthday's coming up in a few days, are you going to go to his party ? He's inviting pretty much everyone.", He said, walking backwards infront of me, 

"Well, he didn't invite me. If he invites me then i'll go.", I said, he frowned slightly, 

"What ?", I asked, 

"Oh, nothing.", He said, 

"Ah, i need to go. I'll see you later!", He said then dissapearing. The day went by quite quickly and headed back to my dorm. Luhan and Mi Hee didn't come to visit me. They were probably busy with homework, i got a call from the school telephone, 

"Annyeong haseyo, Seo Hee here.", I said down the phone, 

"Ah, Seo Hee~ah.", The principal said, 

"Ah, Nee. Principal-Nim.", 

"Since Luhan, has moved in with Mi Hee, your going to get a new roommate, his name is K.", 

"'Sup Seo Hee !?", I heard the door open, 


*What the fudge made him think this would be a good idea ?* 


Short chappy i know :( 

Well, MWAHAHAHAHAHAA!!?? What do you thinks gonna happen now *wink* *wink* 

Please, Comment, subscribe and upvote! Love yuh ma AY BUFFALOES!!! :D 

And OMFO.  love EXO and Luhan's laugh/smile is just ... O.O 



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Chapter 16: Omg. This story is awesome!
infinitexo19 #2
Chapter 30: This story was so cute and ajsavsnjs! I just wish Luhan and Seo Hee will be togethetlr at the end of the sequel!
Chapter 20: It sounds like kris' going to minhee :| hahaha but i love this story so far :)
Thank you for mentioning my name author nim ^^
Salpal132 #5
Chapter 28: I'm reading this and thinking what will happen When I graduate and all my friends and I will split up and I'm just an EMOTIONAL MESS!! *bursts out in tears*
Yay.... My username even though TOP isn't even in this fic.
Chapter 19: Omg KRIS JUST FREAKIN KISS HER ♥♥ Hahahaha xD
Chapter 14: Nooooo :'(