The new kid.

The Uni Dorm

"Yah!! WAKE UP!!", I heard a scream. I felt Mi Hee hoisting me up from the ground. I stood up rubbing my eyes, then walking in a zombie-like state to the bathroom, 

"Aish. Seo Hee yah. I think i should put bars around your bed like a toddlers crib. You always end up rolling off.", She said as she leaned her shoulder against the bathroom door. 

"It's not my fault the beds so small.", I mumbled as the toothpaste foamed in my mouth, 

"YAH! Do you want to die!? Your not fat. Understand.", She replied wagging her finger. I rolled my eyes and continued doing the usual stuff. Mi Hee doesn't live with me in my dorm, she lives just across. 204 her dorm number. After a quick spray of deodrant. I grabbed my bag and changed into my sweats, 

"Ahh, sweats again ? It looks like your going to class to sleep. Aren't you going to take a shower!?", Her voice became faint as i zoned her out while closing my door. * Good old dorm 205* I thought to myself with a smile looking proudly at my door number. She whacked me across the head with her book, 

"Yah! So innocent on the outside but on the inside is a whole different story.", I said shaking my head left to right. She kept hitting me with her book till we got to our first class, English( or should i say Engrish) on the other side on the building. It was literally a workout in the morning. 

"Aww, look. The ogre's here!", A random guy shouted as we entered the classroom. I just shrugged it off with a sarcastic smile,

"Yah. Have you looked at yourself lately ?", Mi Hee replied, trying to support me. To be honest i really couldn't care. I sat at my usual seat at the back of the classroom. Where the view from the window was usually the best. Mi hee usually sat right infront of me, as she got all her study gear out, i just grabbed my book and a pen and i was all set for some hardcore engrish~

Everyone rushed to there seats, which was quite unusal. Everyone usually took their time. I observed the students in my class, the girls are wearing alot more makeup, the boys are flirting and acting more cool and 'y' towards the girls. Some of the girls started practising puppy dog eyes, and from that i knew we were gonna have, 

"Morning class. We have a new student with us today, come in.", Mrs Choi gestured the annoynimous person to enter. 

He came walking in casual he had ashy blonde hair that was swept to the side, he had a slightly toned body contrasting with his five your old baby face. 

"Annyeong haseyo, My name is Lu han", He gave a big smile as he bowed 90 degrees. I looked at him then looked away, i could hear the girls hold in there inner fangirl screams and the boys holding in there jealousy. I noticed Mi Hee as her big eyes had widened. Oh gawd.

"Thank you Luhan. Take a seat near Seo Hee.", Her words flew past my head as I got distracted watching the view. 

*Well Seo Hee. Shes kinda chubby, she clearly didn't get dressed up like the other girls. Gawd there freaking me out with their bat lashes. Atleast this girls different ... I guess ? I wonder what shes looking at ? Heh, probably day dreaming bout me. *Chuckle*

"Is something wrong Lu han ?", Mrs choi asked the new kid, I turned to look at him, smiling like a idiot. *Psyco.* I thought. 

"Oh no. Sorry Mrs Choi.", He replied, I began to write, copying the writing on the board. 

*-----*-----^-----* *_^ ~

It was a long day today the new kid was pretty much in every lesson of mind. Kind of annoying to see his happy face everywhere i went. He also just joined Exo M. He became popular. Fast. It was half past seven and i still had some homework to finishe of before i could actually go bed. Aish. A long day, followed by a long night. 

Lu Han's P.O.V 

"Ok, so this must be my new dorm. I wonder who my roomate is ?", I said as i looked at the door number,



Well that was the first chapter. What do you think ? I hope you guys liked it. Yeah i know it's a really short chap but i don't have time to write the longer version so i split it. Hopefully the next cha will be longer. Like i said i will try to update as best as i can. I have another story i have to finish of too. :( 

To be honest at first, the main guy character was going to be Kris because he just has this y-ness to him that i thought would be interesting to add, but i decided that Kris will be deeply involved into the story later on. *Wink* *Wink* I really can't chose thought. I mean EXO are just too hot and cool to chose one person. I'm finiding it hard XD well hopefully in the future I'll write more stories about the other members and my baby SHINee!! Anywho 

I Wobe You! <3 

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Chapter 16: Omg. This story is awesome!
infinitexo19 #2
Chapter 30: This story was so cute and ajsavsnjs! I just wish Luhan and Seo Hee will be togethetlr at the end of the sequel!
Chapter 20: It sounds like kris' going to minhee :| hahaha but i love this story so far :)
Thank you for mentioning my name author nim ^^
Salpal132 #5
Chapter 28: I'm reading this and thinking what will happen When I graduate and all my friends and I will split up and I'm just an EMOTIONAL MESS!! *bursts out in tears*
Yay.... My username even though TOP isn't even in this fic.
Chapter 19: Omg KRIS JUST FREAKIN KISS HER ♥♥ Hahahaha xD
Chapter 14: Nooooo :'(