Their first date

The Uni Dorm

I woke up the next morning. I rubbed my eyes, and scanned the room. Luhan was still fast asleep. I peeked through the curtains and saw water droplets hit the window. It was a pretty gloomy Sunday. *Matches my mood perfectly!* I though to myself sarcastically. I heard Luhan ruffling under his bed covers, I looked at his bed as he managed to knock half of his duvet on the floor showing his bare stomach and ...


"Calvin Klein boxers! Ah why do you have to wear them!?", I whispered. I had this weird thing were I found anybody wearing Calvin Klein boxers attractive. I pulled his duvet from the ground and placed it back on top of him. Suddenly I felt a grip on my hand then in less than a blink, Luhan had flipped me over so I was facing him on the bed he embraced me like a teddy bear as he nuzzled his chin on my head. I slowly tried to get out of his grip but he pulled me closer, my chest next to his, he entwined his legs with mine .

*Luhan you better be asleep.* I said attempting to get out of his grip but I soon stopped after realising he had locked me pretty tight. I've never been so close to a guy. I looked at him his fringe was covering his eyes, I squeezed my arm up to his face and pushed his hair. *You' know Luhan. Your actually quite good looking.* Luhans grip became lose. I didn't want him to let go though. I felt safe and warm in his arms like a big teddy bear. I shook my head and came back to reality. I slowly jumped over him and went to the bathroom to begin this gloomy day.


 "So what are you going to do with Luhan today ?", I asked Mi Hee getting all dolled up like usual.

"Hmmm, well what normal couples do, go to the park have a picnic, you' know but it's raining so we'll see.", She replied,

"I'm SOO excited. I mean I though Luhan would say no. but.", she grinned with Joy, I rolled my eyes.

"Whats up with you ?", She asked,

"Oh just a gloomy day.", I replied,

"Are you sure its not PMS ?", I threw her pillow at her.

"Why are you here anyway ?", she asked dodging my throw.

"Why can't I come here ?", I replied with a -face.

"Yep, you definitely have PMS.", she said I sighed and decided to head to the snack area. Where coincidentally luhan was there too. He looked at me then looked away, he's still peeved about yesterday.

"So where are you taking Mi Hee ?", I asked inserting money into the vending machine.

"Thats none of your business.", He replied coldly then walked away, me being the big softy. I ran after him I grabbed his arm. He looked at me shocked,

"Luhan, I'm really sorry. I know what I did was wrong, but I needed you to say yes. She loves you alot Luhan. Just give her a chance.", I pleaded. He sighed,

"Ok.", He replied.

"Thank you! Thank you!", I said hugging him, he pushed me away and looked at me like a weirdo. I laughed it off as we walked upstairs,

"You better take her somewhere nice.", I threatened him,

"Oh don't worry. The cinemas, restaurant, stargazing.", *stargazing ... I've always wanted to do that with my boyfriend.*

"Hmm... I think take her to the restaurant then stargazing. Mi Hee loves starry things so she'll love that.", I advised,

"Yes, your the expert! ", he said, I punched him lightly,

"What time are you planning ?", I replied,

"Hmmm... six. Then it'll be an hour for the food then stargazing and chilling.", he smiled. I gave him a thumbs up and helped both of the two idiots get dressed. I knew what Mi hee liked and I knew what Luhan liked and dressed them accordingly. You' know so they find each other more attractive. *Gawd, i feel like cupid!* I said proudly looking at my works of art. I told Luhan to add whatever he wanted then checked up on Mi Hee. 

"Offftt! Tsss! Your sizzling. No guy wouldn't fancy you!", I said, she gave me a what-the-fudge-are-are-you-talking-about ? Look. I shurugged and shreiked quietly, 

"Thank you Mi Hee.", She said following a big embrace, I patted her back, 

"Aigoo. My daughter is all grown up!", I , I pushed Mi Hee out of her dorm room and just like that Luhan came out too. 

"What a coincedence!?", *Mwahahahahahahaaa!! I timed everything perfectly.", I patted myself, i pushed both of them, and smacked Mi Hee on the but when Luhan wasn't noticing they awkwardly walked together, and shyly smiled. I grabbed both of there hands and placed them ontop of each other. 

"God. You weirdos, hurry up and go or else your gonna be late!", I scolded, still  being very awkward. I rolled my eyes and waved them goodbye. 

*Hope you have a good time. Both of you.* I smiled to myself greeting my empty dorm room. 

Luhan's P.O.V

I stared at her for a bit. Mi Hee completely new my style in clothes for girls. Nothing too short or revealing, cute but not kidish. I'm shocked, Mi Hee looked really ... beautiful. We were at the resturant. It wasn't very far. Which would make us have more time to talk while star gazing. I pulled her chair out, she bowed slightly and smiled showing her white canine teeth. 

"Thank you Luhan.", She said, I sat down looking at the menu. 

"So, this must be quite a expensive resturant.", Se said, looking shocked at the menu, 

"My father use to take me here, so order whatever you want I'm friends with the resturants boss.", I smiled at her, she smiled back, a few minutes after deciding a waitress came, 

"Oh, Luhan! Nice to see you here! It's been a while!", A farmiliar waitress came, i smiled rubbing my neck, 

"Aha, well this resturant is the best!", I replied, 

"Aha, well your order ?", She asked, 

"Oh, I'll have the usual and Mi Hee ?", I gestured at her, 

"One steak and the usual sides.", She said, *Hmm.. simple order.* 

"Oh, and we'll have two waters please!", I reminded here before she went she clicked her teeth and winked, 

"Aha, of course!", She went to the back. The atmosphere was awkward, we didn't really no what to say to each other, 

"So ... Are we going anywhere after this ?", She asked, 

"Aha, thats a surprise!", I said, she smiled shyly and pulled her hair behind her ears. 

After half an hour of waiting we got our food and ate it, Like normal people. Then we were of too the star gazing centre. The city had too many street lights and stuff and the country side was a long drive and it got dark quickly at winter. I mean what if someone kidnaps me!? Or kidnaps Mi Hee. She entwined her fingers with mine as we walked slowly still full from food in out stomachs, i looked at our hands then at her, she remained silent smiling to herself. 

"You know. How about we go to the park instead!?", She said as she flung mine and her arms, i smiled, 

"I thought you liked stars.", I said, 

"I do and i know the best place in the park to see them!", She enthusiastically said running, i ran with her. *Damn, shes fast.* I though. We arruved at the park and it was quiet and peaceful, we went to a hill not to steep.

"I use to come here alot of Seo Hee.", She said as she twirled inhaling the fresh, cool air. I looked up and she was right. You could see the stars pretty well. I sat down while she followed, she inhaled the air again. 

"Beautiful, don't you think ?", She said starring wide eyed at the stars, 

"Yeap. Why didn't you want to go the centre though ?", I asked curiously, 

"I didn't want you to spend the money on me just to get in.", She bit her lip. We enjoyed the few for a few minutes until her hand was intop of mine, i looked at her she looked at me. She came closer to my face, i went closer to hers until.

"Is something wrong ?", She said as i turnedmy face and backed away from that near kiss. 

"No. I just think it's too early .. in the relationship.", I sighed, she laaghed, 

"You make it as if were having !", She blurted, my cheeks went red. She got up and gestured me to go, 

"Wanna go back ?", She asked lending me her hand, i grabbed it and smiled. She clung onto to me the entire way back. *Even though this was shorter than i expected it was still a nice experience.* 


"How did it go!?", I asked him curiously, 

"It went ... good.", He smiled, then shut the door to the bathroom, 

I rushed to the door, 

"LUHAN! what happened tell meeeeeee !?", I pleaded, 

"You can't kiss and tell!", He replied, 

"OMO! YOU KISSED!?", I screeched, He peeked through the door, 

"Phhfftt. Of course not. I wouldn't want to make you jealous!", He teased, 

"Aish. Why do you keep thinking i'll be 'jealous', i don't even like you!", I blurted out, then realised, 

"BWOH!? You don't like me!?", He screamed, 

"Yep. I mean your more like a best guy friend, you' know ?", I said, holding my cool. He ruffled his hair. *I hope i didn't hurt his feelings. Phsst. He's probably head over heels for Mi Hee by now ? Why should i care ?* 

*I'm glad i didn't ask her out. She doesn't even like me!? It would've been a waste of effort and time. Maybe it's better i'm with Mi Hee.*, 

"Hey, i think i should move to Mi Hee's dorm!", He bellowed, 

"BWOH!?", I chocked on the drink i was having... 

*NO! WHAT ? WHY !?? I don't want you to go! I don't want to be alone again ....* 


MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!! i'm so evil right!?

And how'd you like the cover or poster made by Moi.

I know it aint that good but meh. ME LOVES YOU!!  

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Chapter 16: Omg. This story is awesome!
infinitexo19 #2
Chapter 30: This story was so cute and ajsavsnjs! I just wish Luhan and Seo Hee will be togethetlr at the end of the sequel!
Chapter 20: It sounds like kris' going to minhee :| hahaha but i love this story so far :)
Thank you for mentioning my name author nim ^^
Salpal132 #5
Chapter 28: I'm reading this and thinking what will happen When I graduate and all my friends and I will split up and I'm just an EMOTIONAL MESS!! *bursts out in tears*
Yay.... My username even though TOP isn't even in this fic.
Chapter 19: Omg KRIS JUST FREAKIN KISS HER ♥♥ Hahahaha xD
Chapter 14: Nooooo :'(