Happy Birthday!!

The Uni Dorm

It was the day of D.O's birthday which luckily was on a weekend. I decided to wrap his present and get everything ready so i won't forget anything when we leave. Most of EXO had gone to check out the hotel or whatever, i still had no idea where it was, 

"Seo Hee~", Mi Hee called randomly playing with my hair, 

"I need to go towwnnn~", She said, 

"Why ?", I said, 

"To get a dress for todaayyy~", 

"Do you really need a dress. I mean you have tons of clothes! and dresses perfect for tonigh, I'll probably need something, but i couldn't care less.", I shrugged, 

"Then lets get you something!", She grabbed my hand and dragged me to some random shop. *This happens to me so often that i just except it and not argue.* 

"Hmmm, try these on.", She placed a few dresses on my arms and shoved me in a dressing room. They weren't as bad as i had imagined, they were loser but had nice detail and emroidery,. I slid the curtains and revealed my self. 

"Wah, that looks so pretty and elegant!", She said, as i twirled in the long dress. There was a triangle shape cut on the sides that shower little skin. It didn't look that bad, i smiled, this was probably gonna be my favourite since the others where shorter, 

"I'll just go with this one.", I said, 

"What, what about the others ?", She said, 

"Well, i like this one alot. Lets just take this.", I said changing back into my jeans and shirt. She nodded since it was no use in trying to persuade me. 

"What about makeup!?", She said, stopping in front of etude, I never want to go back in there! 

"No! I'll just use yours! If thats ok ?", She smiled and nodded as we walked back, finally. A quick shopping trip for once, 


It was atleast an hour before D.O's big bash,

"Why aren't you getting ready!?", Kris scolded me as he began to button up his white shirt. 

"Oh, don't worry. I don't take long when it come to getting ready.", I said, 

"Urm, Seo Hee ?", He asked, i looked up and say he was holding a tie with a help-me expression, i rolled over the bed and put his tie on, 

"You know we look like a couple, right now ?", He smirked i tightened his tie, 

"Ok, i'm sorry. Don't kill me woman!", He said while i sarcasticly smiled back, he looked really smart. He had a tight fitted blazer, and tigh blach jeans, and his hair was up in like a quif. 

"SEO HEE! COME HERE!!!", I heard Mi Hee scream from her dorm, Kris looked scared then starred at me, 

"Better go before she comes in here.", He said, 

" 'Sup ?", I opened her dorm and saw Luhan, 

"Hey!", Luhan waved, he wore something similar to Kris, but with a grey tie, I'm guessing there dress code is smart with a hint of y. His hair was different it was wavier and crimped, 

"Come on! Get changed!", Mi Hee shoved me in the bathroom with the dress. She held onto it for some reason, I might accidentally rip it or something. I quickly qore it then came out, Luhan just stared at me, 

"What !?", I asked, his mouth hanged slightly, 

"N-nothing.", He said, Mi Hee began to put some make-up on me, I let her work her magic on me, after she was finished she looked at her masterpiece,

"You look f'ing ay!!", She squealed, the guys have already gone, so we (the whole female population) all came outside to the front and saw a few long limousines parked,

"Omo!!", the girls squealed, i was speechless, the girls got in one by one, I was surprised at how they all fit into three limousines but that just left me and Mi Hee. Car-Less, we waited for maybe another car to come, Kris was calling,

"Where are you!?", He screamed,

"There wasn't enough space for me and Mi Hee!", I replied he sighed,

"Wait there.", He hung the phone. Leaving us in the cold,

"We could go inside ?", Mi Hee suggested,

"He said wait here.", I answered,

"So, how's living with Kris ?", she asked sitting on the bench,

"Its ok. I guess", I replied,

"How's it with Luhan?", I askes, she smiled,

"It's great. He's so sweet and amazing. I'm so glad he's my boyfriend.",

"To be honest, I never though he'd say yes!", She chuckled,

"Yea.", I replied, *I wonder who you have to thank for that ?* I though to myself, we waited in silence until two, sleek black cars arrived later. Luhan and Kris came out,

"Sorry guys. D.O though three would be enough.", Luhan chuckled to himself, opening the door gesturing for us to get in, but Kris grabbed my wrist and shoved me in his car,

"So much for being a gentleman.", I said sarcastically, he kept a straight face, throughout the drive,

"So hows the party so far ?", I asked lightning the mood,

".", He replied,

"Hey, whats up, Kris?", I asked concerned,

"Nothing.", He said then turning towards me smiling,

"You look, beautiful.", He smirked, I whacked him on the arm, we arrived to this mansion like hotel, I stood there starring at it, Kris grabbed my hand walking me up the stairs, we entered a huge dark hall full of people who clearly dressed to impress, there were different lights and colours beaming everywhere and a square like Matt in the center that lite up,

"Is this a club ?", Mi Hee asked,

"No but it looks cool right!?", Luhan replied, Kris took us to the top floor that was similar to a balcony. D.O came rushing up to us,

"Ah, Miene!!! You don't hate me do you !?" He said, we shrugged i handed him my present, he opened it eagerly.

"Waahh!!!! A canon camera! We should use it for tonight!?", He suggested clicking away, we all stood on the edge of the balcony taking pictures, chatting while EXO eventually got onto the dancefloor showing their moves, the girls flaundering around them. *They're all so handsome, imagine being one of there girlfriends. Ah~ she'd be so lucky!* i thought standing from the balcony watching them. I was never really a fan of dancing in public. I felt someone tap my shoulder, i turned to see Kris' smiling face, 

"Could I talk to you privately ?", He asked, pointing to the exit door, 

"This isn't private enought for you ?", I said, he chuckled then headed out, i followed. 

Luhan's P.O.V

I was dancing, until i saw Kris with Mi Hee and they headed out together ... alone. I know i shouldn't be jealous or anything. I mean it's not like he likes her. but i couldn't help my self. I followed them, 

"Where you going ? You haven't danced with me yet.", Mi Hee smirked pulling my tie, 

"Sorry babe, i'll be right back.", I said leaving her confused, I saw them walking near the outside pool, *Seo Hee-ah. You look so beautiful. If only you dressed like that more often.* I crouched into the corner blending in with the plants, 

"Seo Hee. What do you think of me ?", Kris' asked, 

"Hmmm. Tricky.", She teased, 

"Yaahh~", He said punching her arm lightly, 

"Your sweet, kind. Your pretty much like the rest of EXO.", She said, he grabbed her arm, facing her. 

"I mean like, look wise.", He said, 

"W-well urmm ..." She paused, chuckling nervously, 

"Your good looking.", She said. *Phsst. Good looking.* 

"Is that it ?", He raised a brow, she continued to walk as he followed her closely, 

"Yeah, your good looking.", She repeated, he raised his eyebrow, 

"What ? What do you want me to say ?", She asked, he smirked, 

"The truth.", He said, 

"Ch, Your so cocky. You think your so hot, don't you!", She replied, 

"Ok. Lets change of what you think about me, to what I think", He paused, 

"About you.", He grabbed her arm bringing her closer, one hand on his waist while the other was strocking his cheek. 

Seo Hee's P.O.V

"To you.", He grabbed my arm, twirling me infront of him. My heart raced as he was inches away from my face, one hand firmly around my waist. While the other was coming towards my face, 

"I think.", He paused, 

"Your beautiful.", 

"Seo Hee.", He paused. His face came closer to mine. 

"Sarang haeyo.", He whispered. His warm lips met mine. *My First.* I stood there shocked. 

"BWWOHH!!!", We heard someone roar.

*Aish! Kris. Your a idiot!* 


MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!!!! Sorry i haven't been updating. I'm a pabo. :D 

I don't know whats wrong with me. Maybe its my girlish hormones but i'm so lovey dovey and i keep thinking about cute couples. I watched this anime. AND OMO!!! IT WAS SO FREAKING CAYYOOOOTT!!!! Every ending of the ep. I was like spazzing.

Sorry. I'm really hyper. The anime was called, 

'Sukitte ii na yo'

I SUGGEST! you watch it! and tell me what you think. I loved it. :D 


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Chapter 16: Omg. This story is awesome!
infinitexo19 #2
Chapter 30: This story was so cute and ajsavsnjs! I just wish Luhan and Seo Hee will be togethetlr at the end of the sequel!
Chapter 20: It sounds like kris' going to minhee :| hahaha but i love this story so far :)
Thank you for mentioning my name author nim ^^
Salpal132 #5
Chapter 28: I'm reading this and thinking what will happen When I graduate and all my friends and I will split up and I'm just an EMOTIONAL MESS!! *bursts out in tears*
Yay.... My username even though TOP isn't even in this fic.
Chapter 19: Omg KRIS JUST FREAKIN KISS HER ♥♥ Hahahaha xD
Chapter 14: Nooooo :'(