
The Uni Dorm

Luhan was still being Nara's girlfriend, me and exo were still being creeped out, and Mi Hee was still being depressed. I just thanked god that i could start my art assignment after a long time thinking and being a complete stingy arse, as Lay said, 

"LAY LAY!!", I screamed as i entered the classroom, 

"SEOOOOOOO~", He replied. Lay was like my seong sen nim, he taught me all these tricks and techniques and i didn't have anyway to repay him, 

"Ok settle down class! A new student has joined the class.", Miss Lee said, gesturing the student to enter, 

"Anyeong haseyo, My names Luhan.", He smiled, my face dropped, 

"Urm, Seo Hee-ah, your pencil ?", Miss Lee said, i looked at my hand and realised that i had snapped it in half. He continued to smile with that stupid face of his. Just as expected out of all the other empty seats he decides to sit right next to me. I was tempted to jam the broken pencil down his throat.

"Lay, Seo Hee. Be dears and tell Luhan the plan I need to go to the other students.", She smiled,

"So what d.", I interrupted,

"Lay. He's all yours.", I said patting him on the shoulder, giving Lay the job to look after him, i just started drawing, painting etc it always seemed to calm me down. I hummed to myself happily until,

"Seo Hee~", Luhan whined. My headache started,

"Seo Hee~ I don't understand!",

"Seo Hee~ Help me!",

"Seo Hee!",

"Seo Hee." I grabbed Luhan by the collar,

"If you call me again, God help you.", I said. He looked at my work,

"Oh! your the creepy girl that took a pic of me!" Even though Luhan didn't say my name his voice became so irritating that I was about to punch his face but Lay stopped me just in time. I quickly realised what Luhan said, and saw the picture of the boy reading, *No, no. This ... Is Luhan.* I face palmed with the table and sat like that for the whole lesson, *Why didn't i realise this ?* 

"Come on lessons ended.", Lay said, as he grabbed my arm, i still sort of had that traumatised look on my face for the whole day. 

"Are you ok ?", Mi Hee kept asking me at lunch. I didn't really reply i just felt like crap for some random reason and didn't feel like talking. We moved away from EXO and moved to a empty, secluded table. Far, FAR away from Luhan. I swear just looking at him made my skin crawl and my face turn green with sickness. It was the end of a normal friday and i dreaded going back to the dorm with Him. being there, i opened the door and saw Luhan smiling like nothing had ever happened, I saw him mouth move and before h could say anything. 

"Luhan, I'm feeling pretty today. Please. Just don't disturb me. Pleaseee~", I begged him, closing the door and starting on my homework, He sat next to me on my bed, i looked at him, he looked down fiddling with his hands, *Aish. LUHAN WHY'D YOU HAVE TO BE SO DAMN CUTE!??* 

"What ?", I asked, He looked at me, pouting, 

"Why do you hate me ?", He asked curiously, folding his legs facing me, i sighed, 

"I don't hate you. I just hate the things you do.", I said, continuing my homework, 

"Like ?", He gestured me to go on, 

"Your annoying, you ask to many questions and are SO clingy! You clearly don't like Nara yet your still going out with her, your clearly just using her to get at someone.", I said, he smirked, I looked at him confusingly, 

"Oh, so your jealous!", He said smiling at me as he came closer pushing my shoulder, 

"No.", I said to him straight, 

"Aigoooo~ Your so cute when you act jealous!", He said pinching my cheeks, i smacked his hand away, 

"SEO HEE LOVES MEEE~", He screamed, My headache began. Again. 

"Luhan. I swear Lay isn't here and i will happily punch you in the face to shut you up.", I said as i stared at him, he shut up but still had that annoying smirk on his face, 

"Well, i still can't believe your going to draw me.", He said flopping onto the bed sighing happily. 

"I didn't know it was you!!!", I screamed, 

"Aish. You clearly like me!", He said, i didn't reply, he sighed happily. 

"I'll break up with Nara tomorrow, i wanted to make someone jealous.", He continued, 

"Hmm.", I said, 

"Aren't you going to ask who ?", He sat up, 

"Nope.", I said packing my surprisingly quick homework and putting it on the desk. He sighed while i turned my lights off and headed fast asleep. 

* Who is this mystery girl ? Good he's breaking up with her, i need to ask him a urgent favour*


Sorry i didn't update Yesterday, i was stressed with school work and what not ah. So frustrating!! Hence the title. 

Anywho thank you for liking and subscribing i genuienly appreciate you guys make my day when you comment, subscribe or even view! 

I had a reaall~ Shiz day today and i'm just happy to be updating! *kisses and hugs!!* 


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Chapter 16: Omg. This story is awesome!
infinitexo19 #2
Chapter 30: This story was so cute and ajsavsnjs! I just wish Luhan and Seo Hee will be togethetlr at the end of the sequel!
Chapter 20: It sounds like kris' going to minhee :| hahaha but i love this story so far :)
Thank you for mentioning my name author nim ^^
Salpal132 #5
Chapter 28: I'm reading this and thinking what will happen When I graduate and all my friends and I will split up and I'm just an EMOTIONAL MESS!! *bursts out in tears*
Yay.... My username even though TOP isn't even in this fic.
Chapter 19: Omg KRIS JUST FREAKIN KISS HER ♥♥ Hahahaha xD
Chapter 14: Nooooo :'(