Apologies and truths

The Uni Dorm

I woke up and greeted the warm floor with my face like usual, i effortly picked myself up and saw the door open, 

"Seo Hee. I'm sorry.", Kris said, 

"I shouldn't of got angry at you.", 

"No. Kris, i should've told you.", I said, he hugged me, inhaling my scent, 

"What do you want to do today ?", he asked, 

"Anything you name it!", He swung my arms in a playful motion, 

"To be honest, we've been going out alot lately. I think i'd like to stay in the building.", I smiled, he looked at me shocked, 

"Oh, really !?", He said, 

"Well, thats boring, but okay. We'll stay here.", He smiled, 

"You can go out if you want.", I suggested, 

"Honestly, i think I'd like to be alone today. If thats ok ?", I chuckled, 

"Okay.", He kissed my forehead and waved goodbye, 

I changed into casual clothes, and walked around the school, reminiscing through all the good times and the bad. I know i won't be going until a few days but i just want to be on my own today, walk around, chill without any responsibilities. *If only everyday was like this.* I felt a tap on my shoulder then saw Mi Hee, giving me the pedo smile, 

"Whatchaa doiiinnnnn'?", She asked, 

"Just chilling.", *I haven't told her that i'm leaving.* 

"I though you'd want to be with Kris, i mean this is our last week together.", She smiled, walking with me, 

"I know.", I smiled, we began to talk about the 'old' days and how we use t do stupid things together, we spent a good hour or more walking around, we sat on the bench in the gardens relaxing our feet, 

"Will we still keep in contact ?", She asked, i looked at her starring at the sky, 

"I mean, we're all going to go our seperate ways.", She sighed, 

"Of course.", I replied, 

"We've been throught alot together. It's not like i just met you and we became friends recently. We've grown up together, we've seen each other change and yeah, we've had our bad times but doesn't everyone.", 

"I'm not breaking our promise.", I smiled,

"We'll be friends forever.", She sighed, 

"Yup!", I replied, 

"Seo Hee.", 

"I'm sorry, I knew you liked Luhan.", She looked at me, 

"I never liked Luhan.", I replied, 

"Yeah right.", She nudged me, 

"No. Really. I never loved Luhan.", I replied coldly, 

"Well, whatever you think. I'm sorry.", She apologized, 

"You don't need to apologize.", I replied she put her head on my shoulder, 

"Did he apologize ?", I asked, she nodded, 

"I'm glad i'm with Luhan. I love him so much, i'm still amazed at how he actually said yes.", She chuckled, *i should tell her* 

"About that.", I paused, she took her hed of my shoulder, 

"I told Luhan to say yes.", I said. she looked at me confused, 

"I told him to say yes to whatever you were going to ask him, but i never told him what.", She looked shocked, confused and sad. 

"So, he never said yes cause he actually loved me.", She said, 

"Yeah, but no. I did it because, i know it's hard to be a girly girl around me back then and i wanted you to be happy, I knew Luhan was going to love you so much", 

"Please, don't hate me. I thought i should tell you, i don't want to keep secrets from you.", I said, 

"Thank you.", She said, 

"So much for being friends forever.", She mumbled then walked of, 

"MI HEE!", I shouted, i ran after her, 

"Mi Hee! Luhan loves you!", I said, 

"Yeah right!!", She screamed then bumped into Luhan, she looked up, 

"I do love you.", He looked at her sweetly then kissed her, i turned away. *It's their moment, i don't want to awkwardly stare at them* I heard their footsteps dissapear and was alone again, i sighed and sat back on the bench. 

"Like i said Luhan, all i do is hurt people.", I said aloud, I daydreamed for a while then headed back to my dorm, and saw Kris lying on the bed in a y yet a hilarious way, i burst out laughing, 

"Ah, what!?", He frowned, 

"Why are you lying on the bed like that ?", I asked, 

"Well, we've been going out for a while and i though maybe.", He fiddled with his fingers, 

"Ew. Just ew.", I replied bluntly, 

"It's true!!", He screamed, 

"I bet Mi Hee and Luhan have jiggied.", He said, my smile turned into a line, 

"So that means we should 'jiggy' ?", I replied, he chuckled, 

"I don't want to do anything. Until I'm married.", I replied, 

"Then lets get married you old fashioned women.", He suggested, 

"Shut up!", I hit him, 

"Can i ask why ?", He raised an eyebrow, i sighed, 

"I want only! my husband to touch me, cause then it's more special. It's not like other guys have touched me.", I replied, 

"Ahhh. Interesting.", 

"Why do you say your husband but don't say my name ? Do you not think we'll get married ?", He asked, 

"WOAH BUDDY! To early for that! And besides I don't know my future. I'm just going with the floww~", I replied, 

"I think we will, and we'll have kids like four and they'll be two girls and.", He continued, *I can't take this.* 

I went outside of the dorm, drowning out his voice and met Luhan face, i awkwardly turned and headed down to the Cafe, then saw Luhan was going too. We awkwardly went down to the coffee without speaking,

*Why aren't i speaking!? TALK GOD DAMMIT!!!* 


Boring chap i know sorry :( Forgive me :'( 

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Chapter 16: Omg. This story is awesome!
infinitexo19 #2
Chapter 30: This story was so cute and ajsavsnjs! I just wish Luhan and Seo Hee will be togethetlr at the end of the sequel!
Chapter 20: It sounds like kris' going to minhee :| hahaha but i love this story so far :)
Thank you for mentioning my name author nim ^^
Salpal132 #5
Chapter 28: I'm reading this and thinking what will happen When I graduate and all my friends and I will split up and I'm just an EMOTIONAL MESS!! *bursts out in tears*
Yay.... My username even though TOP isn't even in this fic.
Chapter 19: Omg KRIS JUST FREAKIN KISS HER ♥♥ Hahahaha xD
Chapter 14: Nooooo :'(