
The Uni Dorm

"BWOH!!?", I heard someone roar, Kris let go of me then stared at who ever just saw us. We then saw a figure run back out, Kris stared at me biting his lips, attempting to kiss me again. 

"Kris. i don't think we s.", He interrupted, 

"Don't be put off by whoever saw us.", He smiled, tilting my chin up, 

"No. It's not that its just.", I paused, 

"Don't you love me back ?", He asked, 

"I don't know what my feelings are for you, after this.", I said, 

"Well. I'll make you chose.", He smirked kissing me again. I know i shouldn't be caught up in a relationship but, i couldn't let go or push him away. He gentley let go.  

"I guess that means were official.", He winked, entwining his fingers with mine, and dragging me back inside. *I have no idea what's going on.* Mi Hee approached us. 

"Have you seen Luhan ?", She asked with a worried face, 

"No. I thought he was with you guys.", I replied, 

"Well, he went to the pool area.", She said, 

"We didn't see h.", I paused then realised. *Please, don't tell me Luhan saw me and Kris.*, I face plamed myself. We searched for him. I called him, but he cut me off. 

"Come on. He's probably gone back.", Kris said, holding my hand. He drove us back, 

"Don't worry about Luhan. He does that sometimes.", Kris said comfortingly, 

"No, you don't understand.", I said rubbing my forehead, 

"What ? Did something happen ?", He asked, 

"N-no.", I said, 

"You know it's ok. You can tell me anything.", He said, 

"It's nothing. I just hope he's gone back.", I said, he put his spare hand over mine, comforting me. 


We arrived shortly, i rushed into Mi Hee's dorm, to see he had fallen asleep, with his blazer flung and shoes scattered around the room. 

"See. I told you.", Kris smiled, he grabbed my hand. 

"Ah, one sec. I'll be right there. I just need to take back my book that Mi Hee had borrowed, he shrugged and closed the door, 

"Luhan. I know your not asleep.", I said floding my arms, 

"Bwoh!?", He bellowed, 

"What you saw with me and Kris was nothing. Okay. I don't even want a relationship!", I said, *It's the truth. I was being stupid. I should've pushed him away.* 

"That's what they all say. ", He rolled into a ball, i sat on the edge of his bed, 

"Luhan, come on.", I said, 

"Just go.", 

"Luhan, please. I won't go out with Kris.", I said, 

"Yes you will.", He said, 

"Now go.", 

"Please,", He pleaded. 

"Sorry.", I said, leaving. 

I went back to my dorm and saw Kris, taking his stuff off. I grabbed my Pj's and went to the toilet, changing, and wiping the makeup off my face. Showing the real dead me. I came out letting my hair out. Kris stared at me since, i had convineatly, had chosen to wear my pajama short's. Kris smirked, 

"Is that for me ?", He winked, 

"Oh please, i didn't agree to be you girlfriend or friend with benefit", I replied, 

"Yeah, but i know you think I'm hot.", He raised his eyebrow. I rolled my eyes, he took his shirt off ready to take a shower. I hung my clothes in the drawer, and tidied all the mess he left, until i felt a wet, hard surface touch my back, I straightened my back at the sudden touch, 

"You know we are alone.", He whispered, the hairs on my neck stood up as he pulled my hair to the side, and pressed his lips against my neck, 

"WOAH!", I pushed him away. 

"I'm not you girlfriend, and even if i was. It's pretty early for all that.", I said, in a fighting punch. he placed the towel over his neck, and chuckled, 

"Ah, your so cute.", He smiled, while my cheeks burned, he ruffled his wet hair. revealing his toned body. I snapped out of it and headed into bed. With what happened i don't even know if i'll be able to go to bed ... 


REALLY SHORT CHAP! I'M SOWWY! I don't know whats wrong with me. I seriously think my hormone levels are going crazy these past few days i keep thinking and reading stories AH! . O.o 

I near scene. Mwahahaha! Maybe i will write a scene.


I'll probably fail. Epicly. 

Well tell me what you guys think ? 

LOVE YUH! please subscribe, rate and upvote my y jelly babies. 

And let me BE YOUR FWEIND!!! I need some fweinds so if i add you randomly, don't think i'm a freak. 

I might Occasionaly! creep on you. :3

Ahahaha! Just kidding. Or am I ? ;) 


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Chapter 16: Omg. This story is awesome!
infinitexo19 #2
Chapter 30: This story was so cute and ajsavsnjs! I just wish Luhan and Seo Hee will be togethetlr at the end of the sequel!
Chapter 20: It sounds like kris' going to minhee :| hahaha but i love this story so far :)
Thank you for mentioning my name author nim ^^
Salpal132 #5
Chapter 28: I'm reading this and thinking what will happen When I graduate and all my friends and I will split up and I'm just an EMOTIONAL MESS!! *bursts out in tears*
Yay.... My username even though TOP isn't even in this fic.
Chapter 19: Omg KRIS JUST FREAKIN KISS HER ♥♥ Hahahaha xD
Chapter 14: Nooooo :'(