
The Uni Dorm

I woke up, while the sun was blinding me. 

"Wake up, sleepy head.", I heard Kris, then felt his lips peck my head, he smiled then opened the door, 

"Ah, i'll be back!", He said, shutting the door. I rolled over to greet the floor with my face, 

"Seo Hee!!", I heard someone open the door. *Aish, someone needs me already.* I turned slightly to see Lay, looking at me shocked, 

"What's up ?", I asked, lazily getting up, 

"Y-your painting!", He stuttured. I looked at him confused, 

"Y-you A-assignment! I-its.", her paused, 

"Ruined.", He said. My eyes opened wide, 

"What do you mean !? What happened!!?", I screamed, running into the bathroom wearing a pair of sweats and a cardigan then followed Lay to the art class. 

"I was in there this morning to just check mine and maybe make it more detailed or something but then i saw yours like this.", He said pointing, to the table. It was completely ruined. There was a big rip or cut that ran through Luhan's face. I stood there shocked,

"W-why ?", I said, *Why would someone do this ?* have you ever had that feeling of doing something with so much effort, patience and something you love but then it  was a complete waste. I felt like crying, i felt lay hug me, comfortingly. I know it's stupid to be upset or cry over something like a assignment but, i thought it was one of the best peices of work i've ever done, and now. It's completly destroyed. I went back to my dorm, holding the canvas towards my chest trying to fix it.


I heard the door open, and saw Luhan. I turned away quickly wiping my tears, 

"It's ok." He said, 

"Just go.", I replied, tapping the tape on it, eventhough i now it's hopeless, 

"You can always make another one!", He suggested, 

"No. Luhan. I can't.", I paused, 

"I put so much, time and effort into actually painting this and all my hard work is ruined.", I said, flustered, 

"Wheres Kris ?", He asked, scanning the room, 

"He went out.", I said, 

"Suspicious, don't you think ?", Luhan said, i rolled my eyes, 

"I don't care who did it! I just want to know why ?", I replied, 

"Well, maybe they did it for personal reasons, or maybe a mistake ?", He suggested, 

"Luhan. Why would someone randomly rip up others artwork or assignment ? You just making everything worse! Just go!", I said, 

"I'm just trying to help.", He replied, 

"Luhan, i know your trying to help but just.", I sighed, he understood and left. 


"Hey, Sorry I've been out for so long. They told me what happened.", Kris said, a few hours later, before the incident. 

"It's ok. I'll just do it again or something.", I shrugged, and laughed it off. 

"I know your hurt. Lay told me everything.", He raised his eyebrow, 

"Here. Lets see the damage.", He carefully examined the canvas, like he was solving a puzzle, 

"Hmmm.", He said, 

"How about sewing the rips back together.", He suggested, i looked at him confused, 

"You know. Needle and some thin thread.", He smiled, 

"We could try it!", He laughed, 

"Even if it did work it still wouldn't be that good, you would be able to see the lines and the colours would be all weird.", I sighed, 

"So, what do you want to do ?", He asked, 

"I'll just do it again.", I said, strocking tha canvas, 

"Maybe this time. You could draw me.", He winked, 

"You know. .", He wiggled his brows. I made a puke face, 

"Aish! Jinjjaa!!!!??", I screamed, punching him on the arm, 

"Aha, you knwo i'm kidding.", He smiled, 

"Even if you are joking, it's still weird.", I said, 

"You know you like it, bebeh.", He winked, but i bursted out laughing at the 'bebeh' I mean what the hell was that !? Did he suddenly become indian or something !? 

"Aha, well i guess you should start on your assignment.", He said, pushing me out of the dorm. I headed to the art department and borrowed D.O's camera on the way, to see if there were any nice pictures from last night. 

"Maybe you could draw me.", Kris's voice kept ringing in my brain, i skimmed through the picks and found a picture of him. It was perfect. It was different than Luhan's, it was y, but again with a sort of loneliness to the picture. The lighting was different too, since a purply and white light hit his face. I started to begin the new assignment. 


I spent the whole day in the classroom, Miss Lee gave me a spare key from a while back, Lay would come by here and there to talk to me about stuff, and keep me company in the empty room. 

"Yah, where are you ?", Kris said through the phone, 

"Oh. In the art department.", I replied, 

"Come back to the dorm. It's getting late.", 

"Ah, don't worry. I'll be up there in a bit mummy!", I chuckled then hung up the phone completely in the zone. The phone rang again, 

"Kris, I said, i was going t.", 

"Ah, Seo Hee-ah. Would you m-mind picking me up!", Luhan said, with a drunk voice and music blasting down the phone. *You have got to be kidding me.* 

"First, your a idiot. Second call Mi Hee or someone to get you.", I replied, 

"L-listen. I won't go until you c-come here.", He said then hung up. *He didn't even tell me where he was!? This boy is going to drive me insane.*

I searched around town and some clubs, i couldn't find him, until i saw this fancy bar place, when i was going to walk back to school. *If i was Luhan would I g. Yeah. I probably would go here.* I though to myself entering all covered, I saw a drunk Luhan with his head on the table, i went up to him. Fitting and sliding through the other people, dancing. 

"Luhan.", I screamed over the music and poked him. He looked up at me, 

"Huh ?", He said squinting, 

"Kaja!", I said, 

"Urg, i feel sick.", He said, I grabbed his arm, and put it around mine, his body weight leaning against mine. I quickly dragged him out, 

"If you did sick on melike last time. I seriously won't be there to clean you or the crap up.", I said, 

"Aha-ha. You still remeber that!", He raised his voice at the end, andkept slurring his words until we reached the park, 

"Lets stop 'ere", He said, crashing onto a wooden bench, taking deep breaths through his nose. 

"So why did you drink this time ?", I said, with a sarcastic smile, 

"I just feel like shiz~ Me and Mi Hee had a fight and stuff.", I looked at him shocked while he smiled to himself, 

"What ?", 

"A fight about what ?", I said, 

"Hmm, i don't remeber. It's none of your bussineesss~ Haha.", He laughed, *How much did he drink ?* 

"Seriously, Luhan. Your so stupid.", I laughed at him, 

"I know! I mean I destroyed your painting!", He laughed then stopped, coming to his senses, i turned and looked at him, 

"You did what ?", I said, 

"I mean. Urm, i saw s.", I interrupted, 

"You destroyed my assignment. Why ?", I said sternly, he bit his lips looking down, not answering. 

"WHY!?", I screamed, his face became straight, 

"You know what. Forget it. You can find your way back by yourself!!", I screamed, 

"It's because. I got angry okay!", He said watching me go, i turned, 

"I don't know. Emotions got the better of me. I just did it.", He said, 

"Do you know how hard i worked on that ?", I said, my voice began to break. 

"I- i know. I-i'm sorry!", He pleaded, 

"You know what Luhan. Your really pathetic.", I said, leaving him. *Luhan. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you.* I reapeted in my head while tears fell from my face, i quickly wiped them away. Reaching the building and heading to my dorm, 

"Where were y.", I interrupted him. I kissed him gentley, i let go after a few seconds, he looked at me shocked, 

"What was that for ?", He replied with a shocked face. 

"Take that as me accepting your offer.", 

"I want to be your girlfriend. Kris. I love you.", 



Well what did you think ? ;) 

The next chapter will start from a new season, SUMMER TERM! I am doing their last school year according to the UK education system.

So, imagine them being in their last month or two till they finish high school or whatever.

So the story is near the ending. Not really near but you know what i mean!

 Mwahahaha!! Please rate, subscribe and COMMENT! 

And i just watched 

'Wreck It Ralph!'

Such a AWESOME! ANIMATION! It came out now for us in the UK but it came out in november in the US.

So unfair -_- Rawr. 


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Chapter 16: Omg. This story is awesome!
infinitexo19 #2
Chapter 30: This story was so cute and ajsavsnjs! I just wish Luhan and Seo Hee will be togethetlr at the end of the sequel!
Chapter 20: It sounds like kris' going to minhee :| hahaha but i love this story so far :)
Thank you for mentioning my name author nim ^^
Salpal132 #5
Chapter 28: I'm reading this and thinking what will happen When I graduate and all my friends and I will split up and I'm just an EMOTIONAL MESS!! *bursts out in tears*
Yay.... My username even though TOP isn't even in this fic.
Chapter 19: Omg KRIS JUST FREAKIN KISS HER ♥♥ Hahahaha xD
Chapter 14: Nooooo :'(