Dreams and decisions

The Uni Dorm

Just like that, a few months have passed, I had officially become Kris' girlfriend.

It was a different experience and i saw a different side to him. Luhan and I hadn't talked. He had moved seats in all our classes, and whenever we all went out together, we never made eye contact or said anything. I mean anything. We had all decided to go karaoke since we had finished most of our exams so went out to celebrate not to mention were sick of staying inside. It seemed as though Mi Hee and I, were the only girls that were so close to them. They felt like family. Even Luhan.

"Ah, need a bathroom break!", Kris said pecking me on the forehead, while the others followed. I scanned the room and to my surprise saw Luhan sitting on my opposite. We were alone for once ever since that day. I decided to check my mail, not wanting to talk to Luhan. It was awkward and they were clearly taking there time. I reached for the remote but realised Luhan reached for it too.I quickly jerked my hand. He sat the controller next to me and sighed, adjusting his jacket. He sighed louder,

"Is something wrong ?", I replied irritated.

"Why are you talking to me ?", he said. I rolled my eyes, and flicked through the songs and playlists. I mean, if i never knew Luhan this would be awkward, but this is Beyond. Awkward. 

"Sorry.", He mumbled, i looked at him, 

"Sorry.", He mumbled, 

"What ?", I said, 


"I couldn't hear you. Pabo.", I replied, 

"I don't hate you Luhan.", 

"Yeah, i know, you hate the thing i did.", He replied, 

"I'm sorry too. Aish! Jinjja!!? I missed talking to you.", I replied, it was still awkward but i think we were both at fault, i shouldn't of ignored Luhan. 

"Jinjja!? Me too!", He squealed, 

"Does this still feel awkward ?", He asked, i nodded, we laughed. EXO had come back, and looked at us grinning. 

"What ?", Luhan asked, They kept they're grinning to themselves and sat back down. Singing to there hearts content. Our fun ended as we all headed back to the  prison that is school, ok it wasn't that bad. Kris had walked really slow, and like always he'd drag me to walk beside him. Entwining our hands, and swinging my arms, as our big crwod had become just me and him. He'd talk to me about life and his plans with EXO to become a boy group. 

"Ah, I'd have to share you.", I teased, he pinched my cheeks, 

"Your coming with us!", He replied, i chuckled, 

"This isn't just a dream. Seo Hee. I. We, all of EXO want to become something big.", He said, starring at the sky, 

"What do you want to be ?", He asked,

"Hmmmmm, I don't know.", I said, smiling, 

"I'd like to be something that i am good at. Art is pretty much the only thing!", I said, 

"You could be a artist, photographer, architect, interior design, model.", He wiggled his eyebrows. 

"You'd be the best model ever!", He stretched his arms, 

"Nah, I'm not into that kinda thing.", I sighed, 

"You've lost alot of weight over the past few months. You could be the first korean victoria secret model!", He laughed, 

"NO WAY!", I screamed, 

"Aha, just kidding.", He replied, lightly punching my arm, we walked for a bit without talking just enjoying each other company, 

"You' know. If, Luhan asked you out ? Would you accept ?", He asked, starring at the ground, 

"I don't know.", I replied honestly, 

"I don't know what would happen, or what i would say if he did."

"You don't know alot of things.", I punched him in the arm. 

"One thing i do know, is I'd like to travel around and try new cultures, and maybe experience different jobs for a bit.", I said, 

"I just wish i could reverse time you' know.", I said, he nodded understandingly, 

"Yeah. I get you, Life really does fly by, don't you think ?", He said, 

"I mean this time next month we'll all be seperating our ways for the future.", He sighed, 

"I'd like to ask you something.", He paused, 

"I'm going to back to China for a bit.", 

"And I'd like you to come with me.", He asked *What? Why?* 

"I know, it's alot to take in but, China isn't that far from Korea. Just for maybe four to six months.", He said, *SIX MONTHS* 

"Kris.", I paused, 

"I would love to go but,", I paused, 

"Ok. You don't have to decide it now. Take your time, we have a month or so left. I'm not forcing you, but it would mean alot to me if you came.", He said, 

*I mean, i could start travelling, but. I already booked flights back to the UK...* 



OOHHHH!!!! SEO HEE'S GOING BACK TO THE UUKKKKK!!!!!! OH. EM. OPPA!! (Does that make sence ?) 

Well i know the story isn't amazing but let me know what you think ?

Please upvote, subscribe and comment my fluffy bunnays!! 


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Chapter 16: Omg. This story is awesome!
infinitexo19 #2
Chapter 30: This story was so cute and ajsavsnjs! I just wish Luhan and Seo Hee will be togethetlr at the end of the sequel!
Chapter 20: It sounds like kris' going to minhee :| hahaha but i love this story so far :)
Thank you for mentioning my name author nim ^^
Salpal132 #5
Chapter 28: I'm reading this and thinking what will happen When I graduate and all my friends and I will split up and I'm just an EMOTIONAL MESS!! *bursts out in tears*
Yay.... My username even though TOP isn't even in this fic.
Chapter 19: Omg KRIS JUST FREAKIN KISS HER ♥♥ Hahahaha xD
Chapter 14: Nooooo :'(