
The Uni Dorm

I stood with my jaw open and the phone dangling, its not that I don't like Kris its just ... He's so hot. There! I said it!

"I'm your new roommate.", He winked.

"No. Gotta be a mistake. Why you of all people ?", I said, quickly hanging up the phone,

"Waaee!? Dont you like me ?" He said in his Canadian accent.

"No, its just. Ah here let me tidy the room." I replied with my british accent, cleaning the room a bit,

"Wah, your british ?", I nodded, he looked shocked,

"You know apparently british accent are the iest accents.", He said slouching on his new bed,

"I see. Well that's ironic at how UN-y I am.", I laughed, he started putting his clothes and gallons of face product in draws and closests.

"Wow.", I said *he has more things than me*, he grabbed a towel and headed into the bathroom,

"Ah, I'm gonna have a shower.", He called. Then heard the door lock. Ah, why can't I get a girl roommate for once!!? I decided to do my homework since it was kinda early to go sleep and I had tons of homework to do especially the homework that I wasn't here for yesterday. Teachers can be so mean sometimes. After a while I assumed Kris had finished,

"Seo Hee~",


"Seo Hee.",

"What ?"

"Seo Heeeee~",

"What!?", I looked up and saw Kris with only a pair of boxers on, guess what brand!? and wet hair. My jaw locked open,

"Seo Hee, I don't understand t.", Luhan came smashing through the door, and stared at Kris drying his wet hair,

"YAH!", He pushed Kris into the toilet. locking the door.

"Why is he half !? And in our dorm!??", He screamed,

"He's my new roommate. And I had no idea he was half but, I don't m. I mean I'm freaked out but I've seen you like that.", I said panicking,

"Ahem. This is your dorm anymore!" Kris roared from the toilet.

"Shut up! Put some clothes on, then you can come out !", Luhan screamed.

"Aish.", He replied,i continued with my piled of homework as they continued to bicker. Eventually Luhan left, and Kris stared over my shoulder, 

"So, you know when Luhan was moving out and you said about getting a better roommate. You were talking about youself ?", I said, raising my brow he smirked a little and chuckled to himself fluffing his pillow. 

"Ah, why do i get only guy roommates !?", 

"If i got girl roommates, I'd love it!", He said, 

"Well you got one. Trust me. You won't love it for long.", I said, He ignored me and ruffled under his fresh bed sheets that i had put on today. 


It was a agonisingly long day today and i thanked god it was lunch. Luhan sat next to me and moved closer when he saw Kris, Kris came walking with shwagger, he slid onto the bench hitting my hip. Luhan was glaring him at him from my left. 

"Oppa.", Mi Hee caled, Luhan, he lovingly looked at her, 

"Could we go town after school today ? I need to go get something for D.O's birthday present.", She said tugging his jumper, he smiled and nodded, 

"Chigu ?", D.O said pointing at himself with a cute expression, then laughed at himself *Everyones invited except for me... Ohwell.* I said slurping my ramen cup noodles, 

"Ah, Seo Hee! I'm sorry, i jus realised you were here! I forgot to invite you. You can come of course!", He said, smiling, 

"Oh no, don't worry about it, i don't want to intrude on your birthday.", I said, * I don't want him just to invite me because i'm here. I don't mind.* 

"ANIJII!!!" Luhan screamed, 

"Your going!", D.O continued for him giving me a stern look. I nodded, they looked like they were going to rip me up ad shred me into peices if i didn't say yes. 

"It's tomorrow! It's going to be in this hall, oh Kris will tell you. Your roommates now right !?", D.O said enthusiasticaly, while the other members spat out there drinks and looked at me and Kris's direction. 

"What ?", He said with his arm around my side of the bench. 

"It's just, you' know. Kris i don't think it's a good idea that your staying with Seo Hee.", Xuimin said while the rest agreed. 

"Aish, Jinjja!? Chill out.", He said folding his arms, 

Sluurrpp~ The sound of me eating noodles was awkward as the air was tense. 

"Ah! Why don't you come with us, to buy D.O's present !?", Mi Hee suggested, i shrugged, then Kris grabbed my wrist. 

"Oh, we already made plans to go somewhere else.", Kris said, 

"We did ?", I asked, he nodded. 

"Either way, i just want to get D.O's present and go.", I said continuing to slurp. Ah ~ Mata~ 


"How about here ?", Kris pointed to etude. I gave him the you-serious look, 

"Are you sure you don't want to go there ?", I riasd my brow, he smirked and raised his brow, i dragged him to H&M and went to all the guy sections of all clothing brands. I kept picking up stuff while Kris pouted like a child, i showed it to him and he shrugged, at every top, jacket i got. 

"Kris, Stop being a baby.", I scolded him, he frowned and pouted still. I looked at him. He made his eyes wider. 

"Kris were not go. Ok lets go.", I gave in, while he giddies and grin like an idiot.He was scanning all the isles carfeully, reading the labels, picking the product up, then putting it back. I rolled my eyes, waiting for him to quickly get something then go. Suddenly i felt someone grab my arm and place me onto a swirley chair, i felt them put some stuff on my face, 

"What do you think ?", She placed a mirror to my face and i saw she had put makeup on me, I grabbed the mirror and starred at myself ... *Woah. I look nice but ... natural beauties the best right ?* 

"Seo Hee where are y. Woah. You look.", Kris said speechless with his mouth hanging open. I asked her for the wipe but she shrugged and didn't have any. 

"Urg!", I got annoyed and dragged Kris out of the shop, i quickly went to the camera shop near etude and quickly bought one of those cool, professional cameras. Then headed back, as quick as i could to get this gunk of my face. I ignored everyone who said, 'Hi' and 'Hello' as they passed me i just smiled and walked straigh past.

"SEO HEE ARE YOU WEARING M.", I slammed the door as both, Luhan and Mi Hee looked at me confused. I grabbed some spear wipes that Mi Hee put in here. I ran to the toilet ignoring Kris, scrubbing my face. *How many layers did she put on me!?* 

"Why are you taking it off ?", He asked leaning on the door, 

"Because. It's gross at how much makeup she put on me.", I replied, 

"Ah, jinjja!? You look fine!", He said, 

"Look ok, i have alot of insecurities. ALOT, but i don't like showing people i care about how i look, or trying to impress someone. I put makeup on rarely. I don't want some random women slappin on a gunk load of makeup on me, i mean who knows who else has worn that makeup !?", I said, he came closer to me and back hugged me. My spine stiffened into a straight line and he rested his chin on my shoulder

"I think your beautiful without makeup.", He said, 

"You smell nice. What perfume is this ?", He said as he sniffed me slightly *what are you !? A dog.* and went close to my neck, giving me the tingles i quickly squirmed out of his grip 

"Ah! JINJJA!!!!??", I roared, slamming the door, trying to get some air. AH!! WHATS WRONG WITH ME!? Whats wrong with him!? Ahh!! *Cringe!* 

Kris's P.O.V 

I rested my chin on her neck, wrapping my arms around her waist. She had a slim waist that was easy to hug, i felt her back stiffen, 

"I think your beautiful without makeup.", I said, she smelled so nice! Ah~ I just wanted to like smell her for as long as i could. I know that sounds weird and wrong but the perfume was ... Ah~ 

"You smell nice. What perfume is this ?", I said accidentally getting closer to her neck. The perfume was so intoxicating. I have a sensitive nose. Ok.. She flung her hands and squirmed her way out of my grip, she roared then slammed the door, 

*Seriously ? What perfume was it ?* 


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Chapter 16: Omg. This story is awesome!
infinitexo19 #2
Chapter 30: This story was so cute and ajsavsnjs! I just wish Luhan and Seo Hee will be togethetlr at the end of the sequel!
Chapter 20: It sounds like kris' going to minhee :| hahaha but i love this story so far :)
Thank you for mentioning my name author nim ^^
Salpal132 #5
Chapter 28: I'm reading this and thinking what will happen When I graduate and all my friends and I will split up and I'm just an EMOTIONAL MESS!! *bursts out in tears*
Yay.... My username even though TOP isn't even in this fic.
Chapter 19: Omg KRIS JUST FREAKIN KISS HER ♥♥ Hahahaha xD
Chapter 14: Nooooo :'(