Stupidity runs in his viens

The Uni Dorm

"So ?", Luhan said, trying to break the awkward atmosphere, 

"Just do the work, i told you to do. No need for chit-chat.", I scolded as we sat on the floor doing our homework. 

"Wow. You'd make the worlds most scariest teacher ever.", He said, 

"I just want to get the work over and done with quickly, so i can go a sleep.", I said writing like the wind. 

"You could atleast explain this to me. I don't understand science.", He pouted. 

"Wow, i wonder how your brain must work. All you have to do is write that but in a simpler version. How easier can that be?", I said. He gave me daggers, 

"Well i don't understand these big words! I mean what the hells a uterus!", I face palmed myself, as i didn't want to explain since we were learning about reproduction and and well, it's awkward. He looked at me like a lost child. 

"Theres a diagram, right there. I don't really want to explain this topic to you, so try to figure it out for yourself.", I said as i was writing down the last few sentences. He looked at the diagram closely and his eyes widened, 

"It's a new world.", He said with a shock expression. I whacked him with a pillow. *He really was as innocent as he looked* 

"Luhan. I'm sure you studied this topic before.", I sighed at him. 

"Well yeah but. Not in detail!", He said, I rolled my eyes, 

"I mean that thing is inside of you!", I began to blush, and whacked him across the head again but harder. 

"NO NEED TO POINT THAT OUT!", I screamed. 

"Ah, why do you keep hitting me!? It's true thought! Your writing stuff down about a and I have that!", I whacked him again. 

"You know what!? Bring it!!", He said as he stood up with a pillow. 

"Luhan you know I'm competitive and that I will beat your .", I scoffed, and hit me with a unexpected blow. 

"Oh. Did you just hit me ?", I said. He smirked 

"Yeah. What are you going to do about it ?", He said, I grabbed the pillow. 

"It's on now.", I said as we squinted at each other ready for the battle. I saw Luhans arm come at me as i dodge it with my pillow. We hit each other when the right opportunity came. 

"Ah. Seo, can you exp.", Mi Hee paused as she saw us fight. I looked at the door and paused while Luhan kept hitting me. Oblivious to the fact Mi Hee was just staring at us like we were freaks. 

"That's. what. you. get. for not. teaching me. the female part!", He said as he hit me. I looked at him. He made everything sound so, so, so utterly and terribly wrong. He looked at the door to see Mi Hee with a shocked expression. 

" Oh ... heeeyy~", Luhan said as he straightened himself up. 

"Oh. It's not what it looks like!?", I said whacking luhan in the face as he plummeted to his bed. 

"I'm just gonna leave you two. Alone.", She said, closing the door slowly. 

"Luhan. Does stupidity run in your veins or something!?", I screamed, 

"Well, isn't Mi Hee studying the same thing as us.", He said, 

"No. She isn't. Ah! I'll just explain to her, right ? I mean it's not like anything was wrong, besides what you said.", I said to myself, 

"Yeah. I mean i would never do it to you anyway.", He scoffed, 

"Luhan, i don't think you'd do it with anyone. You didn't even know what a cervix was!", I said, 

"True point.", He replied, 

"And who said I'd do it with you. Pabo.", I replied, in a awkward atmosphere. 

*Ah, i hope she doesn't take it the wrong way! she can't right.* 


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Chapter 16: Omg. This story is awesome!
infinitexo19 #2
Chapter 30: This story was so cute and ajsavsnjs! I just wish Luhan and Seo Hee will be togethetlr at the end of the sequel!
Chapter 20: It sounds like kris' going to minhee :| hahaha but i love this story so far :)
Thank you for mentioning my name author nim ^^
Salpal132 #5
Chapter 28: I'm reading this and thinking what will happen When I graduate and all my friends and I will split up and I'm just an EMOTIONAL MESS!! *bursts out in tears*
Yay.... My username even though TOP isn't even in this fic.
Chapter 19: Omg KRIS JUST FREAKIN KISS HER ♥♥ Hahahaha xD
Chapter 14: Nooooo :'(