The Uni Dorm

It was seven, school policy allows you to stay out till ten on weekends. I had convinced Mi Hee to go to that dance-off with her other friends, she was getting ready in her room. I was in my dorm, eyeing Luhan as he was getting dressed too.

"Aren't you going ? " He asked as I slouched on my bed.

"Where ? " I replied,

"That dance off in that club or whatever. Lay and Kai are in the competition." He said.

"I don't like going out, and I especially don't want to go if your going." I made a im-going-to-puke face. He laughed sarcastically and headed out. A few minutes later, Mi Hee had come in with the dress she wore in the shop. She had a fur coat on top and her hair put in a elegant bun with dangley earrings. She looked pretty. I smiled at her. She smiled back and took a deep breath.

"It's my first time going out of school without you." She said, slightly nervous. Me and Mi Hee have been together ever since nursery. She wouldn't go anywhere without me.

"Ah! Jinjja!? Fly you chicken!" I said as I pushed her out of my room and waved as she walked with the other girls dressed up.

"By the way chickens can't fly!" she replied, as she waved back. I feel like a mother watching her daughter face the world. Phsst. What am I saying she's just going out with some friends.


I woke up from an unexpected nap. I turned to my right and luhan wasn't in his bed. I looked at the clock. It was way past ten. I slowly opened the dorm door, trying to avoid waking anybody up. I took out my spare key to Mi Hees dorm. I peeked in and saw she was fast asleep. *phew* I though as I had a look of relief on my face. *now where's luhan ?* I grabbed my thick shawl and walked through the cold hallways. I searched everywhere but I decided to walk to the school balcony. Showing the pool area and the garden. I squinted my eyes. I couldn't see him. I headed back to my dorm after the long search. I saw the door slightly open, I slowly walked in and saw the toilet light on. It was luhan, bending over the toilet.

"why did you come back so late ?" He turned to look at me. His face was pale and green-ish. "Ah. Pabo, you dra." I paused as Luhans mouth puffed up and spewed sick on...

"LUHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNN!!!", I screamed as I was close to doing sick at the sight and smell. *Kill me. Anyone?*

It was four in the morning and i was cleaning up Luhan's mess. As he lied on his bed not being able to go sleep as hid head hurt. 

"Sorry.", I heard his mumble as he placed his arm over his eyes. 

"Sorry ? Dude you puked ALL OVER ME! NOW I'M CLEANING UP YOUR MESS!!", I screamed at him, 

"Well, why don't YOU let me clean it up then!?", He got up and snatched the mop up. I leaned against the toilet door watching him clean up, or should i say completly ruin everything again. He looked at the floor and realised it worser than before. Then he looked at me, 

"Aha ... Ha.", He said strocking the back of his neck. I whacked him across the head, and took the mop back cleaning it all over again. 

"I'm completely useless. I admit it.", He said falling back onto his bed. 

"You seriously just realised ?", He laughed, 

"Sorry Seo Hee.", He repeated, 

"Ah, just go to sleep!", I said as he smiled and went to sleep. 

*What am i going to do with you ?", 

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Chapter 16: Omg. This story is awesome!
infinitexo19 #2
Chapter 30: This story was so cute and ajsavsnjs! I just wish Luhan and Seo Hee will be togethetlr at the end of the sequel!
Chapter 20: It sounds like kris' going to minhee :| hahaha but i love this story so far :)
Thank you for mentioning my name author nim ^^
Salpal132 #5
Chapter 28: I'm reading this and thinking what will happen When I graduate and all my friends and I will split up and I'm just an EMOTIONAL MESS!! *bursts out in tears*
Yay.... My username even though TOP isn't even in this fic.
Chapter 19: Omg KRIS JUST FREAKIN KISS HER ♥♥ Hahahaha xD
Chapter 14: Nooooo :'(