The 'couple' *pukes*

The Uni Dorm

"Luhan.", Mi Hee said as i could see tears form in her eyes. I quickly pushed her near a bush, 

"OH HEY NARA AND LUHAN!! NICE DAY AHA! BYE BYE!!!", I shouted and waved then grabbed Mi Hee out of the bush and took her away from there as quick possible, i couldn't give a damn about Nara kissing Luhan. I just wanted Mi Hee out of there before she could cry a fountain infront of them. 

"Come on. Lets go.", I said, She pulled her arms away from me, 

"No. I don't want too! I wanna punch them both in the face!!", She said in a drunken manner, 

"Come one stop being silly, lets just go.", I dragged her as she struggled with me. 

"Let go~", She cried, punching me. I fell like i'm a lesbian dragging a random girl and taking her to a deserted alleyway, well thats how she made me feel. 

After i took Mi Hee for a walk, i just let her cry but not infront of Luhan or Nara for that matter, She buried her head into my shoulder as i patted her her back and her head. I felt my sweater become wet from her tears. I've never seen Mi Hee so emotional, and i've never seen her cry this much and i've seen her cry over plenty of guys. 

"It's just unfair you ' know!", She said, 

"I mean all the guys i ever love never love me. Am i not pretty ? Am i stupid ?", She looked at me with big eyes, 

"Oh come on Mi Hee. Guys come and go! You don't need them, you'll find someone!", I smiled, 

"That's easy for you to say! The guy that likes you is living with you!", She said, I looked at her, and she had just realised what she had said, 

"What ?", I said she bit her lip, 

"Luhan doesn't like me.", I said as i continued to rub her back, 

"I mean look at me! A fugly fat girl with someone like him !? No.", I said, she looked at me with a sigh, 

"Come one, lets go.", She said. We had arrived in school just before our curfew. 


I dropped Mi Hee off, then headed to my dorm, i opened and saw Luhan lying on the bed with his arm covering his eyes, and the lights were off. We didn't speak, I just brushed my teeth and headed into bed, i didn't bother in trying to talk, i don't care that Luhan kissed Nara or whatever, it's the fact Mi Hee really likes him and that must've broke her heart no matter how many lame jokes i told her her face expression remained emotionless, 

" I'm sorry.", Luhan said, i shot up from bed and whacked him with a pillow,

"Sorry! Is all you ever seem to say!!", I shouted, he looked at me shocked, 

"I had NO idea why you kissed her !? I couldn't care less it's the fact that someone i know had been VERY upset because she likes you so much! I never knew you were heartless!", i stood up and whacked him on the head but he grabbed my hand before I could do any damage, 

"Look, I told you, I'm sorry.", He stood up facing me, 

"Save your stupid, worthless apologies.", I said, i pulled my wrist away from his, but he firmed his grip. 

"Luhan, let go!", I commanded, he didn't, he pushed me against the wall. 

"Luhan!", I screamed, 

"LET GO!" I screamed in his face, he came inches closer. *What is he playing at!?* 

I quickly kicked him in the knee, but he didn't budge, i kept hitting him but he still didn't budge, *WHAT THE HELL!?* 

"Let go of me, or else I'll never be your friend again.", I threatened he came closer to my face, i closed my eyes, moved my face away while my heart started to beat , hr l

"I know you don't keep grudges.", He whispered, he then faced me our noses barely touching. He let go of me and went back to bed.  

*What the fudge just happened ?*, I dazed confused and freaked out, went to bed tightly wrapping myself in the duvet for protection.


I woke up and realised that i was on the floor, i shot up also realising Luhan wasn't in sight, *Thank god* I went to maths by myself, since Mi Hee had gone to her lessons already, probably didn't want to see Luhan. 

Luhan was sitting next to me, while Nara sat next to him. As she made kissy faces and asked him for help and what-not. I just did my work without that numbskull pestering me for everything. It was actually kinda nice 

"Can someone volunteer to tutor Luhan ?", Mrs said, I saw Luhan look at me in the corner of my eye.I put my hand up and I saw a smile form on his face. 

"Oh Seo Hee pe.", I interrupted her, 

"Actually, i think Nara should be his tutor, I mean he would feel comfortable with her since use too are so close right ?", I smiled sarcastically at Luhan, 

"OH! YEAH! LULU~ I'll be your tutor!!", She screamed as she grabbed on to his arm like a python suffocating it's prey. He glared at me, i smiled back at him sarcastically,

*Is that how you want to play Seo Hee. Well bring it on.*Luhan thought to himself, 


It was lunch and no surprise Luhan and his girlfriend were on our table. I didn't just find this awkward, you should've seen exo's reaction. I mean it was HI-LA-RI-OUS!! They all sat on the opposite side of the couple. 

"What ?", Luhan said as we stayed a few feet away from them, 

"Nothing.", Kai said as he shook his head and locked down trying not to laugh or say anything. It was silent. The atmosphere had awkward written all over it. 

"WAAH! COUPLE OF THE CENTURY!!", Random people would scream, Nara was the queenka, while Luhan was one of the twelve kingkas. Nara starting posing as people would flash there camera, Lay and Chanyeol had joined our awkward atmosphere until  Lay grabbed me by the wrist and dragged me to the art room, 

"Sorry, i just wanted to ask you what you thought of my assignment so far!", He enthusiastically said, I looked at it and i could definitely say i was blown away. I mean, it was a girl of course but he made the picture retro and modern with a funky edge by adding bright colours but still keeping it simple, 

"Lay, this is amazing, and i'm not just saying that! I mean genuinely look at it!", I said, Chanyeol was cracking up at my face expression, 

"It's modern and has a funky edge but its still simple and emphasises on the girl.", I said, examining the canvas, 

"Yeap. Listen to the expert here!", Chanyeol said as he placed his hands on my shoulder, 

"The girl looks like you!", Chanyeol bellowed with a shock expression, 

"Phsshtt! NO WAY! That looks nothing like me. I have a double chin.", I said, Lay just laughed and didn't answer the question. We headed back while Chanyeol was teaching me how beat box on the way,

"Frikka frikaa Weaaahhh!!!", I said some random words and they bursted out laughing at my epic fail of an attempt. Luhan had ran out with Nara following him

*Whats up with the two love birds?* 


I was doing my homework until someone came bashing through the door, it was Nara, soon followed by Luhan. 

"Oh Nara's going to tutor me here, i hope thats ok with you ? Good.", He smiled sarcastically, i just smiled back and carried on doing my work in my own space. Lets face it, i don't think Nara was really interested into tutoring. More like 'y time' she kept flirting with him while he just smiled and repeated the question. Luhan still wasn't getting any maths related questions more like, 

"Are you free this weekend ?", 

"Ah, Oppa~ your so cute!!", 

"I'll send you some pics tonight.", She winked, i kept my shocked face to myself , while he just laughed awkwardly, 

"Aha, aniyo~ Just text me!", He smiled, 

Her voice started to grate on me and as soon as i was about to go to Mi Hee's room to finish of my homework

"Ah, maybe you should go. It's getting late.", Luhan said as he led her out and closed the door behind him. Then came in a few minuted after. Luhan sighed loudly, i was concentrated on work to bother about him sighing, 

"Ahhhh~", He sighed louder. It flew past my head, 

"Isn't she something !?", He asked with a smile,

"Yeah ... Shes really ... something.", I chuckled quietly, 

"YAH!", He bellowed, i looked at him, 

"Atleast she's pretty!! unlike you"", Luhan said, 

"I never knew you were the type to go for looks rather than personality.", I said, 

"She's sweet too, better than you.", He continued, 

"Luhan why do you keep referring it back to me ? I couldn't care less if your going out with her. I'm just pissed cause you upset my friend.", I said packing up everything and leaving it on my desk. 

"Aish!", He ruffled his hair. I turned my lamp off and headed  to bed, 

*Ah BWOH YAH!? Why isn't she jealous or something!?" Luhan though


Sorry guys, i know this wasn't the best chapter but i'm so tired and i still need to revise for my english literature exam tomorrow!


Please wish me good luck and pray for me or something! :'( Will update as best as i can please comment, suscribe and upvote my wovewy subbies! <3 xoxo


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Chapter 16: Omg. This story is awesome!
infinitexo19 #2
Chapter 30: This story was so cute and ajsavsnjs! I just wish Luhan and Seo Hee will be togethetlr at the end of the sequel!
Chapter 20: It sounds like kris' going to minhee :| hahaha but i love this story so far :)
Thank you for mentioning my name author nim ^^
Salpal132 #5
Chapter 28: I'm reading this and thinking what will happen When I graduate and all my friends and I will split up and I'm just an EMOTIONAL MESS!! *bursts out in tears*
Yay.... My username even though TOP isn't even in this fic.
Chapter 19: Omg KRIS JUST FREAKIN KISS HER ♥♥ Hahahaha xD
Chapter 14: Nooooo :'(