The results.

The Uni Dorm

It was the day we got our results from our exams. It would be the things that would make us, or break us. I prayed and didn't sleep for the whole night with fear. We all got our sheets of results handed to us, in our last lesson. The pressure, excitement and anxiety were driving me insane. I didn't want to open the first page and look at the results, I heard others scream with joy. Most people had passed even if it was C they still did well. They were just happy they didn't fail anything. 

I hadn't open mine. Not even a peak. I was afraid. Like the big wimp i am. 

"Aren't you going to open it ?", Mi Hee asked, i shook my head, she held out her hand, 

"No. I don' want anyone to read it.", She gave me a stern look and i handed it to her without question, i breath quickened, she looked at it. 

"A*, A's and B's all around!", She shouted, 

"JINJJA!!?", I screamed, she handed my the paper while i quickly looked at it, she was right. I mean it wasn't perfect but hey! I didn't fail. 

"What about you ?", I asked her, 

"Oh, same sort of range as you.", She smiled, 

"Well, class. All of the teachers are proud of you. You ALL did so well! Don't ever lose hope.", The teacher said, we all smiled as the bell rang. I felt Kris's arm wrap around me, 

"Wahhh, Thats A.M.A.Z.I.N.G!", He screamed, 

"GOOD JOB!", He said, giving a chessy grin following a thumbs up. 

"What about you ?", I asked, 

"Well, don't wanna blow my trumpet but i did awesome.", He scoffed, 

"Luhan!!", Mi Hee screamed, waving at Luhan. He kept his head down,

"Luhan? EXO planet to Luhan.", I said waving my hand infront of him, he just nodded and walked passed us,

"What's up with him ?", I asked, Mi Hee shrugged, 

"He was fine this morning.", She said, Mi Hee, ran after him. 

"Did something happen ?", I asked Kris. he shook his head and looked down. 

"HEY HEESS!!!", Nara came running with joy. She came back from the bahamas recently, with a olive, tan colour to her skin she wore more casual clothes ever since she came back. 

"What did you guys get ?", She replied skipping, she told us the same thing as everyone. She got good grades. It seems that everyone got good grades. 

"Hey guys! Lets go out today!?", Kai came running with the rest of EXO behind him, we all nodded and agreed. 

"Hmm, we've been to karaoke alot lately." Chen said, 

"Well, it is summer. The beach will be perfect!", Chanyeol squealed, they all departed to grab the 'appropriate gear' for the beach, i didn't have a need to change. I was wearing a simple dress with a cardigan. Kris had packed a few things, sun cream, face stuff, shorts. spear clothes. I wasn't intending on going into the water so i just watched him packing his stuff. The more i look at Kris, the more i like him each day. 

"Ready ?", He smiled, showing his perfect teeth, i nodded, he swung my arm, while we headed out, Luhan came out of his dorm, he looked down and walked while Mi Hee walked behind him, 

"Talk to him.", I whispere to Kris, he looked at me. I gave him a cold look, he went infront and wrapped his arm around Luhan to talk or something, while me and Mi Hee walked behind the two, 

"So ?", I asked Mi Hee, she shrugged, 

"Nothing. He wasn't telling me anything. He didn't even talk!", She whispered, we sighed, *whats up with him today ?* 

We met the others on the way and got into the car, that D.O had hired on such sort notice and a driver. The beach wasn't that far, probably about half an hour, we all spent the time to talk about our memeories of going to places and funny stories. They journey always seem's to be better than the destination. We arrived as predicted, half an hour later. The sun was shinning on the water surface, rippling, a cool and refreshing breeze hit all of our faces. Exo got out they're stuff and ran to the sea. 

"WAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!", They screamed, waving they're hands in the air like the weirdos they were. It was pretty empty today, which was a good thing. It's more fun when its empty, Luhan, Mi Hee, Tae and I set up the big blanket so we could all sit and eat later, we brought snacks and sandwiches from the cafe, it was a pretty nice day, 

"Kaii!!!", Sehun screamed, splashing each other gething themselves completely drenched. They were like big babies, they shook they're heads as they were coming to the picnic area. Water dropping from there hair, 

"Guys. You should've ate first!", Mi Hee scolded them, they took towels to dry they're hair and everything else. They scoffed down the food, in one go, then went back screaming into the ocean. 

"Your going to be sick!!", I screamed at them, aish. Kids now a days, 

"Hey could i talk to you ?", Kris said, he held out his hand pulling me up. Luhan and Mi Hee were left, 

"What's up ?", I said, while we walked along the beach, and the luke warm water tapped my feet, 

"So, did you think about it ?", He asked, 

"Yea. I did,", I sighed, * I need to tell him that i have to go back to the UK, but, i don't wan't to hurt his or anyones feelings.* 

"And ?", He urged me to continue, 

"Kris, i won't be able to go with you.", He sighed, 

"Right, can i ask why ?", He said, 

"It's complicated.", I replied, 

"Well, This is going to be hard.", He sighed, i looked at him, 

"I don't think i can go through a long distance relationship.", He continued, 

"What ? Why ? I mean i know it's hard but.", I said, 

"Trust me, i'm not good with long distance stuff. I've done this before, and it ended badly.", He said, 

"So what do we know ?", I sighed, 

"I won't go.", I looked at him shocked, i stopped, 

"Kris. If you have to go, go.", I said, 

"Nah, it's not that important.", 

"Kris! Just go! It's ok. We'll just seperate for a while but i'm sure we'll see each other again!", I said, 

"What do you mean, I'm sure we'll see each other again ? Your going to stay here and I'll come back, if i went.", He loked at me confused, 

"Kris.", I paused, 

"You are staying in Korea aren't you ?", He asked, facing me, 

"I have to go back to the UK." I sighed *Rather tell him sooner than later.* 

"I booked everything.", 

"And you didn't even think to tell me about this ?", He said, 

"When are you going ?", 

"The day before we break up for the summer.", I replied, 

"I don't mind you going. It's just you could've told me. Where you going to tell me the day before you went ?", He said, 

"Like i told you, i want to travel and i need to go back to the UK.", I said, 

"Yeah, i thought that was just a dream!", He shouted, 

"Kris. Come on.", I said, 

"No, so these maybe the last few weeks we have together.", 

"No! It's not like i'm leaving forever!", I replied, 

"Well we can't have a long distance relationship with you all over the world!!", 

"Well maybe we should break up then. Lets get it out of the way, you clealy can't get over the whole long distance thing!", I replied walking back, 

"WELL MAYBE WE SHOULD!", He screamed, 



Crappy chapter I know. I wasn't in the zone today, so if this chapter is shiz. I'm sorry 

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Chapter 16: Omg. This story is awesome!
infinitexo19 #2
Chapter 30: This story was so cute and ajsavsnjs! I just wish Luhan and Seo Hee will be togethetlr at the end of the sequel!
Chapter 20: It sounds like kris' going to minhee :| hahaha but i love this story so far :)
Thank you for mentioning my name author nim ^^
Salpal132 #5
Chapter 28: I'm reading this and thinking what will happen When I graduate and all my friends and I will split up and I'm just an EMOTIONAL MESS!! *bursts out in tears*
Yay.... My username even though TOP isn't even in this fic.
Chapter 19: Omg KRIS JUST FREAKIN KISS HER ♥♥ Hahahaha xD
Chapter 14: Nooooo :'(