Meeting EXO

The Uni Dorm

The next morning I went to Mi Hees dorm to explain everything. I knocked on it lightly then noticed Luhan was behind me,

"Your gonna make everything worse you'know." I said patiently waiting for Mi Hee.

"I though I'd give you support." He said with a thumbs up.

"Shes my best friend. Do you really think I need the support." I replied. Mi Hee had opened the door with a grin.

"Mi Hee. Last night wasn't anything bad I pr." She interrupted me.

"I know. You were learning about and stuff. I understand." She replied then closed the door.

"That went well!" Luhan grinned putting his hands at the back of his neck.

"No. It didn't. Mi Hee just shut the door in my face." I frowned.

"Just give her some space. I'm sure shes fine.", Luhan shrugged it off, but I knew something wasn't right. I decided to go to maths. The only lesson where Luhan wasn't here, or Mi Hee, but somehow the entire exo possey was. I was sitting at the back near the window, similar to English. Chanyeol sat to my right while Kris was sitting in front of me. I was surrounded by guys.

"Hi, im Chanyeol.", He said smiling. I smiled back.

"You and Luhan are in the same dorm, right ?" He asked,

"Yeap.", I sighed,

"Cool.", He said and made our very short conversation awkward. 

"Seo Hee, since your so interested in talking, why don't you answer this question ?", Mr Han said, I looked at it puzzled, i was never good at maths, 

"Urmm ... Err.", 

"X equals two.", Chanyeol whispered, I looked at him. *Might aswell give it a shot.* 

"X equals two.", I said, Mr Han looked at me, 

"Good. Next time, pay attention.", He said as he carried on talking, 

"No need to thank me.", Chanyeol scoffed, 

"Phfft. Who said i was going to ?", I replied, 

"Aish.", He hissed at me, i stuck my tongue out at him, 

"Mehrong~", I said, as he tried to remain serious but chuckled, 

"Ok chanyeol and Seo Hee. Outside.", Mr Han scolded as walked outside, 

"Aish. Jinjja!!? Mr Han's going to tell the principal then i'm officially ended.", I said as i slid down the wall. Chanyeol sat next to me, 

"Why what's he going to do ?", He asked, I sighed, 

"The principal is like my guardian while i'm in this school. He's close friends with my parents so if i ever misbehave he takes away privileges.", I replied, burying my face in my knees. 

"Ah, i'm sure it won't be that bad.", He said as he ruffled my hair. I looked at him as he had a huge smile on his face. 

"Why are you acting like your my best friend ?", I looked at him suspiciously, 

"Can't i make friends!?", He replied, 

"Ah, not with me.", I mumbled, we were outside until lesson ended, 

"Chanyeol, Seo Hee. You can come in know.", Mr Han called us in as everyone walked out, 

"Ah, Since this is your first time talking in lesson, i'll let you go, but don't do it again. Arraeso ?", He said, we both nodded and walked out, 


I went to my next lesson, which was history. EXO where in a few of my lessons but on Wednesdays, i had every lesson with them. 

"Ok, so you'll be going into groups off six.", The teacher called, 

"Seo Hee, your with Kai, Kris, Tao, Kyungsoo and Baekhyun.", My face dropped when i had all guys, and they're all from EXO. I think God must hate me today. 

"You'll be doing your project based on the different periods of time, Kris's group you'll have the Victorian period. You need to mention what everything was like and how society was like. We went over it a couple of days ago so i'm sure it'll be a breeze.", I sighed, at least it wasn't something we had to research all over again. 

"So, Seo Hee. Maybe we should introduce our selves.", Baekhyun said, 

"I think i know your names already. I mean i hear girls talk about you guys where ever i go.", I rolled my eyes, 

"Oh, i just though.", Baekhyun continued then shut up. 

"Ok, so what should we start of with first ?", Kris said as he began to take the wheels of what to do, I began to doodle, as their voices went straight over my head. 

"Seo Hee, Seo Hee.", Kai poked me, 

"Sup ?", I said as i looked at them, 

"You know what you're doing right ?", Kai said, I nodded, but i really didn't have a clue. I'll just go with the flow~

"Good, how about we start working on it at lunch ?", Kyungsoo or D.O said, I nodded, 

*Aish. Don't tell me they're going to come over to our table.* I dreaded the feeling inside, 


It was lunch and just as i expected, the whole of EXO huddles around my table, Chanyeol sat next to me. 

"Yah. Only i can sit next to Seo Hee!", Luhan frowned. They started to play tug of war with me.


I gave Luhan a cold stare and moved to the other side as Mi Hee watched Kris talk about our project, intriguingly. 

"Seo Hee's good at art.", Lay pointed at me, 

"How did you know ?", I looked at him with a confused look, he smiled revealing his dimples, 

"I'm in the same class.", He face palmed himself, 

"Oh, really!?", I said shocked, how could i not notice him!?

"Ah, me and Seo Hee will work on the drawings and etc.", Lay grabbed my wrist just as i was about to eat. He dragged me to the art room, and began to etch out drawings, 

"So you never noticed me, huh ?", Lay smiled, I rubbed the back of my neck, 

"Aha, yeah. I guess i'm so focused on the art that i don't really notice any one.", I began to help him, 

"So have you figured out what your going to do for the art assignment ?", He asked, I sighed, 

"Well, I'm not for sure.", He looked at me with a Oh-My-god look. 

"You. Have no idea what to do !?", He said, 

"You always find something then turn it into something awesome! I mean i've seen your drawings. Your Really. Good.", He emphasised on the 'really', I blushed a bit, 

"Aha, thank you. I wish i could say the same for you. I haven't really seen your art. Have you got it in the classroom ?", I asked, intrigued. 

"Yeah, behind all those canvases.", He pointed, and continued to draw. I rummaged through all the canvases. and found a big canvas. It was bigger than the others. It was a girl leaning on her palm, looking out the window. I stood there analysing the picture. 

"Who is this ?", I asked Lay, 

"I don't know. I saw a girl in one of classes and she looked ... interesting, to paint.", He said,

"It's amazing. I like how you made the light from the window shine on her. It looks slightly angelic.", I smiled, then put it down.

"Is that your assignment ?", I asked, He shook his head.

"That was a couple of months ago. Free drawing. I wanted to practise, i guess.", He said,

Lay and i started with the history project, even though lay wasn't apart of our history project he still wanted to help, we began to talk about our assignment as Lay was teaching me tricks and techniques,


"Where have you been ?", Luhan questioned as i came into the dorm at seven.

"I was with your buddies. Working on our project.", I replied. He folded his arms as i collapsed onto the bed,

"You became buddies with my buddies pretty quickly don't you think ?",  Luhan questioned, 

"Awww, is someone jealous.", I , 

"Don't worry. I won't steal your buddies, were just working on the project, and lay's helping me with the art assignment. That's all.", I replied as i went into the bathroom. 


UPDATEED!! What do yah think ? 

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Chapter 16: Omg. This story is awesome!
infinitexo19 #2
Chapter 30: This story was so cute and ajsavsnjs! I just wish Luhan and Seo Hee will be togethetlr at the end of the sequel!
Chapter 20: It sounds like kris' going to minhee :| hahaha but i love this story so far :)
Thank you for mentioning my name author nim ^^
Salpal132 #5
Chapter 28: I'm reading this and thinking what will happen When I graduate and all my friends and I will split up and I'm just an EMOTIONAL MESS!! *bursts out in tears*
Yay.... My username even though TOP isn't even in this fic.
Chapter 19: Omg KRIS JUST FREAKIN KISS HER ♥♥ Hahahaha xD
Chapter 14: Nooooo :'(