
The Uni Dorm

I packed my things the night before so i scurried off quietly. Leaving my presents infront of their all of their doorsteps. I took one last look at the building, 

"Ahh~ Bye.", I said aloud, 

"Where'd you think your going ?", I heard someone say, i turned to see Luhan with sweat dripping down his forehead, 

"I wake up earlier and go for a jog around campus.", He smiled wiping the towel on his forehead, 

"Ah, i didn't want to disturb anybody on my account.", I replied, 

"You were afraid to say goodbye.", He said, it's like he knew me inside out, 

"Yea.", I chuckled, he smiled, 

"It's ok. Yo.", He was intterupted, 

"HEYY!!!", I heard someone call, I looked to see Kris half dressed with the EXO ad Mi Hee still in there PJ's, 

"Aish. YAAHH!!", He screamed, I bit my lip. 

Honk~ Honk~

I saw the principal with his mini van, he signalled me to get in, i assume he was going to drop me off to the airport. They all got in one by one, 

"Are you coming with me !?", I asked shocked, They all nodded while rubbing their eyes and yawning. 

*Aigoo~ They're too much.* 


"Thank you.", I said, while they still waited for me until my flight had come and i was ready to board. They all came one by one to hug me, i felt my tears coming, 

"Hey, you big lug.", I heard Mi Hee, punch my cheeks lightly, 

"You have my phone number. Call me as soon as your home. Tell your mum i said Hi!", She smiled while tears were falling down her face, i nodded. Everyone waited giving me and Kris some space, 

"So, i guess this is it, huh ?", Kris said, i nodded. I was so emotional that i couldn't speak. He hugged me while using his thumb to wipe my tears, 

"It's ok. You can cry ya 'know.", He hugged me tighter, 

"Thank you.", I mumbled into his shirt, 

Luhan's P.O.V

"You know Luhan.", I heard Mi Hee as she put her elbow on my shoulder, 

"You should tell her.", 

"You don't know if you'll ever see her again.", She continued, looking at me. I saw Kris come back and Seo Hee disappeared,

"No. There's no point.", I replied,

"This may be your last chance.", She convinced me, i looked at her as she smiled,

*You know what. it.* I thought i ran as fast as i could hoping she hadn't gone on board yet, I saw her give her ticket to the lady,

"SEO HEE!!!" I screamed, she turned before she could actually get onto the flight. She came towards me while i ran to her, 

"Whats u.", I interrupted her by landing a kiss on her lips. She wasn't struggling but she wasn't kissing me back. She just stood, which i loved.

"I love you.", I said, stocking her cheek, her face was shocked, but a smile lite up.

"Thank you.", She whispered,

"Don't go. Please.", I begged her, she took her hand and touched my cheek, 

"I have to, but I will.", She paused, 

"No. I promise you. I'll come back, and i hope we can give 'us' a go.", She smiled, i saw her eyes tearing up and she quickly went on board. 

Seo Hee's P.O.V

*Luhan. I love you, you stupid deer.* I thought to myself watching the sky as the plane began to move, 

"Hi.", Someone next to me said, i turned to see a guy, 

"My names Taemin.", He said, taking his hand out. 


It was s'ppose to be like a cliff hanger ? LOL! Well it's a idea. 

THE LASTTT CHAPPTTEERRRR I PROMISE YOU I WILL MAKE A SEQUEAL!!! Just need to make a cover! It will be up soon!! I ROVEE YOOUU!!! 

I sincerely enjoyed this little journey I've had with you guys.


I hope to have more adventures with you guys! I love you guys SOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOOOOOOO MAACCHH!!! ;') <3 

OH! Alternative chappy next! With Krriiiisssssssss!!! WOOP WOOP and I will deffo' let you know when the sequeal is out and has begun on this storryy! so keep reading guys!!! 

and ohh!! New story! Bounty hunter! I will do a victorian era inspired story. and i have some new SHINee stories coming out so please. STAY TUNED FOR MORE STORIES FROM MEH! 

heres bounty hunter's cover :D 



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Chapter 16: Omg. This story is awesome!
infinitexo19 #2
Chapter 30: This story was so cute and ajsavsnjs! I just wish Luhan and Seo Hee will be togethetlr at the end of the sequel!
Chapter 20: It sounds like kris' going to minhee :| hahaha but i love this story so far :)
Thank you for mentioning my name author nim ^^
Salpal132 #5
Chapter 28: I'm reading this and thinking what will happen When I graduate and all my friends and I will split up and I'm just an EMOTIONAL MESS!! *bursts out in tears*
Yay.... My username even though TOP isn't even in this fic.
Chapter 19: Omg KRIS JUST FREAKIN KISS HER ♥♥ Hahahaha xD
Chapter 14: Nooooo :'(