Flashback 3

What's wrong with you?


Continuation of flashback. 
What is sung Jong doing?
What is sung Yeol oppa doing? 
What is ho won oppa doing? 
These questions was in your mind for hours. You were sitting at the top of the cliff looking thinking about your dearest brothers. Just then, someone splashed some water on your face but you didn't get wet. 
Why? You didn't know the answer. 
"Eh? Why didn't you get wet? Mysterious.... So... Worry for your family again?" Suho asked and sat beside you. 
"Yeah.... I really want to know how their doing...." You replied. 
"Hey.... Stop worrying for them,they are doing fine." Suho replied patting your shoulders.
"Thanks...." You smiled at him.
"So.... Your powers is controlling water?" You asked.
"Yep. What's yours?" He asked smiling casually.
"I don't know....." I replied looking down.
"I see.... You should have one. I think your power is something like... Like a shield! I think.... Cause when I splashed you with water just now.... You didn't get wet." Suho said excitedly clapping his hands.
"Like Bella in twilight?" You asked.
"Yep! Like her! Just that.... If I splash water at her she will get wet. I think..." Suho said scratching his head. 
"That's so so awesome! I didn't know I have a power!" You screamed and jumped up happily.
"It's not confirm...." Suho muttered. 
"Oh.... That's sad...." You said sitting down next to suho again.
"Sorry...." Suho apologised.
"It's ok!" You replied placing a hand on suho's shoulder. 
You two smiled at each other and turn to look at the scenery.
~ at the roadside ~ 
"So... Wanna hear a joke?" Sung Yeol asked excitedly.
"No." Ho won replied not looking at him.
"Yes!!!!!!" Sung Jong said excitedly.
"Haha!!! In the face ho won! In the face!" Sung Yeol pointed at ho won face. Ho won went forward to him and bit his finger hardly.
"Ow! What the heck?!" Sung Yeol said rubbing finger. 
Ho won glared at him.
"Come on!!! Say the joke!" Sung Jong shaked his hyung arm.
"Ok ok.... What does the monkey do, when it sees a banana?" Sung Jung asked. 
"Eat it duh!!!!" Ho won and sung Jong shouted together.
"Is that a joke? It's lame!" Ho won said.
"You-" before sung Yeol can continue his sentence,sung Jong took their arms and pulled them towards their house.
"Stop arguing!!! And apologise to each other!!" Sung Jong shouted while pulling their arms.
"No!!!" Ho won said.
"I'm sorry bro...." Sung Yeol said.
Ho won soften and said" I'm sorry too...." 
They smiled and each other and reached their house.
~ at the cliff~
Your stomach is growling profusely and the urge of you running to the city is sooo great. You don't know why. 
"Hey! You are hungry! Come on! I will teach you how to hunt!" Kris shouted from afar.
"Hunt?" You said running towards him in lighting speed.
"Yep! Follow me!" He said. 
And pulled you to a place. It's deep in the forest. It's beautiful.
Then kris plucked out some wild leaves that you never seen before and said" Eat this. It makes you full. "
You took it and eat it. It's very nice! You kept munching and munching. After you are done you said" But... I'm still hungry... Can I eat more?" 
"Yep!" Kris said.
You plucked some leaves and started eating them, after awhile, you were full.
"I thought.... Vampire are suppose to blood." You said.
"Only some vampires do that. Some evil vampire human blood. Normal vampires animal blood or eat vegetables. But.... I don't like killing animals... So I didn't asked you to eat them." Kris said.
"Oh... Does the other members eat these vegetables?" You asked pointing at the vegetable on the floor.
"Yep! They don't blood." Kris replied. 
You nodded your head and said" I got to go somewhere for awhile...." 
"You need me to follow you?" Kris asked.
"Nope. Thanks anyway. Bye!" You waved at him.
"Bye!!!" He waved.
You ran to a house. It took you only one second to reach there. You looked through the window and saw woo hyun walking around the room worriedly. Then he took out his phone can called someone.
"_____!! Pick up! Pick up!!" He said into the phone.
Sorry woo hyun..... 
He called you two more times and nobody answered. That's for sure. He ran out of the house and towards your house. Once he reached it, he banged the door. Ho won open the door and smiled. 
"Is there anything i can help you?" Ho won asked.
"Where's ____?" Woo hyun asked straightforwardly.
"Erm..... She's not in...." Ho won said and looked down to avoid woo hyun gaze.
"Why is she not in?" Woo hyun asked.
"I don't know...." Ho won looked away.
"Tell her to call me when she returned back home." Woo hyun said.
"I don't even know when is she returning back...." Ho won muttered. 
"Huh? She will return after she go out with her friends." Woo hyun said.
"She didn't go out with her friends..." Ho won muttered softer then just now.
"If she didn't.... Where did she go?" Woo hyun asked.
"I don't know woo hyun. I really don't know.... I will tell her to call you when she comes back." Ho won said.
"Thanks. I will be going now." Woo hyun bowed.
Ho won bowed back and closed the door. 
"Woo hyun-ah.... I think she will come back after a few years.... So I will only tell her then.... She wouldn't call you immediately." Ho won muttered.
~at the tree~ 
Woo hyun.... I can't call you... I'm sorry. You opened the window and ran into your room and took a piece of paper and a pen. You ran out after that. You sat on the tree and write on the piece of paper: 
Woo hyun oppa.... I will not be home.... For a few years.... And I don't know how many years... It may be 2 years it may be 10years... So... So.... Don't call or message me.... Cause I won't reply.... I'm sorry.... Take care.... And its time to move on for you.... Don't wait for me ok? You will just be wasting your time.... I'm sorry woo hyun.... 
You cried and wiped the tears away. But tears just keep flowing. And you can't control it. So, You ran to his room and placed it on his table and went to sit on the tree that you can see him. After awhile you come down.
Once he reached home, he went into his room. He noticed a piece of paper on his table and curiously walked towards it. Once he read it he broke into tears. 
"Are you breaking up with me ____? Why? Why? I love you so much? Now you breaking up with me?" He asked and kneeled on the floor.
"Don't break up with me.... Please don't... Don't.... It's not a waste of time to wait for you... It's not at all...." He said crying. 
His tears made the floor very wet.
"Woo hyun oppa..... Sorry..... It's for your good.... There's other better girls out there.... You don't need me.... You deserve someone better than me....." You cried. 
"Woo hyun? Who are you talking to?" Woo hyun mom asked.
"Mom.... Did... Did...___ come just now?" He asked wiping his tears.
"No. Why?"mom replied. 
"Then why is there a piece of note that is written from her?" Woo hyun asked.
"Is there?" Mom asked.
"Yeah.... You can come see it for yourself....." Woo hyun said.
"Are you crying?" Mom asked.
No answer.....
She ran up and bent her knees. She put her arms around him and comforted him.
"Woo hyun let me see the the note." Mom asked gently. Woo hyun passed it to her looking down. Once she read it she said" I'm so sorry woo hyun..." 
And hugged him. Woo hyun cued louder. 
"It's ok.... I'm here..." Mom comforted woo hyun.
"Mom.... Thanks...." Woo hyun said in between tears.
"No problem... :) " she said and smiled. 
Woo hyun..... Sorry....
You can't watch anymore. So you went to the forest. 
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Or should it not be I'm sorry....? Everyone please tell me!!


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Chapter 25: Some reason I didn't like that much no offence author nim. It just that it's seem you writing it rushed and not taking your time writing it.
Chapter 25: it's a bit random in the end, and you made it too predictable, but that's fine, I want suho to be the lead man in the end ^_^
inspirit_7 #3
Chapter 25: It was getting interesting but i think u kinda rushed at the end...theyre still alot of things u put in tgere that didnt make sense..
Hazelong #4
Chapter 24: Update pls!!!
Chapter 16: Woohyun is a professional assassin? It isn't true I hope...
Chapter 14: I really think you're improving with every chapter. And it gets interesting as well.
Chapter 13: I should let you know that this is the first time I'm reading a story with EXO. I don't usually but I'm making an exception for you!
Poor Myungsoo, just a friend.
Chapter 12: Aww Myungsoo is too cute when he's acting shy. Lol at Dongwoo, why is he so obsessed lol.
Chapter 11: Yes finally MyungJong! I'm so happy. Time and again, I'm amazed by Howon and Sungyeol's sweetness towards their brother.
Chapter 12: omg nooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!! its tooooooo cuuutte!!!!!!!!