Chapter 4

My CEO Boyfriend
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"The best relationships are the ones you didn't expect to be in and the ones you never even saw coming."     EUNHYUK POV   "What?? NO!!" I protested.   "Hyukjae-ssi, as I said Ryeowook-ssi needs an operation as soon as possible. I think you should re-consider his offer." doctor Yoon said, looking down at my brother's progress chart.   "Hyung, doctor Yoon is right. If we prolong this then we might lose Ryeowook. " Kyuhyun said more anxious than I am.      I look at Donghae with amusement and at the same time confusion. Why? Because who the hell will pay for the operation of a person you barely know? A total stranger! I'm aware how wealthy Donghae is but after this how can I repay him?    'HE'S THE ONE WHO OFFERED A HELPING HAND AND YOU DIDN'T ASKED FOR IT. PERHAPS HE'S A PHILANTHROPIST WHO HELPS THOSE IN NEED. DON'T THINK HIGHLY OF YOURSELF, MY DEAREST MONKEY.' there goes my "handsome" subconscious!   I sighed and mutters, "A-alright."   "It's settle then. You can see your brother before we transfer him to the operating room. If you'll excuse me I need to prepare for the operation." Dr. Yoon said and without a minute he's gone, leaving the four of us including Ji-eun standing outside the ICU.    "Kyuhyun-ah I'd like you to meet Kim Ji-eun and Lee Donghae. They're the ones who drive me here. Ji-eun-ssi, Donghae-ssi this is Cho Kyuhyun my brother's boyfriend." In the midst of everything I don't want to be impolite to not let them meet each other. They shake hands, Donghae's eyes never leaving mine.    After a bit, a nurse asked me if I want to go inside and check on my brother before going to the OR. I nodded and we went inside a small room just beside the main entrance of the ICU. She helped me put on a blue plastic gown, cup and mask. When she's satisfied with the way I look, she gave me the OKAY sign and I walk on to where my brother is "sleeping".   The moment I saw Ryeowook with all those tubes connected to him and his head covered with something I don't know the name, my heart's pumping mechanism becomes erratic. My tears are flowing like river for my brother doesn't deserve this much pain in his life. He's been a good son to our parents, a loving and thoughtful boyfriend to Kyuhyun, and a supportive and the best brother to me so how come he's suffering like this?   Once I reached his bed, I immediately interlace his free hand and both my hands, kissing it lovingly.   "Wookie-ah, can you hear me? It's Hyukkie hyung. I'm here now. Sorry for not being with you when they brought you here. Angel, you'll be having a surgery in few minutes. You need to  promise hyung you'll fight and that you'll wake up and recover from this. Kyuhyun and I cannot live without you, Wookie-ah. Please don't leave us yet angel. I don't know how will I survive without you, your food, your stubbornness, your wittiness and all. We'll wait for you... I love you angel..." I carefully kissed his forehead wishing that after the operation our angel, My Ryeowook will be back in one piece.   'MOM, DAD OUR RYEOWOOKIE WILL UNDERGO A SURGERY. PLEASE LET HIM BE OKAY. PLEASE...'   -----*****-----   When Ryeowook was moved to the OR, Kyuhyun, Ji-eun, Donghae and I settled ourselves inside the waiting room. I'm seated beside Donghae while Kyuhyun and Ji-eun occupied the couch across us. For a while no one dares to talk, the silence is deafening, it's killing me.   "Do you guys want some coffee?" Ji-eun said to cut the awkward silence roaming around the small room. She rose from her seat and slowly walk herself to the white open door.   The maknae shook his head, he's not a coffee lover. Donghae and I nodded in unison.    "I'll be back with your coffee."with that she left.   Up to this point I'm still clueless with what really happened to my brother and how Kyuhyun found him almost lifeless.    "Kyuhyun-ah, tell me the whole story behind this." my eyes met Kyuhyun's, Mr. CEO is still on my side, fully aware of the surroundings.   He shifts uncomfortably on his seat. Bet he's trying his best to not lose his composure infront of a total stranger that is Donghae.    He inhale a lung filled air and states, "After my class he called me up saying that he can't join me and my family for dinner because you're not yet home and you might get mad if he's not home when you arrive." he clasps his hand infront of him and continues, "Around seven after dinner I decided to surprise him by buying his favorite ice cream and cuddle infront of the tv to watch his favorite drama. When I arrived he's not in the living room nor in his room so I went down and check him out in the kitchen. The moment I stepped inside I'm greeted by a blooded, almost lifeless Ryeowook. I quickly stoop down and carefully lift his head and let it rest on my lap. There's so much blood, hyung... a-and when I called his name he can barely open his eyes. I got scared and immediately called an ambulance." by the time he finished, his face was soaked with tears. That's a first! Kyuhyun is witty and evil but when it comes to Ryeowook, he's soft and vulnerable, indeed he's a man in love!   From where I'm seated I quickly went to his side, patting his back assuredly. He gripped my free hand as if his life depends on it, eyes blood shot and puffy.   "H-hyung... what if Ryeowook wouldn't make it? What if he dies during the surgery? Eunhyuk hyung... I can't live without Ryeowook.. I c-can't.. I'd rather die with him.." he sobs.   "Sshhh... Don't say that Kyuhyun-ah. Our Wookie may be feminine but he's a fighter. He'll make it.. We need to be strong and wait for him. Come on stop crying already."    When his sobs turned to soft sniffles it was already past midnight. Ji-eun is fast asleep, her head rests on Donghae's shoulder while the ladder's was on top of hers. She's covered with her brother's black suit, hands entwined. On the other hand Kyuhyun is also sleeping, head resting on my lap. My eyes went back to the siblings. I studied their features, both are good looking and if I was a mere bystander who happens to witness this I would think they're dating. Suddenly I felt a pang in my heart, wait am I jealous?   'WHAT'S THE MATTER WITH YOU LEE HYUKJAE?! YOU JUST MET MR. CEO AND YET YOU'RE JEALOUS?? MAYBE HE'S NICE BUT IT DOESN'T MEAN HE'S RECIPROCATING ANY FEELINGS THAT YOU HAVE! AND FOR CHRIST'S SAKE YOUR BROTHER IS IN DANGER YET YOU'RE THINKING ABOUT YOURSELF?? STEP OUT OF IT... NOW!!!'     -----*****-----   Around 1 in the morning my almost sleeping state was brought back by the sound of the operating room's doors opening. Doctor Yoon came out in his blood-splattered green scrubs and cap. His eyes immediately searched inside the waiting room. I called out Kyuhyun and we sway
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maryell2018 #1
Chapter 3: i read the same story in this website but instead of eunhae as the main characters it was kyuwook, and they were victoria as the sister of the ceo, OC as the sister of ryeowook, donghae as the brother in- law of ryeowook, changmin who kept ryeowook as his husband in us,.
and so more..there is a plagiarism involved,.i dont know who is the original though.
968 streak #2
Chapter 41: I'm not sure if you are still around. So, I am just going to give a summary comment.
You have a good story. I may go with Hyuk marrying his first love, not knowing that Donghae is alive. But, it was so hard for me to take that Hyuk stayed with Donghae and put up with all the pain just so Donghae can love him back. I probably have too much of a pride to do that.
But I'm glad everything ends well. Congratulations.
Thank you so much for sharing.
adira5 #3
Chapter 4: Your story is the best author-nim. lucky me to read this story. eunhae is the best. hehe keep it up author-nim :)
milesmilehyuk #4
Chapter 27: our decepcoin that he just falls for the person who kills his great love, is it?
Chapter 41: erm.. the storyline is there, but the plot a bit scattered here and there.. and 5years kinda long time if you ask me.. but for the development of the story? yes, it does have it own pros and cons.

but but but, who am i to judge anyways.. me myself cant write a single story by myself. hope you can accept this opinion since i've read tons of eunhae fanfics hehehe xD

keep it up, author-nim! :)
Chapter 15: hyuk give himself away easily makes the story a bit boring honestly lol
i dunno what to blame, hyuk's easy-self (?) or hae's egoist side ㅋ
gogo15eoul #7
when i read this story EunHae has realised their new album growing pains & it's already fit this fan fic even the name fit it more
so note for new reader when u are about chapter 25 u can listen to it when u read until the end of story
This cold night street
These heartbreaking footsteps
Some day, it’ll all pass
Memories of us crazily in love
It will slowly flow down
Forgotten with time

I tried going into your closed heart
But in this empty room
I discovered ourselves already broken
So it hurts

But I hope you aren’t hurting as much as me
I hope for this every day, countlessly
I hope you won’t remember as much as I do
I hope you’re better than me
Oh today and tomorrow

My thoughts that were filled with you
Even those thoughts push me away as if they’re irritated
I chase after the clock hands, chase after time
But there, I discovered you leaving
I’m in a rush and you’re in a hurry to leave
Like an express train, my footsteps are rushed every day
(Surrendered to the memories)
Now we’re like an old and worn notebook filled with scribbles

so donghae replied:
I tried going into my lost memories
But now I can’t see you
I discovered ourselves already disappeared
So it hurts (it hurts so much)

But I hope you aren’t hurting as much as me
I hope for this every day, countlessly
I hope you won’t remember as much as I do
I hope you’re better than me

Oh today and tomorrow

One Two Three Four Five (I put it all down today)
I guess I’m forgetting (I can’t really see you)
Five Four Three Two One, I think time is up

But I hope you aren’t hurting as much as me
I hope for this every day, countlessly
I hope you won’t remember as much as I do
I hope you’re better than me

Oh today and tomorrow
gogo15eoul #8
Chapter 28: I really hate that hyukjae here how he can still have a face's water to look for hae after he loved another one for sake his happiness Tsk
U. Know u deserve more than that pain at least u lived years loved & good times with the one who almost killed your love
gogo15eoul #9
Chapter 27: yaaaaaaaaah auther-nim thats too much
sorry for cursed u but u make me crying for sake 3 chapters huh?
and how's that hyukkie even live so easly and even married another one and even forgive him for killing his hae and start all over again and love happily with him not even take a revenge for hae's death and yet u say he even still love hae ?yeah sure and live his life i hated him so much here he deserve to be in that pain