Chapter 18

My CEO Boyfriend
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It's almost midnight when we get home. Along the way, Donghae never let go of my hand. I know that he knows I don't want to talk about what happened that's why we were quiet inside the car. After having a warm bath, I changed to a white wife beater shirt and grey sweat pants. Tonight is indeed tiring both physically and emotionally.

Back when we were dating, the admiration I have for Seunghyun hyung is no joke. Almost everything in him seemed perfect to me. But after what he did to me, all of those are gone... completely... more over permanently.


I'm so into my own thoughts that I didn't notice the presence of my boyfriend.

"Still thinking about the incident earlier?" he asked.

He stood behind me outside the balcony, circling his strong arms around my waist.

"Hae... l-let's not talk about it now, can we?" I laced our hands together, inhaling his vanilla scent shampoo.

"Sorry. I thought you want to talk about it now that you're more relaxed." he kissed my cheek and averted his gaze to the blinding city lights.

"Thank you for saving me there."

"I am your boyfriend. It's my responsibility to protect you." turning me around, he fully kissed my lips. His hand starts to move up and down my expose torso, sensitizing it with every touch.

"H-hae.. w-what are you doing?" I managed to ask even though he keeps on attacking my lips.

"Claiming what's mine."

"Hae... I-I'm not yet ready for that.. Please.. l-let's just sleep." I pecked his lips for the last time and immediately run off to bed.

You can call me silly for turning him down but honestly I'm scared. Yes I love him but bringing it to a more intimate level, I don't think I can do it... now.

"Baby? Would you like to work with me? I can hire you to become part of the company so we can be together every single day." he asked as he my hair continuously. We are now cuddling under the warm cover. Dutifully giving each other simple touches.

"What? Are you even serious about that, Hae?" my head is resting on his broad chest, hand thrums rhythmically on his chest.

"I am."

I straighten up to face him. My eyes quickly searched for his dark ones.

"Babe, you know business is not my cup of tea. And besides I did not finished my degree. Why sudden ask this, Lee Donghae?" I inquired.

"Well... after what happen earlier it makes me want  to protect you even more. I don't want that Choi to come and take you away from me. I can't live without you Hyuk. I'd rather die than to see you with another man. Can you think it over?" his eyes are pleading as he cupped my face, brushing off my bangs.

"There's no more thinking over, my love. My decision is final. I'm taking down your offer, Mr. CEO." I said firmly.

"But Hyuk..."

"Hush now baby. Don't argue with me. Dancing is my life, my world. That's the only thing I'm proud of. If you take it away from me, I'm not Lee Hyukjae anymore. I know you love me and you wanted to protect me, but I can protect myself."

Chuckling, he flicked my forehead. Making me wince in pain. "Yeah right protect." He kissed the spot that turned red and continues, "But if that's what you want just promise me you will take care of yourself. Promise me Lee Hyukjae."

"I promise you, Lee Donghae. Now... can we sleep? I'm tired." I close my eyes and pout my lips. I'm waiting for him to kiss me which he granted immediately. Not once. Not twice. But thrice. Yes! My boyfriend is generous enough when it comes to giving kisses. No! I'm not complaining at all, I just want to state facts.

With one swift move, I'm caged inside his arms. The familiar warmth calms my tensed muscles and the rapid beating of my heart.

"I love you Hae. I love you so much." I mumble before closing my tired eyes.

"I know baby and I love you too. Sleep." he turn off the side lamp and pull up the covers.


Morning came with an annoying sound coming from the alarm clock. I half open my eyes to turn it off but even before I succeeded, an arm reach and turn it off. My blurry eyes recognized the owner of the said arm ---Donghae.

"Good morning sleepy head. Get up so we can have breakfast." He leaned forward to plant a kiss on my forehead.

"Morning babe. Why are you up this early?" I turn to the empty space beside me, grabbing his  pillow. I then embrace it real hard. I allow myself to breath in his familiar scent.

"Its already 7 am just so you know my dearest anchovy. And why are you smelling my pillow? You could have smell the owner instead." he said with humor. He by passsed the bed and occupy the lounge chair with his Ipad on hand.

I guess he'll read those boring business reports again. Honestly, I'd rather spend my whole day watching my One Piece DVD collection than having an Ipad with endless business terms I don't even know the meaning. Oh well... opposite do attract right?

"Hahaha! You wish! What do you want for breakfast, Donghae-ah?" I hastily pull myself up. Not bothering about my bed hair. I stagger my way to the bathroom and do my morning care.

"Don't bother cook. We'll have breakfast with mom." Since I left the door open, I clearly heard what he said.

Breakfast with his mom? Like I'll be meeting Mrs. Lee? My boyfriend's birth mother? OMG!! How come he didn't inform me at least two days ago? I don't even have something for her. Aishh! This fish!

"W-what?? Is today her birthday?" I asked as I stripped down my clothes.

"No. She j

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maryell2018 #1
Chapter 3: i read the same story in this website but instead of eunhae as the main characters it was kyuwook, and they were victoria as the sister of the ceo, OC as the sister of ryeowook, donghae as the brother in- law of ryeowook, changmin who kept ryeowook as his husband in us,.
and so more..there is a plagiarism involved,.i dont know who is the original though.
961 streak #2
Chapter 41: I'm not sure if you are still around. So, I am just going to give a summary comment.
You have a good story. I may go with Hyuk marrying his first love, not knowing that Donghae is alive. But, it was so hard for me to take that Hyuk stayed with Donghae and put up with all the pain just so Donghae can love him back. I probably have too much of a pride to do that.
But I'm glad everything ends well. Congratulations.
Thank you so much for sharing.
adira5 #3
Chapter 4: Your story is the best author-nim. lucky me to read this story. eunhae is the best. hehe keep it up author-nim :)
milesmilehyuk #4
Chapter 27: our decepcoin that he just falls for the person who kills his great love, is it?
Chapter 41: erm.. the storyline is there, but the plot a bit scattered here and there.. and 5years kinda long time if you ask me.. but for the development of the story? yes, it does have it own pros and cons.

but but but, who am i to judge anyways.. me myself cant write a single story by myself. hope you can accept this opinion since i've read tons of eunhae fanfics hehehe xD

keep it up, author-nim! :)
Chapter 15: hyuk give himself away easily makes the story a bit boring honestly lol
i dunno what to blame, hyuk's easy-self (?) or hae's egoist side ㅋ
gogo15eoul #7
when i read this story EunHae has realised their new album growing pains & it's already fit this fan fic even the name fit it more
so note for new reader when u are about chapter 25 u can listen to it when u read until the end of story
This cold night street
These heartbreaking footsteps
Some day, it’ll all pass
Memories of us crazily in love
It will slowly flow down
Forgotten with time

I tried going into your closed heart
But in this empty room
I discovered ourselves already broken
So it hurts

But I hope you aren’t hurting as much as me
I hope for this every day, countlessly
I hope you won’t remember as much as I do
I hope you’re better than me
Oh today and tomorrow

My thoughts that were filled with you
Even those thoughts push me away as if they’re irritated
I chase after the clock hands, chase after time
But there, I discovered you leaving
I’m in a rush and you’re in a hurry to leave
Like an express train, my footsteps are rushed every day
(Surrendered to the memories)
Now we’re like an old and worn notebook filled with scribbles

so donghae replied:
I tried going into my lost memories
But now I can’t see you
I discovered ourselves already disappeared
So it hurts (it hurts so much)

But I hope you aren’t hurting as much as me
I hope for this every day, countlessly
I hope you won’t remember as much as I do
I hope you’re better than me

Oh today and tomorrow

One Two Three Four Five (I put it all down today)
I guess I’m forgetting (I can’t really see you)
Five Four Three Two One, I think time is up

But I hope you aren’t hurting as much as me
I hope for this every day, countlessly
I hope you won’t remember as much as I do
I hope you’re better than me

Oh today and tomorrow
gogo15eoul #8
Chapter 28: I really hate that hyukjae here how he can still have a face's water to look for hae after he loved another one for sake his happiness Tsk
U. Know u deserve more than that pain at least u lived years loved & good times with the one who almost killed your love
gogo15eoul #9
Chapter 27: yaaaaaaaaah auther-nim thats too much
sorry for cursed u but u make me crying for sake 3 chapters huh?
and how's that hyukkie even live so easly and even married another one and even forgive him for killing his hae and start all over again and love happily with him not even take a revenge for hae's death and yet u say he even still love hae ?yeah sure and live his life i hated him so much here he deserve to be in that pain