Chapter 35

My CEO Boyfriend
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  I was thinking if I should go and check on Eunhyuk and Ryeowook outside but then I thought it was better for them to have a talk on their own. I’m quite sad for Wook’s departure because I’m not accustomed in not seeing him almost everyday or talk to him over the phone before retiring to bed. It became a second nature to me. But on the other hand, I’m looking forward to spend more time with Hyuk.      Unlike the past weeks that I treat him coldly, I’m more comfortable with him now. We even slept in one bed when I was drunk. It wasn’t really bad having someone to cuddle and I think I will get use to it from now on.     I turn my gaze when the door opens revealing a serious faced Ryeowook.     Kyuhyun went to his side and guided him back to the chair. This time instead of occupying his original seat, he settled on Kyuhyun’s.      “Where’s Eunhyuk hyung?” his husband asked while serving him a plate of sweet and sour pork.     Just in time the door opens. It was Hyukjae this time around.     He gave me a small smile and went to his seat. He was quiet and a little sad for a reason I don’t know.     “Let’s eat.” My mom said and we started eating.     I grabbed the plate of Restaurante Isabelle’s best seller, Seafood Pasta and transfer some on Hyuk’s plate.     “Try this. It’s really good.” I said encouragingly.     “Thanks, Hae.” He purred.     I know something happened between the Lee brothers. Usually when we have double dates –courtesy of Ryeowook – the atmosphere is lively and happy unlike now. I can feel the tension building up and it really bugs me to know the reason.      ‘IS IT POSSIBLE THAT I AM THE REASON BEHIND THEIR MISUNDERSTANDING?’     -----*****-----     “Is everything okay, Hyuk?” I managed to ask the troubled man beside me.     We are now on our way to the airport but he still remained silent.     “Yes.” When did he become a man of few words?      I hastily pull my Audi to a stop on the side road and face him angrily.     “What the hell is your problem, Lee Hyukjae?! I’ve been so very patient with you these past hours but you’re getting on my nerves already. What happened after you had a talk with Ryeowook? Tell me!”     He shifts his eyes from outside the window to me. His eyes are melancholic and fuzzy.      “We had an argument.”      “About what? Aish!! Stop the drama already, Hyuk.”     “About you.” He then bowed his head and clasped his hands together.     “Is this about my closeness with him again?”     Instead of answering me with words, he just nods.     I put my right hand on top of his clasped hands while I use the left one to caress his face, lifting his chin for our eyes to meet.     “Listen to me Hyuk. Your brother is someone I treasure the most in my life. We did a lot of things together, shared a lot of secrets, dreams and fantasies. As much as I don’t want to hurt you, I don’t have a choice. One way or another you will find out about this, so better hear it straight from me. Hyuk, I like your brother.”     I saw the pain and disappointment in his eyes and whether I deny it myself, I’m the one that caused it. I’m guilty without doubts. He then withdrew his hand from mine and quickly turns around, opening the car door.      “Hyuk, wait!”      Before I knew it, I’m running after him.      ‘FASTER HAE! FASTER!’     And I did run double time to catch up with him.      “Hyuk… please…” I hold him by the wrist and pull him to face me.     ‘SEE WHAT YOU’VE DONE, FISHY? YOUR BOYFRIEND IS CRYING AGAIN. TSK...TSK... WHEN WILL YOU STOP HURTING HIM?’     “Why does it have to be my brother, Hae? Why him? He’s freaking married!” he said whilst crying and punching me hard on my chest.     Instead of answering, I hugged him tight.     “I’m sorry, Hyuk. I’m really sorry.” My own tears begin staining my face as well. My emotions are all over the place but mine is not important for now. This time I need to focus on Hyuk and not on anyone else.      He needed me the most right now and I don’t have a heart to hurt him… AGAIN.     “Choose me, Hae. Choose me… please… Be with me again…” he cried.     “Ssshhh… I’m choosing you, Hyuk and no one else. Ssshhh… stop crying now.”      I cupped his face and allow my thumb to dry his tears. I then kiss him on his forehead first, then on the tip of his nose before finally closing the gap of our lips. This is the first time I’m kissing him again and like those in fairy tales, the feeling is heavenly and paralyzing at the same time.     -----*****-----     Since Hyuk is not feeling well – emotionally in that case – I took him home instead. I informed Kyuhyun what happened and he said its okay and he understands. Also, he takes the responsibility to tell the others about the unfortunate event. On the other hand, I chose not to call Ryeowook. He is hurt – mad even – at the moment and if I try to have a talk with him, things will only get worst. It’s better to back off for now and do it some other time.      “Hae?”      “Hmmm?”      “Have you talked to Ryeowook?” he’s sitting in one of the tall kitchen stools, eyes spying my every move.     I’m currently bustling around the kitchen to prepare something for him. Something that will lighten the heavy feeling he’s having at the moment. It’s my own version of rice balls. YES! I called it RICE BALLS ala FISHY. Aside from fried eggs, hotdogs, and bacon I can also make rice balls. Well, this recipe isn’t as special as Jieun’s Salmon Pasta and Mom’s Beef Casserole dish but I tell you every time I make this, they go gaga over it! That’s how special this recipe can be!      I add the last ingredient, put it aside for five minutes and turn to him while washing my hands on the sink.     “No. I called Kyuhyun-ah. He said its okay and you should rest.”     I walk over to the fridge to grab a can of soda and strawberry milk. You know which belongs to me and to him, right?      I take the vacant stool beside him, opening up his favorite drink.     “You think my brother’s still mad at me? Do you think he hates me now?” he takes a sip on the drink and look straight at me.     “I’m not him to say anything.” I did the same with my drink as I stare at him too.      “I’m really bothered, Hae. This is the first time we talked like that, though
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maryell2018 #1
Chapter 3: i read the same story in this website but instead of eunhae as the main characters it was kyuwook, and they were victoria as the sister of the ceo, OC as the sister of ryeowook, donghae as the brother in- law of ryeowook, changmin who kept ryeowook as his husband in us,.
and so more..there is a plagiarism involved,.i dont know who is the original though.
961 streak #2
Chapter 41: I'm not sure if you are still around. So, I am just going to give a summary comment.
You have a good story. I may go with Hyuk marrying his first love, not knowing that Donghae is alive. But, it was so hard for me to take that Hyuk stayed with Donghae and put up with all the pain just so Donghae can love him back. I probably have too much of a pride to do that.
But I'm glad everything ends well. Congratulations.
Thank you so much for sharing.
adira5 #3
Chapter 4: Your story is the best author-nim. lucky me to read this story. eunhae is the best. hehe keep it up author-nim :)
milesmilehyuk #4
Chapter 27: our decepcoin that he just falls for the person who kills his great love, is it?
Chapter 41: erm.. the storyline is there, but the plot a bit scattered here and there.. and 5years kinda long time if you ask me.. but for the development of the story? yes, it does have it own pros and cons.

but but but, who am i to judge anyways.. me myself cant write a single story by myself. hope you can accept this opinion since i've read tons of eunhae fanfics hehehe xD

keep it up, author-nim! :)
Chapter 15: hyuk give himself away easily makes the story a bit boring honestly lol
i dunno what to blame, hyuk's easy-self (?) or hae's egoist side ㅋ
gogo15eoul #7
when i read this story EunHae has realised their new album growing pains & it's already fit this fan fic even the name fit it more
so note for new reader when u are about chapter 25 u can listen to it when u read until the end of story
This cold night street
These heartbreaking footsteps
Some day, it’ll all pass
Memories of us crazily in love
It will slowly flow down
Forgotten with time

I tried going into your closed heart
But in this empty room
I discovered ourselves already broken
So it hurts

But I hope you aren’t hurting as much as me
I hope for this every day, countlessly
I hope you won’t remember as much as I do
I hope you’re better than me
Oh today and tomorrow

My thoughts that were filled with you
Even those thoughts push me away as if they’re irritated
I chase after the clock hands, chase after time
But there, I discovered you leaving
I’m in a rush and you’re in a hurry to leave
Like an express train, my footsteps are rushed every day
(Surrendered to the memories)
Now we’re like an old and worn notebook filled with scribbles

so donghae replied:
I tried going into my lost memories
But now I can’t see you
I discovered ourselves already disappeared
So it hurts (it hurts so much)

But I hope you aren’t hurting as much as me
I hope for this every day, countlessly
I hope you won’t remember as much as I do
I hope you’re better than me

Oh today and tomorrow

One Two Three Four Five (I put it all down today)
I guess I’m forgetting (I can’t really see you)
Five Four Three Two One, I think time is up

But I hope you aren’t hurting as much as me
I hope for this every day, countlessly
I hope you won’t remember as much as I do
I hope you’re better than me

Oh today and tomorrow
gogo15eoul #8
Chapter 28: I really hate that hyukjae here how he can still have a face's water to look for hae after he loved another one for sake his happiness Tsk
U. Know u deserve more than that pain at least u lived years loved & good times with the one who almost killed your love
gogo15eoul #9
Chapter 27: yaaaaaaaaah auther-nim thats too much
sorry for cursed u but u make me crying for sake 3 chapters huh?
and how's that hyukkie even live so easly and even married another one and even forgive him for killing his hae and start all over again and love happily with him not even take a revenge for hae's death and yet u say he even still love hae ?yeah sure and live his life i hated him so much here he deserve to be in that pain