Chapter 7

I love you, cheater


‘Hi sulli, hey dork’ Krystal greeted them both.

‘Krystal, you already know Amber?’

‘Yeah, we met at the party.’

Amber widens her eyes and avoid Sulli’s gaze.

‘Really? She told me she didn’t meet you…’

‘She was drunk; now let’s go,’ and Krystal together with the other two went inside the mall. They looked around from shops to shops. They’re both exciting girls over shopping but still … different… Sulli shops for something … normal, not so outstanding, so down-to-earth and pale colors. Krystal would go for brand name, and well… something bold and evil … from afar anyone can tell who is the devil and who’s the angel, Sulli’s aura spelled pure while Krystal’s aura spelled D-E-A-T-H


‘Krystal, you’re so fun to go shopping with!’

‘I love shopping, back in the states sometimes I can’t stop buying until my gold card gave a red alert,’

‘Whoa ~ you have a gold card?’

‘Yeah…I’m so jealous of Jess though, she has a black card just because she’s older!!! I can’t wait for college, and then I can have a black card that has no limit!’ ^^

‘GAGa, you don’t like shopping, Krystal, you’re crazy about shopping!!’

‘I know right? I especially love bags and accessories; they make any outfit look fashionable instantly!’


The two girls were happily chatting nonstop but all in Amber’s head right now is full of question mark. Seriously, they are wasting money on stuff normal people don’t need. Sulli is buying what she mostly had in her wardrobe already and Krystal….well, everything she has bought looked like they are enough create a runway show already.


To Amber’s relief, they soon finished their shopping and have to return home as Sulli raise her issue that she has to do some revision for her quiz tomorrow. Krystal somehow looked as though she didn’t know about the upcoming quiz until Sulli mentioned.


And all Amber’s relief disappeared as. . .


‘Amber, can you take Krystal home?’

‘come again?’  O.O?!!!

‘Sooyoung’s gonna pick me up with her bike and it’s only enough for two people.’

Spending more time with devil. Seriously!!! >,<


‘look she’s here already, bye Amber, bye Krys! I can call you Krys right?’

‘Sure,’ Krystal waved her new friend goodbye.


And as soon as Sulli disappear along with her sister’s bike, Krystal started walking.

‘Hey!’ Amber turned her around, ‘I think I should be taking you home.’

‘I can take care of myself.’

‘Nope you can’t, you let a stranger take advantage when you’re drunk.’

‘You’re suppose to forget that u,u’

‘As long as you’re in front of me, I can’t just pretend nothing ever happens!’

‘Why do I feel like the conversation just drift to the wrong direction?’ ==”?

‘Hmm, I feel the same way. Change topic.’

‘Not needed. Cause I’m going now.’


‘For your information, I don’t go home with you, you always take unimportant things a big deal.’


And with that, Krystal took her shopping bags from Amber’s hand and disappeared into a cab, which Amber didn’t even know since when it was even there in the first place.


‘Well, first I got kick out of her house, and now I’m abandoned in front of the mall.’ Amber talked to herself.

But then . . . her bus pass is in her wallet.

Her wallet is in her bagpack.

And her bagpack is not there with her.

‘Oh, damn!!’

The devil must have taken Amber’s bag along with her shopping bags.

On purpose.

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niconico12 #1
Chapter 28: 2021
lolli_mayan #2
I guess you need to update this one. lol
Its just that you're already in the kryber line after sulber. haha
Please continue this story. I want to see the whipped amber and a more devil krystal jung. :)
Countingme #3
Chapter 28: Hey author-shi
You don't update this story anymore?
Or it just been on hiatus?

Sorry im just curious
Btw your story is interesting :D i kinda like it
arrene28 #4
Chapter 28: Wow. This fic sure made me laugh multiple times. Haha. It's cute.
asiankiss #5
The ice cream deal is still on, author.....
asiankiss #6
Chapter 28: Please update now!:(( I'm gonna treat you an ice cream just please update this now!!:((((
leejuyon14 #7
Chapter 28: author waiting for your update..
Chapter 28: Update... Update... Update...
Seriously, i'm going crazy....
cooljags #9
Chapter 28: Update soon. I like your story
Junjji #10
Chapter 28: O.o what u gonna do with little kitty krys?lol. Hard to wait for the next update. Plzzzz pretty plzzz auhorsii. U r killing ur reader here :))