Things that can go wrong P3

I love you, cheater


Amber is so over the reaction that eveyone is giving her just because she showed up with a purple bruise on her right cheek just below the eye.



Jessica eyed her as a hawk as if wondering what have Amber done to earn her a nice stamp on her face. Seriously she is the injured one!!! 



Yuri just have ert smile on her face the whole time as if saying, 'i knew what u did there, bro', well seriously i didnt do anything!!! except the irritating, touching and kneading ....hmmm.... and think about that Amber almost plastered the infamous ert smile like Yuri on her face too!! luckily she caught herself in time. Lucky her.



Sooyoung has this alaming look on her face and look like she is so desparate for an answer. Well Soo, i squeeze her and she punch me. you  wanna tell your sister that?



Sunny has this disappointing look on her face. i dont understand her either. if i hadnt know her well i would've thought she is hooking me up with that hot brat. Seriously what a brat!!!



And the witch who punch me, she still look mad. like the is too little of a punishment for me! i  You should feel yourself punch. i never know a petite figure with slender limbs can hit this hard. You even fist your hand correctly, you learnt boxing or something u,u



 ‘My baby jung will not share a room with you, Llama, don’t even dream about it’ Jess hissed at me and protectively.


‘What do you think I can do to her? Is my bruise not visible enough for you?’ I point to the bruise on my right cheek. And seriously, that emo jung is  the one who is always pissed off at everything I do, what's her problem anyway!!



So it ends up that Yulsic and Soosun gets their room and Amber and Krystal will sleep in different room. However, we were still hanging around at the hotel swimming pool drinking. Everyone except Krystal. I guess she is either too tired or just dont wanna see my face. u,u

We didnt even get to drink much. they just wanna go back to their room and rest. seirously am i the only one here to think that this trip is dull u,u

Do they just come all far away just so they can have in a far away land or something? =="




anyway i can at lease have a peaceful night. 






Or so i thought u,u









*knock knock knock*





i stirred in bed.






more knocks.....







ok, who wanna get killed??? i so need my sleep!!!!







i turn on my bed lamps as i heard more knocks rapidly. Damn it. i glance at my watchy lying on my bed post, 
















OMG!!!! 3:07???? anyone else watch 'The conjuring' and got freak out like me at 3:07???!!! >.<







i open the door when i peak through and see that Krys is outside. well, a girl come to you in the night, who will turn down offer like that right ? >:D


Actually i was just scared of her if i dt open the door. That little witch can be so violent u,u






She walk in and close the door quickly. and locked it. Then drag me to bed, where she sit on it and pull me down to sit next to her.


ok, am i getting ? u,u


'i can't go to my sis or anyone else cuz they a busy.' she said.


yeah i know what they doing so busy, kryst. but seriously until 3? ==" some stemina you got there, but my naughty logic stop soon after when i sense that the Krystal sitting in front of me right now is somehow different.


'Hey, what's wrong?'

'Can we just sleep? i woke up and feel scared.' and she said and give me that doe eyes. Woah, i never know she can be so ...doe-ish? =="  it even look sincere!!! she is either really a good pretender or some chick with split personality....


i just shrugged since i know i don't have a choice anyway, i dt want to wake up with another buise on my face u,u 

i go back to bed and she climbed in after me, when i pull up the blanket to cover


She hug me close and bury her face crush in my body. that's when i realize i'm in deep .



Gosh, the smoky krystal jung is only wearing a singlet now, that silky cool lacy night gown.....


R.I.P sleep, you wont get any tonight, i thought to myself.




i feel like i should apologize to those who read this chapter before i update this notice. sorry to disappoint u guys by accidentally mark this story rated :P  

i just dt think i can write rated fanfic yet, hehe ;D

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niconico12 #1
Chapter 28: 2021
lolli_mayan #2
I guess you need to update this one. lol
Its just that you're already in the kryber line after sulber. haha
Please continue this story. I want to see the whipped amber and a more devil krystal jung. :)
Countingme #3
Chapter 28: Hey author-shi
You don't update this story anymore?
Or it just been on hiatus?

Sorry im just curious
Btw your story is interesting :D i kinda like it
arrene28 #4
Chapter 28: Wow. This fic sure made me laugh multiple times. Haha. It's cute.
asiankiss #5
The ice cream deal is still on, author.....
asiankiss #6
Chapter 28: Please update now!:(( I'm gonna treat you an ice cream just please update this now!!:((((
leejuyon14 #7
Chapter 28: author waiting for your update..
Chapter 28: Update... Update... Update...
Seriously, i'm going crazy....
cooljags #9
Chapter 28: Update soon. I like your story
Junjji #10
Chapter 28: O.o what u gonna do with little kitty krys?lol. Hard to wait for the next update. Plzzzz pretty plzzz auhorsii. U r killing ur reader here :))