Clingy Girlfriend

I love you, cheater

Amber' Pov


'How long did you kiss her exactly?'


Is that how we greet each other now? u,u?


'I thought you said we're not bringing this up again anymore,'


'i just wanna know...'


'well,'  i raked my brained for an answer, 'i don't remember cuz after that happen i just fall asleep'


'You fall asleep kissing her?' Sulli asked me and i see that lips twitch a little as she try to control not to smile or smirk about it.


'Sounds about right ' No, i sleep with her , then i fall asleep with her.


'hmmm, that sounds alot beter' Sulli finally smiled.


'there is something i gotta tell you Sul, ' and i smiled proudly of myself.


'you score another girl?'' Sulli replied sarcastically


'No, i got in our school music club'


'oh....' Sulli smiled disappear alittle 'then you're not gonna be waiting for me finishing my cheerleader practice right?'


'Yeah, sorry about that Sulli, i just got into that recently, but on days that we finish the same time, i'll still take you home,'


'i don't like that, Amb, ' Sulli sighed, 'i want you to be somewhere i can keep my eyes on. '


Is that that likely I'm gonna get drunk and do it with someone else, AGAIN?? =="

*Next Day, still Amber POv*


The stupid sunlight that shine through the window is hurting my eyes. Who the hell open the curtain anyway, i always have it closed to protect my sleep. And who is it that shaking my body vigorously !!! >,<


annoyed with the morning chaos i sat up straight suddenly  and ... uh oh, wrong move...


'URGH"  i grab my head instantly, it feels heavy and its like someone is squeezing my head, gah, must've gotton so drunk last ngiht u,u 


i reached for my cellphone to look for the time but ....


'MOther f***king lord!!!, how the hell??!! ' seriously???? 96miscalls and 25 messages from Sulli????? O.o?


'Do you always curse this much?'  

'What the hell!!' i almost throw my new phone to the floor from shock. What is she doing here?

'Amber, you were drunk last night.' 

'No, we just had a little gathering, and i just drink cuz they do it to welcome me.' i lied

'I'm the one who take you home,' Sulli said and rollerd her eyes.

'Okay... yes, there is a little "drink"  i gave my sheepish smile, hehe xD

'Amber , you promise me you wont be drinking unless under my supervision.'

'No, i didnt!!' and you're starting to sound like Hitler, Sull u,u

'well, from now on you'll promise me you wont be drinking unless i was there to take care of you.'

'you don't have to worry about that, Sull'

'don't have to? i was worried sick!! '

'Well, i can tell from the 96 miscalls u,u how did u managed that anyway? ==?  '

'I'm serious!! I don't like it when i cant contact you, you never pick up your phone!!'

'Geez, relax mum....'

'What did you say?' 






i look at Sulli gasped....















'That's it, AM!! i'm not letting you go an inch out of my sight anymore!!! Quit that club'

'Sulli, you're being unreasonable.'


'can we not have this talk now? we're late for class'

'says the girl who got into a club where she got drunk on weekdays? Genius!'

'Sulli, i'm sorry i got drunk, i will stop drinking so much from now on , if thats what u want.'

'Good, you should just said that from the start,  Now go wash up, we gonna go to school second session, ' Sulli pushed me to the bathroom.




Just when i thought Sulli gonna slack off with me a whole day u,u





*at Amber's Music club*


'yes? surely i will call u as soon as i finished' i assured my girlfriend on the phone, i just enter my club and before i can even greet anyone she called u,u



'No, sull, i have it until late evening,' i told sulli, its exactly an hour later from the previous phone call and it make me think my cute girlfriend is tracking on my everymove now u,u

'you should really quit that club, its effecting your study' Sulli sounded so annoyed on the phone. and this club thing is just starting....=="

'Sul baby, its just today, i'm new and the captain need to teach me how to read music note'


'Amber, are you done yet?' Yoona ask me  and i just nod my head at her in apologize


'Amber, is that a girl's voice? who are you with?' 

'No sul!! its just my instructor,'

'Come on, Amber, i'm so hungry here and stuck with u...' 


i saw Yoona annoyed face, stomping on her feet, and i guess there is nothing much i can do


'listen Sul, i'm gonna hang up= now, i'll call u ASAP'




and i hang up quickly not wanting to drag the conversation further, however, just when i join Yoona back , my phone rang again. i look at Yoona apologeticaly and ignore the call. however the calls keep coming....

'if you're that busy that shouldnt' join this club you know?' she quainted her eyes on me


 i know i shouldnt be busy thinking about this, but you look awfully lot like someone i know Yoona u,u


'I'm sorry, i will just take one more call,' i bit my lips and answer the phone. and from the corner of my eye, i saw Yoona rolled her eyes, seriously she is just like someone i know....u,u








if that's a serious question i'll go with , or what u,u


'Sulli, pls stop calling me - '




'AMBER, ARE YOU TAKING ME SERIOUS OR NOT???' Yoona scolded me, God damn it, one woman at a time please!!!!!




'Sulli, dt call me, i'll explain later- 





but i alrdy turn off my phone.

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niconico12 #1
Chapter 28: 2021
lolli_mayan #2
I guess you need to update this one. lol
Its just that you're already in the kryber line after sulber. haha
Please continue this story. I want to see the whipped amber and a more devil krystal jung. :)
Countingme #3
Chapter 28: Hey author-shi
You don't update this story anymore?
Or it just been on hiatus?

Sorry im just curious
Btw your story is interesting :D i kinda like it
arrene28 #4
Chapter 28: Wow. This fic sure made me laugh multiple times. Haha. It's cute.
asiankiss #5
The ice cream deal is still on, author.....
asiankiss #6
Chapter 28: Please update now!:(( I'm gonna treat you an ice cream just please update this now!!:((((
leejuyon14 #7
Chapter 28: author waiting for your update..
Chapter 28: Update... Update... Update...
Seriously, i'm going crazy....
cooljags #9
Chapter 28: Update soon. I like your story
Junjji #10
Chapter 28: O.o what u gonna do with little kitty krys?lol. Hard to wait for the next update. Plzzzz pretty plzzz auhorsii. U r killing ur reader here :))