
I love you, cheater

Krystal's POV


I feels everyone's eyes on me after Sulli drag Amber away. sighed, why did i have to drag myself into something so complicated u,u 


'Do you guys think i'm free to go like them too?'  I asked stupidly, urgh, that's why i hate hanging out in a big group like my sister. its bounded with rules and you have to think of other people's feeling. Urgh


i look at Jess face and she shook her head lightly , 'seem like u got a little more to explain, little sis'

'gosh, what do you guys want me to do? You expect me to ask every single person if they're free before i kiss them?' 

'Yeah, you kinda should....' Sunny who always been silent this whole time finally spoke up, 'but you know sometimes things just happen, its called fate'


and she finished that sentence with a wierd look on her face i guess she was trying to be dreamy...? u,u


'Don't tell me you still ship them, Sunny, i got enought headache' then Jess unnie turn to me, 'you must have been so drunk to kiss Amber'

'Why are you always picking on Amber, babe' Yuri unnie said and pulled my sister closer and peck my her cheek. 



Yuck, don't do it in front of me u,u




'i was drunk yeah, i stumble on Amber and made out with her, i guess if i found Yuri i might kiss her too, '

'REALLY?' Yuri exclaimed and somehow push my sister a little  away as she turn to me.







R.I.P, Yuri unnie, i hope you're still alive after that u,u








'KWON YURI!!!! WE NEED TO TALK!!!! ' and with that my sister drag Yuri by the ear and took her upstair to her room, but on her half way she stop and turn around to face me,  


'You know what krys? it sounds wierdly disturbing so stop it' 




i just raise both my hands in the air in surrender, duh, i don't even like Yuri, big sis, dont have to be so possessive u,u





but i have better thing to worry about here, i mean , Sooyoung seem quiet like a protective sister.....




'Krystal, i need to know where you stand.'

'i don't like her, so u dont have to worry.' i assure her though she doesnt look convinced u,u

what does she see in that Amber-dork anyway >,<

'Sulli is your friend too right, if you care about her, don't do anything stupid. '



well, we go shopping once and we talk in class but she is not exactly my friend, Soo u,u

i didnt know what to tell her so i just nod my head. i know how we siblings care about each other you know.. i mean if some random girl just show up and try to take Yuri away from Jess, i'm sure i'll be sensitvie too....though i don't think that girl survive my Jess unnie to meet me and get her lesson u,u



'You know what is the glue that hold a group of friend together?' Sooyoung look me in the eye.


Serously how long is this talk gonna last? 


'' it's the rule that hold us all together. We don't date each other's girl- '

'Stop it, Soo, i think i have to make myself clear here, i don't like Amber. She is short and dorky, '

after i said that, i glanced at sunny and saw her giggles as thought what i said was cute., well at least she stop when i continue, ' and she is not that smart, i mean what kind of stupid blur out whatever going on in their head like that?


'moreover, ' i added, ' i dt know if it is becuz of she's drunk, but she is definitely a sloppy kisser, seriously if i were u i would be worried more about how your sister put up with that dork then worried about that dork leaving her, i mean Sulli can do , wayyyyyyyy better than Amber'





and after i finish my speech i see Sunny rubbing her neck uncomfortably and Sooyoung with a raised eyebrow on her face.




'Well, i just wanna make sure you guys are not up to something,' She spoke in a kinda voice

'You know when i don't talk about it, or tell Sulli, it's not becuz we are hiding anything, its just meaningless and there is not need to bring something like that up to ruin their relationship, you know.' 

'hmmm, thx for telling me that, i guess you should tell that to Sulli too, ' Sooyoung pat on my shoulder. 




'Oh.... and Kryst?'






She needed to talk more or something??? 






'a few drops of alcohol on cotton and rub on her face and the ink will go away. '








Next day at school , still Krystal's Pov :



'you dont have to worry, i already talk to Amb' 

My class is about to start now but the teacher hasnt come yet so here i am, trying to talk to Sul. She doesnt look like she wanna talk to me though u,u

'So everything's fine now?'

'Yeah, i just let her go since she said she only do it becuz she miss me and she thought you were me.'

you're trying to make me feel inferior here or something....? u,u i dont like that, wrong move, girlfriend...

'really? ah, she must be going so hard on you everytime you guys kiss then, she is like so aggressive?! She kissed in a i-got-to-have-you-now way, you know....' 


'Y-yeah, that's how she is, ' Sulli said after widen her eyes and bit her lips








....kkk feel so devil inside here :D








Sorry Amb, I saved you once but seems like you gonna need to deal with Sulli a little more later xD




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niconico12 #1
Chapter 28: 2021
lolli_mayan #2
I guess you need to update this one. lol
Its just that you're already in the kryber line after sulber. haha
Please continue this story. I want to see the whipped amber and a more devil krystal jung. :)
Countingme #3
Chapter 28: Hey author-shi
You don't update this story anymore?
Or it just been on hiatus?

Sorry im just curious
Btw your story is interesting :D i kinda like it
arrene28 #4
Chapter 28: Wow. This fic sure made me laugh multiple times. Haha. It's cute.
asiankiss #5
The ice cream deal is still on, author.....
asiankiss #6
Chapter 28: Please update now!:(( I'm gonna treat you an ice cream just please update this now!!:((((
leejuyon14 #7
Chapter 28: author waiting for your update..
Chapter 28: Update... Update... Update...
Seriously, i'm going crazy....
cooljags #9
Chapter 28: Update soon. I like your story
Junjji #10
Chapter 28: O.o what u gonna do with little kitty krys?lol. Hard to wait for the next update. Plzzzz pretty plzzz auhorsii. U r killing ur reader here :))