To those who love, know when to let go

I love you, cheater

*Sulli's POV*


OMG why do i have to have so many skirts and dresses!!! i can't decide which one to leave and which ones i should take with me!!! i want to take them all with my but surely i can't!!! gah !!!! >,< 


i look at the pile of clothes around my room, they are divided into sections on my bed now. there are the piles that i definitely have to take with me ( a large one) and a pile that i'm not sure ( also a large one) and there's suppsoed to be a pile of clothes taht i wont be taking but they are all so cute and new i can't afford to leave them T,T


As run through my closets drawer again i come to a box. a big pink box with flowers and ribbons on it. i recognise it. it's the box where i keep all the cards, letters and stuff that Amber gave me. i open the box and see the cards and some paper craft animals amber gave me. i picked up a card and read : 


Happy anniversary, Sul!!! i love you, its been just a month that we dated but i can't wait to give you a present, hehe, i love you, hope you like the  watch.


Ps, I love you <3


i smiled, i almost forgot how many times Amber write i love you in one small cards that she gave me. she used to be like that, contantly remind me that she love me, but as times passed, we stopped doing that. to my surprise, as time pass i dont bother too whether she said i love you or not...


i go through all the other the other cards. its all the same loving cards  that used to make me feel shy and happy and content, now that we broke up, i supposed i should feel heartbroken and cry out loud pathetically when i see it. however, don't feel all that, and i just smile looking at the little proof of love i used to share with Amber.


i have to say i feel more relieved that now we're not together anymore. we both drag this relationship to last longer that it should have and it has taken a toll on both of us. For now all i hope is that we can be at least be friends afterward.


'You're right, Amber.' You're right i was selfish i want to keep you to myself just because  i need to feel secure, just becuase i need to feel the normity of being in love with you. i'm so wrong. and my mistake have hurt you.



i put everything bag into the box and close it. i wrote on a post it note 'to those who love, know when to let go' and stick it on the box. now that should be my life lesson. know when to let go so you both will be saved from the pain taht you unintentionally inflick on yourself and the person you care about. 



At least now i'm at ease. i loved you once, Amber, and i'll like you for always now that i consider you the best of friend i have.

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niconico12 #1
Chapter 28: 2021
lolli_mayan #2
I guess you need to update this one. lol
Its just that you're already in the kryber line after sulber. haha
Please continue this story. I want to see the whipped amber and a more devil krystal jung. :)
Countingme #3
Chapter 28: Hey author-shi
You don't update this story anymore?
Or it just been on hiatus?

Sorry im just curious
Btw your story is interesting :D i kinda like it
arrene28 #4
Chapter 28: Wow. This fic sure made me laugh multiple times. Haha. It's cute.
asiankiss #5
The ice cream deal is still on, author.....
asiankiss #6
Chapter 28: Please update now!:(( I'm gonna treat you an ice cream just please update this now!!:((((
leejuyon14 #7
Chapter 28: author waiting for your update..
Chapter 28: Update... Update... Update...
Seriously, i'm going crazy....
cooljags #9
Chapter 28: Update soon. I like your story
Junjji #10
Chapter 28: O.o what u gonna do with little kitty krys?lol. Hard to wait for the next update. Plzzzz pretty plzzz auhorsii. U r killing ur reader here :))