Chapter 11

I love you, cheater

and so to celebrate my kryber poster, here it is ~ another chapter, hoho, so happy ^^


btw, i love my reader ^^




And so for the rest of the evening, everyone talked and laughed as they had a barbeque dinner in the garden. Everyone was having and time flies and they were all partying loudly.

          But then they come to a silence.

          And then the air filled with whispered.


          ‘Who is that?’

          ‘She’s y’

          ‘Plainly gorgeous’

          ‘She’s that new goth chick,’

          ‘looks like she decided to create a rule of her own’


          Amber turned around and swallowed as she looked at the goddess in front of her. She was wearing a feather red dress and walked through the sea of people who wear black and white. And it makes her shines, make her glow (as if she needed it). She stand out of the crowd. The black and white has become her background and the people’s gasped ‘ooh’ ‘woah’ sounded like a music to welcome her entrance. The feather red dress she was wearing with the way she walk make her looked like a graceful swan galloping all the way and her sharp eyes look like she can look through everything including Amber’s soul. Without knowing, Amber’s hand was slowly slipping from Sulli’s as it was trying to reach onto someone else. Krystal is approaching Amber and Amber’s heart couldn’t beat anymore faster. The lingering scent that has now reached Amber is drawing Amber closer as though it was whispering in Amber’s ear to come in more. There’s only a step apart, and when Amber was about to take that step to close distance between them, Krystal’s lips twitched as it slightly smirked and Krystal just walked pass Amber and stop in front of Sulli.

          ‘Happy Birthday,’ Krystal smiled as she handed Sulli a black envelop.

          ‘Oh,’ Sulli said when she recovered from her shock, ‘thanks’

          ‘look at who decided to crash the party ~ ‘ Yuri said in a sing sang voice and got a (hard)  nudge in the stomach from Jessica.

          ‘You seriously shouldn’t wear that dress. You do know that it supposed to be a black and white party right?’ Jessica scolded. Amber could tell she only does that half-heartedly so it wouldn’t look bad.

          ‘Well, the envelop and my eyeliner are black ~ ‘ Krystal ended with a whisper, ‘besides, I don’t like rules.’

          ‘It’s ok, this black and white thing is blinding me making feel like I’m in a black and white movies,’ Sulli said smiling.

          ‘I guess everything is fine than, come on, Soo, let’s get this party going on again,’ Sunny reminded her girlfriend.

          ‘Right, Music ON!!’ Sooyoung yelled out loud and the DJ start playing music against and everybody else started to what they were doing earlier again. Sooyoung sighed in relief as the party when back to its normal state again. They chatted and joked and got some food for the late comer, Krystal. From time to time, Krystal would sneak some martini behind her sister’s back. Later on when nobody’s looking, Krystal sneaked into the house.

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niconico12 #1
Chapter 28: 2021
lolli_mayan #2
I guess you need to update this one. lol
Its just that you're already in the kryber line after sulber. haha
Please continue this story. I want to see the whipped amber and a more devil krystal jung. :)
Countingme #3
Chapter 28: Hey author-shi
You don't update this story anymore?
Or it just been on hiatus?

Sorry im just curious
Btw your story is interesting :D i kinda like it
arrene28 #4
Chapter 28: Wow. This fic sure made me laugh multiple times. Haha. It's cute.
asiankiss #5
The ice cream deal is still on, author.....
asiankiss #6
Chapter 28: Please update now!:(( I'm gonna treat you an ice cream just please update this now!!:((((
leejuyon14 #7
Chapter 28: author waiting for your update..
Chapter 28: Update... Update... Update...
Seriously, i'm going crazy....
cooljags #9
Chapter 28: Update soon. I like your story
Junjji #10
Chapter 28: O.o what u gonna do with little kitty krys?lol. Hard to wait for the next update. Plzzzz pretty plzzz auhorsii. U r killing ur reader here :))